Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

In Krastners first post he said:

"In plain English, Irving was run over by a zionist bulldozer---sort of like Rachel Corrie."

I didn't know that Victoria Wyndham had anything to do with the Holocast, or that it even took place in Bay City.


But now that you mention it....that Mac Cory looks like a denyer to me....
I'm STILL waiting for somebody to provide ANY of these things...

What's the matter don't they exist or something...? :rolleyes:

Lovelynice said:
Good, then show me schematics or blueprints for one of those allegedly murderous 'Gas Vans', plus a good scientific explanation of how they work because every scientific study on diesel engines, and the mechanics that I've talked to about it say they're IMPOSSIBLE to make work. A few good detailed pictures would be handy too.

Then you can provide us with the autopsy report on a cyanide-gassed victim from a mass grave.

Plus, you can give the exact location of those mass graves at Treblinka that can't be found even with ground penetrating radar (no sign of the ground being dug up in millenia!).

On top of that, we need the wartime original German documents that support the claims of the Holocaust (no copies or secondary transcripts please, as they're too unreliable and some exist in multiple forged versions).

Can you produce some of those ubersoldat "Rambos" who must've been the greatest warriors in human history as they managed to kill over 10,000 people each as they wandered the countryside in the middle of a war?

I've asked for these things on other sites, and so far NOBODY can produce any of this evidence.

Waiting and waiting and waiting....
I usually don't pay much attention to the Anne Frank story, since if you actually read it, it's not about anybody's Holocaust at all, just about a bunch of really unattractive people living together.

But, in the course of my theatrical writings, it is interesting to note that Zionist propagandist Meyer Levin ruined his own life with 30 years of lawsuits against Otto Frank. Levin had written his own stage adaptation of the diary, but it was rejected as being "too Jewish" (correct!), and commie writer Lillian Hellman was enlisted to create an Americanized Anne that was more "accessible". Which means that you can definitely state that the play is a fraud - certainly not true to the source material.

For this, he ruined his own life...Levin was a frothing at the mouth Zionist, and wanted an Anne who was Jewish enough, so 30 years of lawsuits and writings against Frank and company...what a waste. But - there's the REAL play. Two antagonists, Levin and Frank, locked in an uncompromising battle of wills - hey, this would play!

Trivia of the day, there was even a musical version of Anne Frank in the early 1980's, called "Dear Anne". It played Off-Off-Broadway. The reviews were terrible. I can't imagine what the big production number at the end of the first act must have looked like, every musical has to have one.

The Frank's didn't hide in the annex to escape the Nazi's. Anne's older sister was up for the labor draft in Holland, and Otto Frank had taken advantage of the Nazi occupation to make a small fortune selling pectin - used for food preservation - to Nazi Germany. But, Otto had shortchanged them, and there was a warrant out for him for fraud.

A consistent theme in his life: he had run from Germany to Holland in the late 1920's to escape an indictment for fraud. I wonder...

Paul Rassinier himself, in 1957, wondered about how authentic the diary was when he noted the passages that described Anne's mother vacuuming in the annex. A 1940's-era vacuum cleaner made terrific noise. That, and other contradictions and slips throughout the diary tell you there's something fishy going on. I'll see if I can get that article translated, it was in a magazine called Defence de L'Homme...

Checking on the raw material situation in Occupied Europe, it seems what ball-point pens were being made were discontinued during the war, and were not available in Holland. The key to a ball-point is a stainless steel ball-bearing a little bigger than the tip of a pin. Stainless steel and ball bearings were worth their weight in gold in Europe's war-time economy, and were not available for civilian uses.

Along with the chlorine-based thinner used in the plastic tube to make sure the ink doesn't congeal there, something an inkpot doesn't need.

And you couldn't get those plastic tubes anyway, since plastics are made from oil and by 1943 were in very short supply.

And here's a little tid-bit:

Ballpoint pens manufactured early in the century leaked, skipped, and dropped ink until 1950, when a new ink was developed that made the ballpoint reliable.


