Who is your favorite author and why?

Just do me a favor and ignore me and not communicate to me, about me, or about anything I say.
That would be the best way to leave it. I dont need to have someone like you being whatever it is you think you are to me.(which you think is caustic and witty)...(but which I know is not nice).
Just let me be and I will let you be. I dont need to try to relate my feelings to a brick wall nor do I need to hear what a shit I am from someone who knows nothing about me but decides that I am full of shit.
So, I would appreciate you just leaving your comments to yourself.
Originally posted by whispersecret:

Lasher is the Official Literotica Caustic Smart-ass.

[This message has been edited by Lasher99 (edited 06-02-2000).]
Hopefully this will make all of you feel better....

Hawkeye just stole a jeep and is driving off to Panmunjon to help get the Peace Talks rolling....
Originally posted by chatmic:
Which author or authors are you favorite ones to read in Literotica and why?

There are so may good authors here that's it's hard to choose.

Carl East hasn't posted anything I disliked, and several that are very very good.

Patrick writes some of the best incest stories I've seen anywhere.

Whispersecret's Hostile Takeover is well worth reading.

The best way to find the good stories is to go to the story feedback forum and look at the comments others have made.

(PS Lasher won't go away, but he's usually easy to ignore. Just assume when you see his name that it's something designed to get to you and pass over his posts.)
(How the fuck do you spell golashas, btw?)...

Galoshes. :)

You know, I read back over the thread and I don't understand why everyone got so up in arms. I really don't. I don't see any attack - none. Sorry.

And about the Lasher bashing: he has the right to his opinions. Several posters on this thread are VERY opinionated in their views, and many have made personal or semi-personal attacks at one point or another. Why is it "espressing my opinions" when you do it and "being a caustic smartass" when he does it? Let's not throw stones, eh, glass-house dwellers?

I'm all for making everyone feel at home here. However, I've been around here since the beginning of the board. I've seen the whole "I'm leaving" thing too many times. The first 80 times it happened, I stressed on it, felt bad about it, wrote long "please come back" posts. After the third person left the board for the fifth time, my well ran dry. I can't cry any more tears for them. I'd like them to stay, but instead of playing "please come back, thanks for coming back, please come back" all day long, I'd rather spend my time working on making the site better - tweaking the scripts, dealing with designers, answering email, and on and on and on.

If you love the site and want to show your appreciation, please stay on the board and contribute in meaningful ways. If someone bites you, bite back. We're all adults here. As much as I love you all, I don't have time to babysit.

I'm really tired. I've been up all night working with the programmers and answering email. I came to the board to relax, and now I'm all tense again. Good night everyone.
My favorite authors in no particular order: Tawny T., Muse, CreamyLady, Carl East, Curiouser, Deborah, Mark Anthony, and Mr. Neb. Those are just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are people I forgot.
hmmmm ok i went back and read all the things lasher wrote and i didn't see him say anyone was full of shit. I actually was enjoying this post and trying to decide who i would list after Dixon when suddenly all this whining started. Now i am extremly puzzled why any offense was taken. Laurel this site is a great place and all these people that say they aren't coming back will find out there is nothing else like it out there. I am sure they will change their name and come back.
I love it here and thank you for the work you do.
Oh shit, wait...Laurel, we're all adults here?

Hey, maybe you're ready to admit that, but this little girl still likes her saturday morning cartoons.
*grasping onto childhood, as long as humanly possible...*
Argh...sing it with me now:
"I don't wanna grow up, 'cause if I did.."
I get far too silly with lack of sleep.
:D :D :D
Well, speaking to the subject of the thread, I find the stories written by the personalities of this BB particularly entertaining. Whispersecret, thanks for mentioning me and I must say I am a fan of your stories. That does not mean I have to agree with you.

I could tell you what I don't like about Lasher but that would take all day. So I'll just tell you what I do like about Lasher. He has an uncanny ability to sort through all the bullshit. Slut_boy was right when he accused Lasher of being FBI (Female Body Inspector?)

This whining about bashing newbies totally pisses me off. What pisses me off most is that it is usually based on perceptions and not facts.

What Chatmic has going here is what I call the "baffle 'em with bullshit" approach. Chatmic talks every which way around an issue without addressing it.

These are the facts of the matter as I see them. Rhian started the "Why do people take offence thread?" which was basically a cheap shot directed at Melody. Read the thread that prompted Rhian's new thread and tell me I'm wrong. I read this thing and thought, WTF? not this shit again. Chatmic jumps on Rhian's bandwagon with "the prime example is the question raised by this gentleman and the shooting down he received by just about all of you."

The way I see it Rhian and Chatmic both got what they asked for. Perhaps the morale of the story is be careful what you ask for?
Deborah, don't be scared, I'm straight and all...but, I think I've developed a crush on you!

*Laughing my cute little ass off*
I was reading this thread and enjoying it and then I see the turn it took....

Honestly, I didn't see any personal attacks on anybody...So I'm wondering WTF, when I see Chatmic take offense...

