Who is your favorite author and why?

"Hey, Lasher, You did kinda go too far."

I have been to Cleveland a couple times....
Hey lasher I grabbed you by the nuts too.
and they were so hot they burned my hand....
Don't crush those pralines cover them with
hot cream...........

Iain Banks is ok, Iain M. Banks is fantastic, 'Consider Phlebas' is amazing.
Everyone tells me I should read "The Wasp Factory" - now with all the recommendations from the board I guess I have to.

No one's mentioned any Asian writers... Anyone here like Kenzaburo Oe? I dig em... not in my Top 10, but definitely Top 40.
Hey post the emails Lasher, if you feel the need to, in order to be the "winner" of this debate.
And double check your meds there Lasher..... They may be mixed and mixing meds is a bad thing, you might think your prozac was taken when it was just a vitamin.

All that said, this has run it's course. Enough already !!!!

But I am not going away, so just look the other way when I post Lasher, it would be for the best I think.
We are oil and water, so best not to mix...
Anais Nin is near the top of my favorite erotic writers 'list'. Her "Delta of Venus" is hot!

Laura Reese writes excellent stuff even if you're not really into the SM/BD thing. Her newest book (just out)is "Panic Snap" and before that she wrote "Topping from Below".

Philip Jose Farmer (yeh, the Science Fiction writer) back in 60's wrote a couple of underground cult classics that are extremely erotic. "The Image of The Beast" is the first one; can't remember the sequel's name at the moment.

Asian writers,hmmmmm...Natsume Soseki's "And Then" perhaps. John David Morley wrote "Pictures From The Water Trade" on his adventures in Japan. There is also a anthology of erotic short stories by Asian authors, edited by Geraldine Kudaka. Its called "On a Bed of Rice".

Oh and Lash,

I think you made a comment earlier in this post about me needing my ass kissed. Thanks for your thoughtful concern. Would that entail some between-the-cheeks action or just the voluminous surface area? I defer to your expertise! Just curious? :)
Hey lasher I grabbed you by the nuts too.

Is that the "arrangment" you were talking about, Gingersnap?...

*rolls eyes* btw... did anyone happen to notice...?

[This message has been edited by Lasher99 (edited 06-03-2000).]
Yeah, I noticed. Could hardly beleive it...

But WTF, I've been to Cleveland once, so not much else I have to say about it.....

I love the town and people of Cleveland, just can't take the hot muggy air....

[This message has been edited by magic merlin (edited 06-03-2000).]
Hey Melody, you cute little ass (is it still on?), I'm not scared, I'm pretty straight myself and I have a crush on you too! I know, you can be my little sista. That's the good news. The bad news is Roger the Rachel wants to be our big sista. Oh well, at least we have a large assortment of little pink plaid skirts to borrow. I don't think he has a mean bone, though. The rumor is that his is more like cooked spaghetti.

Hey Chatmic, now what fun would that be if you and Lasher ignored each other? I think Literotica should feature a series of debates between the two of you. Just to balance the scale, intellectually speaking, you get Felix on your side.
Originally posted by deborah:
The rumor is that his is more like cooked spaghetti.

Actually, my Darling Debwa - I never DID have a spine. They tried out your pasta idea a couple of times but my neighbour's dog just kept eating it.

That fat little pooch just loves to go Italian.

Nevermind. I'm quite happy just slithering around on the carpet down here. It's not such a bad life, really.

Laurel - I've had to buy The Wasp Factory three times because I keep lending it to people and never getting it back. I must have done it again. I was just looking for it there so I could quote some bits at you (that's even more annoying than people saying, "You really MUST read this book," isn't it?). The book's completely gone again. Humbug!

Basically, it's dark and funny and you you really MUST read it. Ah, shit!

Cyra - Have to admit I prefer Iain Banks without his 'M'. 'Player Of Games' was excellent, though.

Oh, Debs. I just found those panties you lost last Christmas. They were down here behind our 'love hammock'.

When you coming back to me, baby?

DEborah, with you as a big sista my aspirations to be BotB might just come true... ;)
But, I think I'll cry if I could wear Roger the Rachel's skirts.

[This message has been edited by melody_lane (edited 06-03-2000).]

I think the only reason I prefer Iain M Banks is because the only book I've read with him as Iain Banks was 'The Wasp Factory'. We got a three in one deal with 'The Bridge' and 'Espidair street' included and when I tried to read 'The Bridge' it confused the hell out of me so I gave up and went back to his Science Fiction stuff. Now you've said that though maybe I'd better give him another try.
I was just trying to send ya some action, Gil. I thought I remembered you and "her" doing a little flirting on another thread, thought maybe with a little "nudge" and you might be able to get a little from "her".

And you know how bitchy some "women" can get when they ain't gettin' any... (Oh, shit, I'm gonna burn in hell for that one!).

As always, just trying to help a brother out...
Philip Jose Farmer - OMG! I read a book by him when I was a kid and I can't remember the name... It was about an unhappily married man who discovers a portal into another world in the wall of a house he's considering buying. The world's full of beautiful men and women, and once he crosses over he becomes young and strong again. Does anyone know the title?
Sorry, Laurel - not read that.

Talking about science fiction, did anyone read anything by James Tiptree Jr? "He" was actually a she - Alice Sheldon, an ex-CIA worker who died in 1987. I've got some of her short stories. They're really dark and twisted.

So, Lash - on that topic: do you reckon Chatmic's a geezer pretendin' to be a chick? I can't believe anyone could do something like that. Outrageous! Heh-heh!

Cyra - 'The Bridge' takes a bit of getting into. You'll probably like 'Espedair Street'. It's really straight-forward and easy to read. It's not at all dark or twisted like some of his other books. It's all about a fading rock star from a '70s band that's trying to find meaning in his life.
Sorry, Roger, I'm not allowed to say, imply or even think about that particular subject, or even to know if anything resembling that particlular situation exists.(Is there a situation?)

Ever see "Johnny Got His Gun"... Apparently I'm Johnny...

Or how about "Hogan's Heroes"?

"I know nothinnnngg...Nothinnnnggggg.......".
Originally posted by Laurel:
Philip Jose Farmer - OMG! I read a book by him when I was a kid and I can't remember the name...

Does anyone know the title?

Sorry, it's not one of the six books by him that I've got.

One of the "other books by" titles is Inside-Outside which sounds like it might be that kind of story, but there's no blurb, just a title, ISBN and price. ($1.75 which migh give you a clue as to how old it is. <G> )
Okay Roger, I am withdrawing my earlier thanks to you...
And if I were a guy, would I be so damn sensitive??
I think I am falling in love with the lashman, ...ooops, no it was just a mental hiccup...it's gone.
phew, that was close.
Anyone got a cure for hiccups? Dont want to go there again. What a frightening thought that was...all better now.
Hey Chatmic, don't diss the Lash, I am seriously beginning to think he's the God of wit.
God of Wit??

Must be a very small universe. Oh Look the heavens are falling, no it is just the GOD of Wit peeing.
Sorry, Chatmic, m'dear. You can't withdraw your thanks now. That was a present and I'm keeping it. It's sat up there on the mantlepiece next to that funny little rubber Cartman that Lasher chewed to pieces after he got out of quarantine.

We can take this thing to the courts if you like, Chat, but I've got several witnesses that saw you give me that thanks. It's mine and I'm damned if I'm giving it up now.
I'm taking a break today. I will have more for you, my children, later.