And this:

A different kind of ballpoint pen was invented by Frank Klimes, a Czech, in the early 1930s and manufactured by him and another Czech, Paul V. Eisner. The first of these instruments, called the Rolpen, was produced and marketed in Prague in 1935. Their patent ran out during World War II, when Klimes was in a concentration camp.


Well? Do the originals of the diary show the characteristic splotting and blotching, as well as skips in the characters (especially in loops like J's and D's) that would indicate a 1940's era ballpoint? No, they don't.

When Czech industries were taken over by Nazi Germany in 1938, were Rolpen's, the only ones available in Europe, being exported enmasse to Holland? Methinks not.

Think about how LONG they were locked up in that annex. Why, you may ask, didn't Anne and company run out of ink? Ballpoint pens have a very short life. Who was running out and buying paper and ink for them anyway?

Some Rolpen's used a replaceable cartridge (again, plastic!), where would they get those in 1943?

Unless they had a whole stationary store with them when they moved in, somebody had to be delivering these things. Anne wasn't the only one writing the day away - if you read the story on some recently published letters of hers, communication in that dysfunctional white-trash circus she called her family was by letters between family members, they couldn't bring themselves to talk to each other.

A little family communication problem. Lots of which had to do with Otto Frank's habit of cheating and then rubbing his wife's nose in his affairs. The parts he edited out of Anne's diary are mainly her distress over listening to her parents fight.

But as I mentioned, the diary has nothing to do with any holocaust anywhere, and is useless as a research tool. Hell, Anne Frank wasn't even killed by the Nazi's.

I never did figure out why this petty little story has played so long.
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I have ballpoint pens from thirty years ago that still write.

There could have been an all-time global ban on ballpoints since then, and I'd just go on writing with them.
phrodeau said:
I have ballpoint pens from thirty years ago that still write.

There could have been an all-time global ban on ballpoints since then, and I'd just go on writing with them.

I suppose next you'll try and tell us that these 30-year-old pens have been used daily and never needed a change of ink.

Do they have time-travelling ink from the future as well?

Magic pens. I'd love to have one. Who's your supplier?
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Lovelynice said:
I suppose next you'll try and tell us that these 30-year-old pens have been used daily and never needed a change of ink.

Do they have time-travelling ink from the future as well?

Magic pens. I'd love to have one. Who's your supplier?
Did Anne Frank use a particular pen daily? It seems that there was a blue one, a black one and a green one.

Next time I use one of those pens, I'll put a little glitter on the page before the ink dries, and confuse the hell out of some future dim-witted amateur forensics expert.
Lovelynice said:
Somebody mentioned before about Anne Frank's Diary being partly a forgery....


It was.

Ballpoint pens weren't exactly common back in WW2
Somehow, "weren't exactly common" became "could not possibly have been used by Anne Frank except through angelic intervention and a time machine".
phrodeau said:
Did Anne Frank use a particular pen daily?

Do you have evidence that she had a stationary supplier instead then?

phrodeau said:
It seems that there was a blue one, a black one and a green one.

No, those weren't used by Anne Frank, they were used by her daddy. Or do you STILL believe in the insane delusion that Anne Frank used a ballpoint pen...

What next? Pens from Mars? Ink from 3000AD?

phrodeau said:
Next time I use one of those pens, I'll put a little glitter on the page before the ink dries, and confuse the hell out of some future dim-witted amateur forensics expert.

Yes, you go and play with your crayons too then. Maybe you can draw little dollies and make pansies and so on...

It does begin to appear that this subject is a little beyond you. When you grow up and become capable of understanding why a pen using ink-paste that wasn't available until 1951 is IMPOSSIBLE to exist in 1944, please come back.
phrodeau said:
Somehow, "weren't exactly common" became "could not possibly have been used by Anne Frank except through angelic intervention and a time machine".

Yes, it's called "understatement".