Laurel is right, she doesn't have the time to babysit this place and worry about every single thing that is being said and whether someone has been offended.

I have also at times worried about one of my responses that may have hurt someone, but then after the umpteenth time it happened I decided to give up and quit worrying about it. It seems no matter what is said on here, someone may take offense at it. After a while, you just learn to accept the fact that you are not going to be able to please everyone.

There really was no attack going on here Chatmic. I've been here long enough to see that. Just some gentle ribbing at most. Most likely means you've been accepted here on some level.

So if this post generates some bad feelings, WTF. Is it going to ruin my day or keep me from coming back? Hell no. I can no longer worry about it. My attitude has quickly become, come back if you want, if not, enjoy whatever..

Bigdog said it well in another thread, "My mother taught me never to get in a pissing match with a skunk." How true...

Now bigdog, lets see if you can get through that door again.. :D
I don't know what this is about but I'm going to side with Chatmic just 'cause there's a bunch of people on one side and she's stood there on the other. I always like an underdog.


I've not read enough on Literotica to make a fair judgement but what I read of DCL's 'Jazz Girl' was excellent and was what made me initially stick around Literotica and explore it further instead of checking out the other free sites.

Outside of Literotica, my favourite erotic novel is 'Ages of Lulu' by a Spanish woman called Almudena Grandes. I quite liked 'The Butcher' by Alina Reyes. I thought that Nicholson Baker's 'Vox' was trying so hard to be 'erotica' instead of 'pornography' that there wasn't a single erotic moment in it. One day I'll get round to reading Anais Ninn. I've got a couple of anthologies that have good stuff in them - The Mammoth Book Of Erotica (ed - Maxim Jakubowski) and Herotica 3 (ed. Susie Bright).

In science fiction -
Philip K Dick, JG Ballard & Michael Moorcock

Experimental -
Kathy Acker, William Burroughs, Flann O' Brien, Richard Brautigan

Serial killer -
James Patterson, Patricia Cornwell (she's really losing it though). I thought the end of Thomas Harris's new Hannibal story was a complete disappointment. I just didn't believe in the characters at all by the end.

'Literary' -
Hermann Hesse, James Joyce, Franz Kafka, (I've read a shit-load ABOUT Dostoevski but never got round to reading 'Crime and Punishment' yet)

Scottish -
Iain Banks, Alasdair Gray, James Kelman, Martin Millar, Irvine Welsh's 'Trainspotting'

New Journalism -
Hunter S Thompson, Tom Wolfe, Lester Bangs (for a savage journey into the heart of the rock 'n' roll dream)

Children's -
'Alice in Wonderland' & Alan Garner's books ('Elidor', 'Weirdstone of Brisinghamen' etc.)

Cowboy books -
I don't like cowboy books 'cause "the injuns" never win. I always like the underdogs.

Ah, shit - I'm going now. Buffy's on, and that girl really knows how to kick vampire butt.


[This message has been edited by roger simian (edited 06-02-2000).]
Thank you Roger. I was really feeling pounced upon.
I seem to be paying for the "sins" of alot of past people. I am getting vented on for others.
Kinda feel like I am getting stoned here.

Would be nice to hear someone say, "Hey, Lasher, You did kinda go to far." But that isnt going to happen.
You guys have me totally confused. The
brain chemistry that spawns a thread like this is what turned Jekyl into Hyde. Come on already.

BTW,Lasher please do not encourage felix to
comment. Call me stupid I don't care, but I find his posts tedious. Verbal diarrhea aside, he sucks the life out of a thread. I find myself thinking of bodily harm after the first paragraph.


[This message has been edited by Gingersnap (edited 06-02-2000).]
Check that out!!! An unprovoked personal attack!! HA!! No one can accuse me of writing that one!!!

*snicker, snicker*

Thank you, Gingersnap, you certainly have made this a Happy Fucking Day!! (btw, if ever a thread needed the life sucked out of it, this is it)...

Although I was serious.... I really would like to hear what Felix has to say about Solzhenitsyn...

[This message has been edited by Lasher99 (edited 06-02-2000).]
LMAO...And deprive everyone else of the pleasure??? I may be mean, and self-righteous and self-important and not very nice and all that....but I'm not selfish!
Hey there think of yourself first. Please
be selfish Lasher. You deserve it and we
dont't. Consider it a early birthday
If that does't work I know we could work
out an arrangement ;)
Originally posted by Laurel:
Martin Amis (the modern-day king of sarcasm
. A propos of nothing at all, his son Jacob is in the same class as my eldest. So there you go.
His father, Kingsley, lives next door to me.

Uh... actually, sorry... that was a lie.

I interviewed Iain Banks once, though, if that means anything to any of you. (He wrote 'The Wasp Factory' and publishes science fiction under the name Iain M Banks)
Originally posted by Lasher99:
Ok, I lied, one more thing... You know what really grabs my nuts.

Sorry Lash, I just couldn't help myself....I will let go now...*gently patting them back down in place*