why do men think they have to lie to get a girl into bed?

then you are sorely wrong, hell, I would not want 30 minutes alone with Britnet Spears or any hot pop star female singer. Personally, I'm not attracted to any of them. And Spears is just....bleh. And basically you're saying nice guys like me have no sex/love/relationship life until we reach our thirties or until a woman over 30 takes it in her heart to be our wife. Well, that's some jacked up shit you just said there.

I think that, in too many cases, we're very insecure. In my case, in the past, I have created a character that I hope people like...because, down deep, I was scared they would not like the real me. Stupid? Yes! Am I over it? Thankfull, YES!
Re: I am glad to see this thread..

juicylips said:
Thanks, SF, for sharing it with me.

Now here are some juicy comments.

This has turned into a cock holding session to see who has it the worse. Guys, why are you lamenting the fact that you aren't attracting these kinds of girls?? The ones who want money, lies, etc.???

Just like you are offended by the nice guy image, there are also lots of girls offended by that same stigma. " I would take her home to mom, but she isn't fuckable" Someone mentioned that they want a nice girl in public and a slut in the bedroom. Believe it or not, if you treat a girl right, in and out of bed, you will get that!! :D:D:D


Thank you Juicy,

I am the one who made the comment about Nice girls in public and I think you are 100% correct.
Re: Re: I am glad to see this thread..

Sir Alex 4 U said:

Thank you Juicy,

I am the one who made the comment about Nice girls in public and I think you are 100% correct.

It is sooooo nice to be thought of as correct.

Looks as if I am in good company;)

<It is sooooo nice to be thought of as correct.

Looks as if I am in good company


Correct is like normal, it's open for interpretation! LOL But, for what it's worth, YOU seem pretty "correct" to me! ;)
New question

Why do the guys who think they have to lie because some/most women will ONLY respond if they do want to be with a woman like that in the first place?

If a woman wants me to lie about having a 6-figure income, or whatever other lie you think you're being forced to tell her she is sure as shooting not the gal for me.

I don't want a woman who hops in my car the first time we meet and begins undressing, it makes me wonder how many other guys she's done that with. I mean, sure, I'm charming and good looking and witty and all, but what does her action say about her?

What does it say about this woman you are so desperate to get in the sack with if you think the only thing she'll respond to is a lie? Is that really who you want to get in the sack with? More power to you if that's the case, 'cause I don't need to waste MY time on her.

My advice, and I've given it before. Offer what you seek. If you want respect, and honesty, offer that. If you want lies and headgames, by all means offer that, because as sure as the sun rises each morning if you're playing those headgames you're gonna bed a woman who wants to play headgames with the guy she thinks you are.... and wouldn't it be ironic if she was, in fact, attracted to that guy you're pretending to be? How sad when she learns you're not... how sad when she falls for somebody you've never been, some guy she thinks has a yacht and spends winters on the Riviera?

Don't you want a relationship with somebody who can look at you and see who you are, and STILL thinks you're worth getting to know better - in and out of bed?
Sir Alex 4 U said:
<It is sooooo nice to be thought of as correct.

Looks as if I am in good company


Correct is like normal, it's open for interpretation! LOL But, for what it's worth, YOU seem pretty "correct" to me! ;)


Thanks for the compliment,;)

I don't have too much to add. I think that lying is stupid. It only ends up wth at least one of the people hurt and neither of them really happy
Ok here is the deal from this male.

I grew up with 2 older sisters and 1 divorced (somewhat biter) mother. Here are 2 of their rules taught to me.

1) First reaction - lie. Direct from my mom at age 6.

2) How to tell when a man is lying - his lips are moving (fits my dad. and mom for that mater!)

So if I lie its not that I mean to, its just my first reaction, or maybe that my lips are moving???

Could this be why I have been so confused all these years??? Naaaahhhhh.
well I'm offering respect and honest and apparently not a single damn girl I've offered it to wants it. It seems those that do want it are a dying breed.
I am familliar Zidane. I have beenthe "nice guy" for as long as I can remember. I have be told I am the nicest guy a woman knows. But time and time again I was passed over for a jock, or a liar or someone else. It was tough not to take persoally for a longtime, but I guess one day I jst realized...Fuck them, their loss.

I am still single, but I think I am better off because of it. I know what I want and I know what to be looking for from women. If I do't find it...so be it. I'll live
Just be yourself..........

I know us women see a good man like Meljr2 and Zidane and we mess it up. Someday, someone will come knocking and make you very happy. If I wasn't married,I would be the one knocking, because you two sound like a man I would love to be with forever.:)
the other side of the coin

how about those nice guys that are just too nice?? I had a situation where I was attracted to the nice guy, only to have him say no. I don't even remember why now.

Maybe he was too nice? LOL
For me I think it is a matter of respect. You lie to the person because you don't respect them. That doesn't stop you from wanting to score with them. Sometime the hormones kick in and your mouth works overtime to accomidate the bodies wants.

Some men act that way, and to some degree it stereo-types the rest of us. I guess the trick out there is to tell the BS from the truth before you give it up to him. :)
yeah, some people have described me as being 'too nice.' I'm working on that. -_-
I don't buy into too nice per se. I think if nice is white and bad is black, most people fall into some kind of gray. But you can't be more than white or more than black. I don't know if that makes sense....it is late
When i was younger and stupid i told some lies but i found that when i meet a women and talk withn her and then ask her out and they say well i don't know i then say i'm not expecting sex just good food and coversation and i will leave it up to you if you want to go to bed with me. That seems to work for me and to tell the truth sex is not the most important thing in life for me.
Re: the other side of the coin

pipercatt said:
how about those nice guys that are just too nice?? I had a situation where I was attracted to the nice guy, only to have him say no. I don't even remember why now.

Maybe he was too nice? LOL

Hey, even if a nice guy a a nice girl meet, it doesn't mean that they are right for each other! There are so many factors that go into making a relationship work. Being nice is just one of the big ones! :)
zantac666 said:
. That seems to work for me and to tell the truth sex is not the most important thing in life for me.

How old are you?

When I see lines like this, I wonder.

I agree with Zantac, sex is not the most important thing in life to me, otherwise, I would have already lied, cheated or whatever to get sex. But I haven't, I'm trying to remain true to my integrity and my morals. I just want someone to be with who is more than a friend, someone I wish to talk to about everything.
Zidane said:
I agree with Zantac, sex is not the most important thing in life to me, otherwise, I would have already lied, cheated or whatever to get sex. But I haven't, I'm trying to remain true to my integrity and my morals. I just want someone to be with who is more than a friend, someone I wish to talk to about everything.

So you want to be best friends and lovers.

Friends first?? You would rather be compatible in that respect first, then find out if you are sexually compatible?

I am not trying to belittle your morals or integrity. I am just saying, that it is human nature to want to fuck, and fuck often.

well I'm a virgin and I really want my first time with a woman (not a man, btw, long story) to be special. And yes, I do want to be compatible as friends/lovers before we take our relationship up to the next level with sex.

I feel the exact same way as Zidane. I don't have to absolutely love her, but I want to at least LIKE her and know a bit about her and tolerate her personality before we share something as intimate as intercourse together. You only have one first time so why waste it on something that's sub-par? I want it something that I can remember fondly for the rest of my life.