You do understand the concept don't you?
Lancecastor said:
In Krastners first post he said:

"In plain English, Irving was run over by a zionist bulldozer---sort of like Rachel Corrie."

Poor Rachel Corrie. She's mentioned in this too...


# Learn Holocaust math! No matter what the reduction or difference in numbers, the answer is always SIX million Jews. Here's some examples;
Auschwitz deathtoll reduced by 3 million. Does this have any effect on the insane math of the dedicated holocaust propagandist? No, of course not! The total death toll remains SIX million.
6 minus 3 doesn't equal 3, it equals 6. See! No change!
Here's another example;
Majdanek deathtoll reduced by 1.6 million. Again does this have any effect with the insane math of the holocaust propagandist? Don't be silly! 6 minus 1.6 and minus the 2.5 reduction from Auschwitz still doesn't reduce the total in any way at all! The total death toll remains, as always, SIX million!
Just throw away that calculator! No matter what the reduction in deathtolls is, always answer SIX million! Do you believe this? Good, let me sell you a bridge in Brooklyn you idiot.

# Learn how SIX million can come from NOTHING! The United Nations figure for Jewish world population given in 1947 was the same as that given by the League of Nations in 1938. The World Almanac's population statistics for the whole world (around 16.5 million in 1938) show virtually the same number of Jews both before and after the War's end (around 15-18 million). In fact, Jews were the only ethnic population to INCREASE during WW2 while every other ethnic population was devastated as they were busy fighting a war! What were the Jews doing? They went into these camps where they had SIX million people appear out of thin air, then disappear again without a trace like MAGIC! Wow! Amazing! No bodies, no mass graves, not a trace at all! Can I still sell you that bridge in Brooklyn or are you starting to get suspicious that you've been CONNED?

# Learn how to call everyone an anti-semitic! It's the perfect insult for every occasion, PLUS you can always get away with insulting people no matter what they do simply because they disagree with you! Here's some examples;
Normal Man-in-the-Street: “Those numbers don't add up!”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a vile filthy anti-semite!”
American Protester: “Israel has no right to slaughter innocent Palestinians and bulldoze their homes..It's wrong.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a stinky anti-semite!”
Historian: “...but there's no evidence that Nazis made human soap, it's been tested and there was no trace of human DNA.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite Jew-hating holocaust denier!”
Chemist: “...I could find no trace of cyanide in those gas chambers at Auschwitz.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite holocaust denier and should be jailed!”
Politician: “Why are we sending four billion dollars every year to Israel?”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite racist for even asking!”
Movie critic: “I didn't think that it was a good movie, it lacked quality and the acting was terrible.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a disgusting anti-semite neo-nazi!”

# Remember the Nuremberg Trials? Does it matter if they got everything wrong and just made stuff up? Of course not! For the dedicated holocaust propagandist just carries on as always. Some examples;
At the Nuremberg Trials it was established as fact that the nasty Germans had “brain-smashing machines”, but now it's known to be complete crap and nonsense.
But according to the holocaust propagandist, all the Nuremberg Trial documents are true...except this bit...but it's really a reliable source, honest...
At the Nuremberg Trials it was established as fact that the nasty Germans had “giant conveyor belts that dropped Jews onto huge electric grids to cook them”, but now it's known that this is complete crap and nonsense too.
But according to the holocaust propagandist, all the Nuremberg Trial documents are true...except this bit too...but it's really and truly a reliable source, honest...
At the Nuremberg Trials it was established as fact that the nasty Germans had “steam-chambers and giant cooking vats for melting Jews in”, but now it's known that this also is complete crap and nonsense.
But according to the holocaust propagandist, all the Nuremberg Trial documents are true...except this bit as well...but really honestly it's a reliable source, honest...
At the Nuremberg Trials it was established as fact that the nasty Germans were “turning Jews into bars of soap”, but now it's known that this is just more complete crap and nonsense.
But according to the holocaust propagandist, all the Nuremberg Trial documents are true...except this bit again...but it's really, really, really a reliable source, honest...
At the Nuremberg Trials it was established as fact that the nasty Germans were “flaying people and using their skin to make boots, riding britches, saddles, lampshades, and coats”, but now it's known this was more utter crap and nonsense.
But according to the holocaust propagandist, all the Nuremberg Trial documents are true...except this bit as well you know...but it's really, truly, really, really a reliable source, honest...why are you looking at me like that?

