Whether or not to do a sequel

Constructive thoughts and criticism are exactly what I was looking for by bringing this up in a public forum.

So I appreciate your thoughts very much. Definitely things to consider.
We've all been there and good on ya for sticking yourself out there.

Sci Fi ain't my jam but it was an interesting enough concept, I got to find a way to play (my way) in it which led to some further ideas/enhancements to the stuff I prefer to right.

Literally a Win/Win.
We've all been there and good on ya for sticking yourself out there.

Sci Fi ain't my jam but it was an interesting enough concept, I got to find a way to play (my way) in it which led to some further ideas/enhancements to the stuff I prefer to right.

Literally a Win/Win.

Thanks. And I have taken to heart your comments on "Conflict" as well.

And you're definitely in the ballpark with the incest being a part of that conflict. And also pretty spot on with the ideas of how that factors in lol.

Sure you're not reading my mind? Or was it just the obvious progression staring me in the face this whole time? 😆
But, and it's hard to explain why, the incest angle seems to make the most sense at the moment.
Explanations are too in the weeds and unnecessary anyway.

Heart of it is CONFLICT.

How does incest drive the conflict? How is it the only, or at least best by a margin, solution? (those hand holding readers are going to demand it)

The recessive traits (so parent/offspring pairing is not a detriment but flipped on its head to a required advantage) was a quick and dirty example of how to use incest to your advantage.

The enhanced aging also adds in some conflict b/c there can now be legitimate mate competition between generations stirred up even further by the aliens need to get babies online ASAP.

Find your conflict, finds your theme. Use the characters you built to meet those challenges in their own particular way.
Thanks. And I have taken to heart your comments on "Conflict" as well.

And you're definitely in the ballpark with the incest being a part of that conflict. And also pretty spot on with the ideas of how that factors in lol.

Sure you're not reading my mind? Or was it just the obvious progression staring me in the face this whole time? 😆
I wouldn't say obvious but cozy. (for migrating a readership to incest themes)

And incest HAS to be the conflict. I mean, there are authors who use it and DON'T but the category has all sorts of adapters to bolt on conflict. It is a bit malpractice (if incest is your jam) to not use them.

Nothing in your story sets up for incest (as I see it) but, if you want to write towards it, it is agreeable w/o too much fuss.

Not being darling about my own idea, I still like the idea of maturity or some other device to put the mother/daughter or father/son in relationship conflict. The aliens selecting specific individuals is ripe for it. Not that a go for the "regular girl" conflict is all that hard to pull of but I feel like you've got the peg to hang the incest conflict on open (thanks to your original story) and you can benefit from it if you so chose.
Unlike some authors, I enjoy not just feedback on a story, but occasionally like to pick people's brains for ideas or advice on ideas for where it could go.

I wrote a story called The White Room about a year ago. It's still my highest rated story and has gotten overwhelming positive feedback.

I also still get requests for a sequel.

If you've already read it and don't want to hear about potential spoilers, quit reading now.

But I'm gonna assume most of you haven't read it, so a brief synopsis:

Two strangers are abducted by aliens, held captive, naked, in a strange environment.

They're experimented on, but in a positive way, their minds and bodies slowly being groomed towards perfection.

They bond during this experience and fall in love.

At the end, they consummate the relationship and she becomes pregnant, which was the aliens ultimate goal with the experiment.

The reasons why were left a mystery. Mainly, because I didn't have the answers as to WHY they needed these two strangers to create a child.

The story wasn't REALLY about the alien abduction itself so much as an exploration of the idea of how two people would react and interact when their fears and insecurities have been removed.

I've kicked around various ideas on a sequel, and have struck on one I think could be interesting to explore.

The only problem is, I don't see any way of adding a sexual element to it without it becoming incestuous.

In a way, it would still fit the original theme of the piece; the idea of being able to put aside the usual stigmas of acting on one's desires without fear or worries about judgement or repercussions or fears.

But I worry it would piss off readers who truly enjoyed the Love Story aspects of the original story by taking it in an incestuous direction.

My decision at this point is I may write the damn thing. If nothing else it will be an interesting exercise.

Whether or not I actually publish it is another question.

Unlike my characters, I DO have fears and insecurities and I worry about tainting what was, for many readers, a very positive experience by trying to recreate it and failing.

I suppose I'm using this forum as a place to simply vent my thoughts on the whole thing.

And obviously by doing so I'm encouraging feedback from others on it.

