Why Every Adult Should Carry a Gun

Each and every time someone has the temerity to disagree with your brand of totalitarian goose-stepping politics, you label them a Communist. This reflects poorly on you and brings great shame to both your father and your family name.

Small wonder your family banished you to Idaho.
You live in a fantasy world. Time for you to sober up.
You lie. Read the decision, I quoted it correctly. You don't understand your source material.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
When you group homeless people into an undesirable and hate them, it's no doubt that you think your solution will solve the problem. It would not solve the problem.
When you group homeless people into an undesirable and hate them, it's no doubt that you think your solution will solve the problem. It would not solve the problem.
That has nothing to do with the problem of you not being able to read and understand your sources.
That has nothing to do with the problem of you not being able to read and understand your sources.
I know the source material. It prevents forced institutionalization for over half of the homeless population.
No it doesn't. Nobody is listening to the American people as it is. The Biden government listens to itself.

Okay, now you’re off the rails again.

Are you for democracy or representative government? Are you only complaining about the elected administration governing because it’s not who you voted for?

What do you expect the results to be of you undermine the voice of citizens? Do you honestly think a money backed plutocracy will care about and protect citizen’s rights if they conflict with the interests of business?
All of those who are homeless and using drugs, or committing crimes, which is the majority of the street people in Los Angeles and San Francisco, can be removed from public places. They are breaking several laws. It is possible.

“….which is the majority”

Is that a good representation of how you get your facts? You just pulled that right out of your ass. Why should anything else you have to say carry any weight?
I disagree. You pull that crap, you might as well hang a sign around your neck reading "Your Stuff is Worth More Than My Life". Maybe if the emasculated soyjustice system did it's job, there would be no need. "Taking the law into your own hands" is the New Necessary, since those we pay to do it have taken the route of Quiet Quitting.
Great! Defund the police! Everyone for themselves! Dog eat dog! Winner takes all!

The Hunger Games looked like fun. I'm down for it.
Hunger Games? Weak stuff, how about the Purge? Except instead of once a year we went once a month?
I kind of liked the primitive weapons and traps in The Hunger Games. Everyone out in the open. Gotta hide and be cunning, resourceful, not simple activate the security system at your McMansion. But I guess you would prefer the version where folks have guns. Whatever. I'm game.
I was glad I had my gun this morning because a tabby cat wandered in my direction so I shot it. The obviously vicious and untrainable thing meowed at me.
I kind of liked the primitive weapons and traps in The Hunger Games. Everyone out in the open. Gotta hide and be cunning, resourceful, not simple activate the security system at your McMansion. But I guess you would prefer the version where folks have guns. Whatever. I'm game.
If you think just activating the security system at your McMansion would save you from a marauding herd of purgers you are delusional. Your only chance would be an undetectable underground bunker of some sort.
I was glad I had my gun this morning because a tabby cat wandered in my direction so I shot it. The obviously vicious and untrainable thing meowed at me.
I know you are trying to be funny but to me, an animal lover, this is just more evidence of what a fucking idiot you are.
If you think just activating the security system at your McMansion would save you from a marauding herd of purgers you are delusional. Your only chance would be an undetectable underground bunker of some sort.
Pretty sure the marauders would be picking on the unprotected houses, not the gated fortresses. Still prefer the Hunger Games scenario, though. Level playing field except for one's skills and intelligence.
Pretty sure the marauders would be picking on the unprotected houses, not the gated fortresses. Still prefer the Hunger Games scenario, though. Level playing field except for one's skills and intelligence.
If you are on a one night rampage to get all you can with killing as a side light of that, those mansions would be the ideal target. You may not have to go to more than one.
i speak only for myself but i use constitutional carry to protect myself and loved ones and those who can't defend themselves. i also use it to help police who need help. i use it...or will to defend the u.s.a. if/when our soil is invaded by enemy troops. i firmly believe if not for american sportsmmen and hunters our borders would be trampled. i am far from being trigger happy and don't agree with "all adults" or all anyone. i don't see a need for semi autos with large capacity but don't think they should be banned, give dems and liberals an inch and they take a mile the gov. also needs to stop the bans and restrictioons on any guns.
Pretty sure the marauders would be picking on the unprotected houses, not the gated fortresses. Still prefer the Hunger Games scenario, though. Level playing field except for one's skills and intelligence.

Playing nothing but defense is a sure way to lose the game.
Who said I would play defense? I'd be killing MAGA motherfuckers left and right. Gleefully. In a Hunger Games scenario only, of course.

This would be the magamotherfuckers whom you think decided not to come knock on your fortress door?

Assuming, for discussion purposes only, that someone had a fortress without any offensive plan, and an army of MAGAMOTHERFUCKERS decided to pry them out of it, they'd be defenestrated so fast they wouldn't have time for their life to flash before their eyes.
This would be the magamotherfuckers whom you think decided not to come knock on your fortress door?

Assuming, for discussion purposes only, that someone had a fortress without any offensive plan, and an army of MAGAMOTHERFUCKERS decided to pry them out of it, they'd be defenestrated so fast they wouldn't have time for their life to flash before their eyes.
In The Purge scenario, I would have my fortified residence protected by landmines and guards with fully automatic weapons, as well as flamethrowers and shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. Any and all military weapons would be legal, as well as theft, murder, and everything else, right?

Anyone wearing a red ballcap without an arrowhead on it would go down first around my house. Sorry, Cardinals fans.
In The Purge scenario, I would have my fortified residence protected by landmines and guards with fully automatic weapons, as well as flamethrowers and shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. Any and all military weapons would be legal, as well as theft, murder, and everything else, right?

Anyone wearing a red ballcap without an arrowhead on it would go down first around my house. Sorry, Cardinals fans.

Again, a purely defensive strategy will result in a loss.
Well, if you got the notion to shoot a puppy dog in an attempt to be chosen to run for vice president, it would be more convenient for you if you always were carrying a gun, wouldn't it?
In The Purge scenario, I would have my fortified residence protected by landmines and guards with fully automatic weapons, as well as flamethrowers and shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. Any and all military weapons would be legal, as well as theft, murder, and everything else, right?

Anyone wearing a red ballcap without an arrowhead on it would go down first around my house. Sorry, Cardinals fans.
So because it would serve your purpose, you would be okay with fully automatic weapons, land mines and flame throwers and rocket launchers. Funny how your oh so pure anti-gun stance melts away.

By the way, flamethrowers and rocket launchers work best as offensive weapons during an attack. So to be sure those attacking your McFortress could stay back and shell the shit out of your defenses while taking few if any casualties.

It's shocking you want to murder MAGAs, it just shows your true violent heart and why you should be barred from firearms ownership.
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