# Also remember these excuses;
“What about all those allied soldiers that saw the mass graves and death camps!” (Even though the so-called 'death camps' were all on Stalin's side of the line, and there were none at all on the Western Allies side of Germany, and so it was impossible for the American and British soldiers to see any mass graves or any death camps. Soviet Russia was such a goody-goody place, they only slaughtered between 20-80 MILLION Christians. Funny how all the so-called 'Nazi' mass graves and 'death camps' were on the Communist side of the border. They couldn't possibly have been actually filled with dead Christians could they? I mean, those Russian Jewish Bolsheviks only killed 20-80 million people - they're nice guys aren't they? I mean, you ALWAYS believe what the Soviet Russian government said about everything right? They couldn't possibly have forged documents and LIED could they? Stalin was such a nice guy.)

# Don't forget, as a dedicated holocaust propagandist there's a lot of money riding on you continuing the great con-job on all those gullible fools! Billions of dollars annually going to Jews throughout the world, and Jewish organisations everywhere! Israel's coffers to be kept filled by American and German money, as well as unlimited supplies of ammo and weapons to kill more filthy Arabs with, and buy Caterpillar bulldozers to kill a few more Rachel Corries and knock-down more Palestinian homes and lobby (bribe) more American politicians...and if anyone questions you or brings up uncomfortable facts, remember the insult; call them a filthy jew-hating anti-semite!
Lovelynice - so you still only have 1 cartoon and a link to a "page not found" to support your link.

Get back to me when you have something other than your ludicrous claim that the ink wasn't available which you haven't proven or substantiated.

But kudos on living in a world of denial. You do it well.
zipman said:
Lovelynice - so you still only have 1 cartoon and a link to a "page not found" to support your link.

Get back to me when you have something other than your ludicrous claim that the ink wasn't available which you haven't proven or substantiated.

But kudos on living in a world of denial. You do it well.

Lovelynice. You go one and believe what you will. Posters like the one here is the epitomy of what I will call one of the brainwashed. I will stop short of calling him a zionist ringer as I have determined him simply to be an asshole.

It is in his best interest to support the holocaust lie because he is one that was taken in by the Jewish liars and decievers. He is a lost cause so please do not try and reason with it., no more that you would reason with a rabid dog.
krastner said:
Lovelynice. You go one and believe what you will. Posters like the one here is the epitomy of what I will call one of the brainwashed. I will stop short of calling him a zionist ringer as I have determined him simply to be an asshole.

It is in his best interest to support the holocaust lie because he is one that was taken in by the Jewish liars and decievers. He is a lost cause so please do not try and reason with it., no more that you would reason with a rabid dog.

Well now my life is over. How can I possibly go on living when a moronic, anti-semitic, trailer-trash loser thinks I'm an asshole? :D
zipman said:
Well now my life is over. How can I possibly go on living when a moronic, anti-semitic, trailer-trash loser thinks I'm an asshole? :D

Well bye bye asshole don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out..
Lancecastor said:
In Krastners first post he said:

"In plain English, Irving was run over by a zionist bulldozer---sort of like Rachel Corrie."

I didn't know that Victoria Wyndham had anything to do with the Holocast, or that it even took place in Bay City.


But now that you mention it....that Mac Cory looks like a denyer to me....

Wheeeeeuu...you are full of it dude..go get your brain washed out...