Sometimes having a conversation about these types of things, the pros and cons etc. can be very helpful.
When I write a story, I like it to be a one-off and not a sequel. The reason being is, that I get all of the story in my head, and need to write it all down in one go. It mars the momentum if I stop and continue the story another day. I lie to write Female Domination and Cross-Dressing stories. I am going to attempt an older man with a younger man, but as of yet, not sat comfortable to begin it.
I wouldn't say obvious but cozy. (for migrating a readership to incest themes)

And incest HAS to be the conflict. I mean, there are authors who use it and DON'T but the category has all sorts of adapters to bolt on conflict. It is a bit malpractice (if incest is your jam) to not use them.

Nothing in your story sets up for incest (as I see it) but, if you want to write towards it, it is agreeable w/o too much fuss.

Not being darling about my own idea, I still like the idea of maturity or some other device to put the mother/daughter or father/son in relationship conflict. The aliens selecting specific individuals is ripe for it. Not that a go for the "regular girl" conflict is all that hard to pull of but I feel like you've got the peg to hang the incest conflict on open (thanks to your original story) and you can benefit from it if you so chose.

Without giving the whole thing away; the incest will be part of the conflict.

But it won't be for the usual, stereotypical reasons... father pining after his sexy innocent daughter or daughter harboring secret desires for daddy. Or even mom.

It won't be any of the family members idea. But it won't be forced, either. Not mind control or some "do it or die" scenario. Ugh.
Without giving the whole thing away; the incest will be part of the conflict.

But it won't be for the usual, stereotypical reasons... father pining after his sexy innocent daughter or daughter harboring secret desires for daddy. Or even mom.

It won't be any of the family members idea. But it won't be forced, either. Not mind control or some "do it or die" scenario. Ugh.
All we are going for is what motivates you to ask your characters who they are (thusly what motivates them and how you can help them reach their goals/tell their story)

Whatever clicks for you clicks.

Honestly, none of those ideas you ughed are bad per se, you're just used to seeing them executed poorly.

It can be motivating to turn those things upside down. I'd argue you have even MORE freedom to do so b/c you aren't writing directly to an incest hungry audience so defying expectations might actually gain you MORE favor. (like, "Usual incest is icky so let's bond over how it's not our thing. (yet, here we are doing it. Lol)
Without giving the whole thing away; the incest will be part of the conflict.

But it won't be for the usual, stereotypical reasons... father pining after his sexy innocent daughter or daughter harboring secret desires for daddy. Or even mom.

It won't be any of the family members idea. But it won't be forced, either. Not mind control or some "do it or die" scenario. Ugh.
If, in your research, you come across any particularly good examples of an Incest/Sci Fi paring, pass them along.

I might like to stretch my muscles a little further in my freeform practice/writing and that's not a pairing I've come across (as I don't read much Sci Fi to get the starter stories and haven't seen it in Incest)
All we are going for is what motivates you to ask your characters who they are (thusly what motivates them and how you can help them reach their goals/tell their story)

Whatever clicks for you clicks.

Honestly, none of those ideas you ughed are bad per se, you're just used to seeing them executed poorly.

It can be motivating to turn those things upside down. I'd argue you have even MORE freedom to do so b/c you aren't writing directly to an incest hungry audience so defying expectations might actually gain you MORE favor. (like, "Usual incest is icky so let's bond over how it's not our thing. (yet, here we are doing it. Lol)

Wasn't my intent to come off judgmental about the "usual clichés" on incest stories. They are useful if that's the type of story one is going for.

It's just not what I have in mind for this one at all.
Wasn't my intent to come off judgmental about the "usual clichés" on incest stories. They are useful if that's the type of story one is going for.

It's just not what I have in mind for this one at all.
Didn't sense judgement.

An invitation to really turn the usual cliche suspects on their head.

You have a setup (and likely readership) that sets up beautifully for it.
If, in your research, you come across any particularly good examples of an Incest/Sci Fi paring, pass them along.

I might like to stretch my muscles a little further in my freeform practice/writing and that's not a pairing I've come across (as I don't read much Sci Fi to get the starter stories and haven't seen it in Incest)
I'm working on one right now actually. For what it's worth, the sci-fi part of it is a bit muted at first. The majority of the story is going to read more like I/T before the sci-fi aspect is revealed. That being said, it won't be published until next November. (It's for the Winter Holiday Contest.)
Didn't sense judgement.

An invitation to really turn the usual cliche suspects on their head.

You have a setup (and likely readership) that sets up beautifully for it.

Thanks. The bug has caught me so I've already begun laying out the opening.

The funny thing is, the more I'm thinking on it, the more I realize there actually won't be a ton of sex in this story.

The sexual situations that do arise will fit in naturally to the progression, but it's not going to feature heavily at all, really.

At least not right now anyway. Who knows what happens the more I write? Lol
Thanks. The bug has caught me so I've already begun laying out the opening.

