Who's your favorite author??


MathGirl said:
Okay Svenska, J.K.Rowling. I've never heard of her/him . . .

Wow! I didn't think that was possible! (Should I tell her or let someone else?)
I like Maria Lang because she mixes poison, axes, guns and strangling with Swedish folklore, with cabins in the woods, homewoven rugs, fresh-made coffee and snow up to your waist...

Are her works translated into English?

Michener annoys me. I can think of at least two of his novels that had recipes in them that were just detailed enough so that you thought you could follow them, but not enough so that you could get good results.

MathGirl said:
Okay Svenska, J.K.Rowling. I've never heard of her/him, but I mentioned it. I always aim to please.

Um, I hate to be a smart ass here, but you do live on Earth, right?

J.K. Rowling (her) is the writer of the Harry Potter books and I'm pretty sure is the most popular writer in the world today. I know she's the richest. LOL


Oh, the Harry Potter writer. I guess I'm getting old and out of touch with what's going on. I spend too much time at the lab. I'm embarrassed at not knowing the name. I don't think Harry Potter would be for me, though.

Michener's older novels are wonderful. His later stuff isn't too good. The last one I read "The Novel" was BAD. I waded through it until I was about fifty pages from the end. I never finished it because I didn't even care how it came out.

His books like "The Source," though, are wonderfully written and can teach the reader a great deal about the history, people, and culture of the places he writes about.

Anyone ever read Kinky Freidman? Why?

MathGirl said:
Okay Svenska, J.K.Rowling. I've never heard of her/him, but I mentioned it. I always aim to please.

Water... water...

*laying on the floor, panting from the shock, trying not to faint*
The last one I read "The Novel" was BAD. I waded through it until I was about fifty pages from the end.

Not only that, his rice pudding recipe didn't work out.

Kinky Friedman is one of these writers I've always been meaning to read. I've heard he's very funny.

SlickTony said:
Kinky Friedman is one of these writers I've always been meaning to read. I've heard he's very funny.

Kinky definitely isn't for everyone. He has some hilarious moments, though. The books are short, so if you don't like him, you haven't wasted much time.

I think it's probably misguided to look to writers for recipes. Then again, is there really such a thing as a recipe for good rice pudding?
Robert McCammon is great. His vampire novel, "They Thirst," is among my favorites (I went through my vampire phase before it was 'cool,' never liked Anne Rice, and missed out on the whole brooding dark sexy Goth scene, more's the pity).

One possible explanation for why so many of us like horror and erotica (and I'm wondering now how many of the rest of you have all the Hot Blood books on your shelves, too <g>) is that there's a distinct connection between fear and sex.

Or maybe it's because horror novels tend to include more (and sometimes nastier) sex than the average mainstream novel. Probably more than any other genre than bodice-rippers, come to think of it.

As for you fantasy writers out there, I hear that Christine Morgan's MageLore and ElfLore books are pretty good ... ;)


I read "Dracula" while I was living in a rented room in a drafty old house. The wind would whistle through the house, and I sat there scared stiff. Bram Stoker at night in a house that makes noises can make a big impression on a sixteen year old girl.
Sabledrake said:
I'm wondering now how many of the rest of you have all the Hot Blood books on your shelves, too

I've got a Hot Blood book. I bought it when I was young. :D
Hello, everyone! I'd just like to say that I am new to Literotica.com and that I will submit a short story soon. Take care!
SlickTony said:
Are her works translated into English?

They're supposed to be, but I can't find out what publishing company that has them...

I'll check with Amazon.
Then again, is there really such a thing as a recipe for good rice pudding?

You can probably get reliable recipes from Diana Mott Davidson or Nora Ephron (Heartburn).

As for the rice pudding, a departing Caseworker at my job gave me one that's damned close for a western rice pudding recipe. But I've about decided the Indians do it best.
R. Pud

SlickTony said:
As for the rice pudding, a departing Caseworker at my job gave me one that's damned close for a western rice pudding recipe. But I've about decided the Indians do it best.

I guess my real question is whether there is actually such a thing as good rice pudding.
rice pudding

A rice pudding made with egg yolks, fresh cream, basmati rice, freshly grated nutmeg and raisins is beyond my power to resist.

I don't make it anymore, because I will eat it non-stop until it is gone. It makes the perfect breakfast. :)

Amazon.com says the release date on Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix is set on June 21st!

*beginning countdown*

154 days left... only 154 days left... You can do it... Hang in there... only 154 days left...

Svenskaflicka said:

Amazon.com says the release date on Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix is set on June 21st!

*beginning countdown*

154 days left... only 154 days left... You can do it... Hang in there... only 154 days left...

Ummmm ........ yay
Christopher Brookmyre. No-one outside of England has ever heard of him, but he is a very good author. He's written some crime books and some satire. Read Boiling a Frog for the former and A Big Boy Did It And Ran Away for the latter.

He has characters and writes the books around them, rather than writing a book and creating the characters to fit.

The Earl

TheEarl said:

He has characters and writes the books around them, rather than writing a book and creating the characters to fit.

The Earl

There are certainly plenty of "characters" around here. Maybe we should write a book.

Still no progress on your avathingie, Earl?
At the moment ...

Susan Orlean
Dr. Cornel West
Chuck Palahniuk.
Zora Neale Hurston
Thomas Pynchon
Tom Robbins
Svenskaflicka said:
This is the only one I could find,Death Awaits Thee.

I'd like to read some of the Sagas of your part of the world. I've read a translation of Historia Danica (from which came Hamlet) and Beowulf. So, if you'd be so kind as to suggest a faithful english translation ... or if no exists ... translate them yourself ... I'll be waiting right here.

This is the first page of Death Awaits Thee by Maria Lang.

Where was Mattias? Had he gone and left me behind, all alone? The fear, that had been creeping at the roots of my hair for a long time, suddenly crept into the winding paths of my brain, and my thoughts rushed around each other in panic.
I had wanted to be alone up here, but now, I didn't know why anymore why this had been my wish. The warm, dusty air was pressing, suffocating, and even though two dirty light bulbs were shining, most of the attic was in the dark. Anyone could hide in there, between all the ropes and grotesque twisting machines.
A floorboard creaked somewhere behind me, and right now, it didn't matter much that I just recently had told Mattias that a nice old building such as this one is filled with centuries of noises and voices and clicks and creaks. My instinct was stronger than my common sense, and I turned around quickly, terrified, to flee down the dark, steep stairs.
But it was too late. The blow hit me the same second I sensed the danger.
The pain was unbearably hot and piercing. I shrieked as I fell to the floor. Through the pain and the pounding in my bruised head, I heard an echo of footsteps, leaving – just to come back shortly after. Someone kneeled by my side, and through the mist I realized that if I could only lift my eyelids, I would see the face of the person we were all looking for. The person who was just about to commit his second murder.
I don't think that any physical movement has ever felt so hard. With my outer most effort, I finally managed to open my eyes.
Then I was engulfed into complete darkness.