Who's your favorite author??

I can't believe no-one has mentioned J.K. Rowling yet..!:eek:

I also like Marion Zimmer-Bradley, Elizabeth George, and the Swedish murder-story writer, Maria Lang. No-one can write about gory axmurderers in such a cozy way as she does!
I've been reading the authors everyone is listing and I find it amusing that besides reading erotica the majority are also into the horror genre as well. Who'd of thought that we all have pretty much the same taste in reading aside from erotica. Makes me wonder just how many things the people of lit have in common.


My Stories
the horror! the horror!

*shuddering* No horror or thriller for me.... too many nightmares. I can't even watch the movies because I end up trapped in those realities when I sleep.

and AHEM... I am a little hacked off that you all aren't being disciplined and listing a favorite author and the reason why...

I had to choose from among a shelf of my favorites... I didn't mention Janny Wurts for fantasy (although annoyed with her slackness in finishing the current series) or Stephanie Laurens for romance...

I didn't talk about how Janny Wurts can weave a multilayered plot while creating an alternative universe that works.

And I certainly didn't say anything about how I have read and re-read Stephanie Laurens' romances because the women are strong women and the men are real men and the sex is really hot.

:D b

Have to agree with Wicked....kind of interesting that everyone appears to have similar "tastes".

And Bridget....as I am a big fan of fantasy novels, I'll have to check out this Janny Wurts! Thank you!

I remain,
It depends on the season. In the summer, when the midnight sun makes it hard for you to sleep, and you can take a walk in the light, warm summer nights, and melt away in the day time, I like to read murder stories and watch horror movies. I like Maria Lang because she mixes poison, axes, guns and strangling with Swedish folklore, with cabins in the woods, homewoven rugs, fresh-made coffee and snow up to your waist...

In the winter, when the sun is only up between 9am and 2pm, I don't go anywhere near horror/thriller things. The world is a dark enough place in January, I don't even watch the news!
Re: the horror! the horror!

bridgetkeeney said:
[BAnd I certainly didn't say anything about how I have read and re-read Stephanie Laurens' romances because the women are strong women and the men are real men and the sex is really hot.

:D b [/B]

Why do I feel like a traitor to my gender because I can't stand romances? I'll try Stephanie Lauren. Maybe that will straighten me out. Probably not, but I'm willing to try most anything.

Anyone read Robert Block? His "Little Big Man" books are great, but his story of King Arthur (complete with vile sodomites) is his best. My prejudice, of course.
Kinda like my friend. Her boyfriend took her out on their frist date, and he pointed to the sky and said

"-Look! The moon is full tonight..!"

to which she dryly replied:

"-Yeah. Moon. Nice. So when are we gonna fuck?":rolleyes:
Its true, I read so many of the authors everybody has listed above - Tom Clancy, J.K. Rowling, Grant and Naylor, Zimmer Bradley, gosh, so many...

My absolute favourite, though, has to be Arundathi Roy, writer of "God of Small Things." As a writer, it is the most humbling book I have ever read. As a reader, it is the most beautiful text I have ever experienced. I have a copy beside my bed at all times, and I wrap it around me like a second blanket. There isn't an emotion I have felt which she cannot express more perfectly than any other writer.

All time

That's another good topic. All time favorite book. I have top ten and top five lists, but the all time #1 is tough.

If I had a weekend with nothing to do but read, it would have to be a fat book. That eliminates my favorite author, Terry Pratchett. A James Michener? No.

It would be "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet. Wonderful book by a great writer. Some of his stuff isn't all that good, but when KF is in good form, he's great.
Weekend reading

Now that I think about it, I couldn't choose just one single book as my alltime favorite. Along with the above, I'd have to include "The Source" by Michener and "Lonesome Dove." All nice, fat books.

Huh, who says size doesn't count.

Help! I've lost my avathingie and can't get it back. I'm sure most would rather I didn't.
John Irving and Pat Conroy. These two men paint landscapes with there prose. Their stories are intimate conversations rather than mere words on paper, never failing to leave me stirred regardless how many times I revisit them.
Svenskaflicka said:
I can't believe no-one has mentioned J.K. Rowling yet..!:eek:


well, once book five *finally* comes out in june (july?) we can add her to my favorites list again = )


Anyone who has a medical problem, either physical or mental, that keeps them from reading "normally" would be qualified for free recorded books from the Lib. of Cong. "Talking Book" program and your state library. A lot of folks think, incorrectly, that the service is just for the blind.