The funny thing is, the more I'm thinking on it, the more I realize there actually won't be a ton of sex in this story.

The sexual situations that do arise will fit in naturally to the progression, but it's not going to feature heavily at all, really.

At least not right now anyway. Who knows what happens the more I write? Lol
You just never know. I just got done writing a scene for my story that I expected to be without sex. I expected it to be one where the two characters talked about some sexual topics, but I specifically went into the scene with the intention of no actual sex happening. My character had other intentions however. Because by the time I was done...well....It still wasn't what I would call a "sex scene" but still. Sex occurred, without my initial intent.

When the muse hits, and you are writing..sometimes you just don't know where it might take you. Have fun!
I'm working on one right now actually. For what it's worth, the sci-fi part of it is a bit muted at first. The majority of the story is going to read more like I/T before the sci-fi aspect is revealed. That being said, it won't be published until next November. (It's for the Winter Holiday Contest.)
I trust you enough that execution isn't a concern.

I do wonder on what the mindset approach must be.

It seems you suggest you are leaning heavier on the I/T aspects (smart, considering how it's the trump category here) but what do you frame as the expectations of the Sci Fi crowd in attendance? What master(s) do you feel you must serve there or do you skew more Sci for setup/relationship driver then go to I/T foundations?
You just never know. I just got done writing a scene for my story that I expected to be without sex. I expected it to be one where the two characters talked about some sexual topics, but I specifically went into the scene with the intention of no actual sex happening. My character had other intentions however. Because by the time I was done...well....It still wasn't what I would call a "sex scene" but still. Sex occurred, without my initial intent.

When the muse hits, and you are writing..sometimes you just don't know where it might take you. Have fun!

LOL. I've had that happen on more than one occasion. I'd finish writing something and go, "Oh, Hey. So that just happened" 😆
I trust you enough that execution isn't a concern.

I do wonder on what the mindset approach must be.

It seems you suggest you are leaning heavier on the I/T aspects (smart, considering how it's the trump category here) but what do you frame as the expectations of the Sci Fi crowd in attendance? What master(s) do you feel you must serve there or do you skew more Sci for setup/relationship driver then go to I/T foundations?
Yes, the I/T aspects are definitely the heavier aspects. The Sci-Fi part is actually the driving factor of how the actual Incestual relationship will come about. But only one character I'm almost 14k words into it so far, and only 1 character knows about that driving factor, and the reader doesn't know about it yet either. It won't get revealed until a bit later.
Yes, the I/T aspects are definitely the heavier aspects. The Sci-Fi part is actually the driving factor of how the actual Incestual relationship will come about. But only one character I'm almost 14k words into it so far, and only 1 character knows about that driving factor, and the reader doesn't know about it yet either. It won't get revealed until a bit later.
Sounds beautifully complex. I know I lack the sci fi chops to play in that sandbox WITHIN the I/T sandbox so I applaud a conscientious approach.
Sounds beautifully complex. I know I lack the sci fi chops to play in that sandbox WITHIN the I/T sandbox so I applaud a conscientious approach.
It's a story that started out as just being I/T, but I struggled with how to make it work. I had some moral issues with how to get the characters to do the things that needed to be done to get the story right. And then, while struggling with that moral dilemma, the Sci-Fi vehicle hit me one day. It was beautiful. It solved all my problems. It gave me a perfect way to do the things I wanted/needed to do without compromising any of my morals at all. I cannot wait to finish it. It's already by far the longest story I've ever written for Lit. but It's also the one I'm most proud of.
It's a story that started out as just being I/T, but I struggled with how to make it work. I had some moral issues with how to get the characters to do the things that needed to be done to get the story right. And then, while struggling with that moral dilemma, the Sci-Fi vehicle hit me one day. It was beautiful. It solved all my problems. It gave me a perfect way to do the things I wanted/needed to do without compromising any of my morals at all. I cannot wait to finish it. It's already by far the longest story I've ever written for Lit. but It's also the one I'm most proud of.

I look forward to reading it.
It's a story that started out as just being I/T, but I struggled with how to make it work. I had some moral issues with how to get the characters to do the things that needed to be done to get the story right. And then, while struggling with that moral dilemma, the Sci-Fi vehicle hit me one day. It was beautiful. It solved all my problems. It gave me a perfect way to do the things I wanted/needed to do without compromising any of my morals at all. I cannot wait to finish it. It's already by far the longest story I've ever written for Lit. but It's also the one I'm most proud of.
That's awesome.

I've sketched out a bit in the freeform just to see where I feel my actual skills lie.

