Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

We have coyotes. I defend my chickens every time that I can get one in my sights...,

Boom! Boom! Out go da lights!

I think I already mentioned, I've put down a couple of dogs in my life with a quick double-tap to the head. Always double tap. Rule #11 of country living.
Animals have rights. Whenever a punting dog gets eaten by a gator we celebrate it's right to hunt
Animals have rights. Whenever a punting dog gets eaten by a gator we celebrate it's right to hunt

In Louisiana, Republicans are working on a right-to-carry law for deer. “Animals got 2nd amendment rights too,” said Jimmy Bob Joe Cleavis Johnson. “They ain’t the best shots, but if they shoot some of them libtard hikers and gardeners, that’s a bonus,” added Johnson with a chuckle.