You can contact most state libraries through their web sites. Here in Texas, the application can be downloaded. The only thing that's needed is a health care professional (nurse, counselor, etc. to sign off that you really have a need for this service.

The books are loaned for one month free of charge, mailed to you free of charge, and a tape player is even provided, free of charge. The tapes look like standard cassette ones but are recorded at half the normal speed, which is okay for voices, and have two tracks per side.

A fair selection of magazines such as: Atlantic Monthly, Sports Illustrated, Reader's Digest, Writer, etc., is also available.

PM me if you need more info.

Robert R. McCammon
Dan Simmons

A couple of genre bending authors worth checking out.
medjay said:
Robert R. McCammon
Dan Simmons

A couple of genre bending authors worth checking out.

what kind of stories do they write?
MathGirl said:
Who is your favorite contemporary author. Why?

Clive Barker.

Horror is my favourite genre and his books are the only ones i keep going back to.
Chicklet said:
what kind of stories do they write?

McCammon - Started with horror and graduated to straight literature. His most well known book is probably Swan Song. He got fed up with publishing and took a ten year hiatus. His newest, Speaks the Nightbird is a period drama about witch trials in 17th century Carolina. I hope he keeps writing but so far he hasn't announced any plans to release furthur books. :(

Simmons writes Sci-Fi, horror, detective, etc. He wrote the award winning Hyperion series, which is probably the best sci-fi I've read. His work can be kind of up and down depending on the genre he's working in. Sometimes, his style will switch to the point where you can't even tell it's the same author unless you look at his name on the front. A good trait, I suppose.
Re: Re: Who's your favorite author??

fiery_jack said:
Clive Barker.

Horror is my favourite genre and his books are the only ones i keep going back to.

I just finished Abarat, his so-called children's book. As far as I could tell it was just typical Barker minus the gratuitous sex and occasional foul language. :rolleyes: Can't wait for the sequels though.

Imajica is still his best. I liked Gallelie too.
Chicklet said:

well, once book five *finally* comes out in june (july?) we can add her to my favorites list again = )


NOT UNTIL JUNE?????:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

*planning camping trip outside London bookstore this summer*

Svenskaflicka said:
As long as it's not the troll woman or the couple having toilet sex, I like your AV's, MG.:)

What the $%^&*)( is "toilet sex." No, no. I don't want to know. If you must explain, please do it in Swedish.

What AV? I don't have one any more.

Poor me.
Re: Re: Re: Who's your favorite author??

medjay said:
I just finished Abarat, his so-called children's book. As far as I could tell it was just typical Barker minus the gratuitous sex and occasional foul language. :rolleyes: Can't wait for the sequels though.

Imajica is still his best. I liked Gallelie too.

I haven't read Arabat yet, though i'll miss the sex and foul language when i do (that's all part of the fun).

I agree that Imajica is the best, but pure horror i'd have to go for The Damnation Game. :D


Your avathingie looks like the cover of a Walter Mosley book.

Any Mosley fans out there? I'm one.
Re: MJ's AV

MathGirl said:

Your avathingie looks like the cover of a Walter Mosley book.

Any Mosley fans out there? I'm one.

Yep. I've read most of his stuff too.

That reminds me, James Patterson's whole Alex Cross detective series is excellent. I didn't care too much for Morgan Freeman in the movie roll but you cant win 'em all. :rolleyes:

Svenskaflicka said:
I can't believe no-one has mentioned J.K. Rowling yet..!:eek:

Okay Svenska, J.K.Rowling. I've never heard of her/him, but I mentioned it. I always aim to please.

I hate to admit this, but I cried when Lawrence Sanders died. Most of his novels are sort of airhead, but I liked him. As a teenager, I read LS like most girls read Harlequin Romances. Of course I was a teenager ten days ago, but that's beside the point.

Hey, who stole my avathingie? I'd like it back.