Coming from an incest mindset has me doubting my sci fi motivating factor (if you are gonna depend on something, best to depend on your strengths, not weaknesses)

It's an interesting mix I didn't immediately see parallels existing between.
That's awesome.

I've sketched out a bit in the freeform just to see where I feel my actual skills lie.

Coming from an incest mindset has me doubting my sci fi motivating factor (if you are gonna depend on something, best to depend on your strengths, not weaknesses)

It's an interesting mix I didn't immediately see parallels existing between.
When I first joined Lit, I was not nearly the writer I am now. I've also changed as a person. I find that my stories now (so ignore my earlier works) all tend to have some form of I/T in them, as I base them all on my Wife and I and our fantasies. I am a Daddy Dom, and she is my little. So it just seems natural to me to have my sexual partner calling me Daddy. And as a result, my main characters tend to have similar relationships. Sometimes I tone it down in the story because it's not the main focus. And I've been dings on that. I've had people comment that they really enjoyed the story, right up until she called him Daddy at the end. But, First and foremost, I write for me, and my wife. Then I share with the world. And, like you said, Depend on your strengths. That is what I know. And for what it's worth, this story I am writing, is actually the first time I will ever ACTUALLY delve into a real Incestuous relationship. Up until now, it has only ever been roleplay between to consensual, unrelated adults.

I very much look forward to seeing how it turns out. I've never been this inspired in my life. Words just flowing. I wrote almost 7k words just today. I've never even had a story that long before. It's amazing.
I very much look forward to seeing how it turns out. I've never been this inspired in my life. Words just flowing. I wrote almost 7k words just today. I've never even had a story that long before. It's amazing.
No greater feeling in writing.

I will trip over my own feet, breaking facial bones in the process, just to chase that feeling caused by a category/concept I finally have an personal in road towards.

Unlike some authors, I enjoy not just feedback on a story, but occasionally like to pick people's brains for ideas or advice on ideas for where it could go.

I wrote a story called The White Room about a year ago. It's still my highest rated story and has gotten overwhelming positive feedback.

I also still get requests for a sequel.

If you've already read it and don't want to hear about potential spoilers, quit reading now.

But I'm gonna assume most of you haven't read it, so a brief synopsis:

Two strangers are abducted by aliens, held captive, naked, in a strange environment.

They're experimented on, but in a positive way, their minds and bodies slowly being groomed towards perfection.

They bond during this experience and fall in love.

At the end, they consummate the relationship and she becomes pregnant, which was the aliens ultimate goal with the experiment.

The reasons why were left a mystery. Mainly, because I didn't have the answers as to WHY they needed these two strangers to create a child.

The story wasn't REALLY about the alien abduction itself so much as an exploration of the idea of how two people would react and interact when their fears and insecurities have been removed.

I've kicked around various ideas on a sequel, and have struck on one I think could be interesting to explore.

The only problem is, I don't see any way of adding a sexual element to it without it becoming incestuous.

In a way, it would still fit the original theme of the piece; the idea of being able to put aside the usual stigmas of acting on one's desires without fear or worries about judgement or repercussions or fears.

But I worry it would piss off readers who truly enjoyed the Love Story aspects of the original story by taking it in an incestuous direction.

My decision at this point is I may write the damn thing. If nothing else it will be an interesting exercise.

Whether or not I actually publish it is another question.

Unlike my characters, I DO have fears and insecurities and I worry about tainting what was, for many readers, a very positive experience by trying to recreate it and failing.

I suppose I'm using this forum as a place to simply vent my thoughts on the whole thing.

And obviously by doing so I'm encouraging feedback from others on it.

Sometimes having a conversation about these types of things, the pros and cons etc. can be very helpful.
You could do a sequel where what the aliens were trying to accomplish was creating a number of potential second generation compatibles. Maybe the two characters from the first story weren’t the only ones abducted. Pick up 20 years later and have a dozen 19 year olds be abducted to a larger white room and see how/who pairs off. Play with some nature/nurture stuff.
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I've abandoned probably half a dozen sequels in progress when something absolutely explodes. When you capture lightning in a bottle, the odds are that you're only going to dilute the original by trying to write a sequel.
Thanks. The bug has caught me so I've already begun laying out the opening.

The funny thing is, the more I'm thinking on it, the more I realize there actually won't be a ton of sex in this story.

The sexual situations that do arise will fit in naturally to the progression, but it's not going to feature heavily at all, really.

At least not right now anyway. Who knows what happens the more I write? Lol
Well, I didn't have time yesterday, as I was caught up writing all day. But I decided to start my day today reading your story. (Got interrupted a few times with personal stuff anyways..)

Loved it. Great story.