Lovely nice..you can tell by the way all the cockraoches are vcomming out , that you are close to proving them liars. The closer you get to the truth. The more things that are wrong with their entire belief system then the more they will cry out in pain...so make it hurt them.
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zipman said:
Well now my life is over. How can I possibly go on living when a moronic, anti-semitic, trailer-trash loser thinks I'm an asshole? :D

You know what I think Zip? I think you should keep posting on this thread because the people on the other side of the argument are obviously rational, intelligent people who are going to be swayed by the mountains of evidence that disprove their nonsense. It's really a good use of your time.
Lovelynice said:
Good, then show me schematics or blueprints for one of those allegedly murderous 'Gas Vans', plus a good scientific explanation of how they work because every scientific study on diesel engines, and the mechanics that I've talked to about it say they're IMPOSSIBLE to make work. A few good detailed pictures would be handy too.

Regarding the lack of diagrams or schematics of gas vans that remained after the war, there are World War 2 aircraft for which there are no samples available anymore. There are photos and correspondance that exist regarding them. There are also people who flew them and went into combat with them or against them. Because none are left, doesn't mean they didn't exist. There is quite a bit of legitimate and real letters, photos and other documentation regarding their use.

You rely on an out of context study to make your claim that they're impossible. Cram as many people as possible into a sealed van and the people will quickly die due to lack of oxygen. Simple science and logic involved. Adding diesel exhaust would only hasten the process. This has been demonstrated in many scientific studies.

You can also read the actual correspondence between various SS functionaries regarding the technology and methods.
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zipman said:
Lovelynice - so you still only have 1 cartoon and a link to a "page not found" to support your link.

It's not my fault if you can't link to the page. I certainly had no trouble linking to it. Change your internet settings, or look for the relevant cache file. Does everyone have to hold your hand, or are you able to do these things by yourself?

zipman said:
Get back to me when you have something other than your ludicrous claim that the ink wasn't available which you haven't proven or substantiated.

Do a search on glycol based solvent inks.

They weren't around before 1951, and there's nothing ludicrous about that.

According to

Here's the Frank's "secret annexe" in downtown Amsterdam (the house in blue), a nicely posh wealthy area, with a city park behind it.



It has nice big glass windows as you can see. When the Frank family moved in, they put curtains on the windows, which would tell all the neighbours that somebody had just moved in.

The left part is the store, and the right is the "secret" annexe which faced the city park and was highly visible to all the neighbours around that park.

The "secret" annexe was attached to the office and shop building of Otto Frank's business. I don't know about you, but as others have pointed out, if somebody had suddenly moved out of their house and others were looking for them, wouldn't their business offices be the first place to be checked?!

The "secret" annexe as viewed from the park. Easily seen by all their neighbours.

During the day, the people "hiding" in the attic of the "secret" annexe had the radio on during the entire day. They frequently used a vacuum cleaner as well. Those 1940s vacuum cleaners were very noisy things. They weren't exactly being very quiet while they were in "hiding".

The most you could say about it was that they were being clumsily discreet. Afterall, they had visitors coming and going.

The style of handwritng in the "diary".

Remember the expert analysis about the handwriting in the "diary" was clear. The same person had written on every page...

But it very clearly doesn't match Anne Frank's handwriting on her picture postcards.
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WingNut_N_Bolt said:
Regarding the lack of diagrams or schematics of gas vans that remained after the war, there are World War 2 aircraft for which there are no samples available anymore. There are photos and correspondance that exist regarding them. There are also people who flew them and went into combat with them or against them. Because none are left, doesn't mean they didn't exist. There is quite a bit of legitimate and real letters, photos and other documentation regarding their use..

Let me simply state that the Allied Forces found vehicles of all kinds, U-bots, jet plans, V1 rockets, V2 rockets and a lot of other things. Very odd that they didn't find any gas van, because if you should believe the alleged story, there must have been a lot of them.

Chelmno KZ, Yad Vashem and Jewish Virtual Library have a photo. Only one (1) photo and that's it. They all have the same photo. Sorry to say that Document PS-501 says it's a "SAUER", other alleged "witness" testimonies say the "Gas Vans" were either "SAUER" trucks or "DIAMOND-DIESEL" trucks - but this photo shows neither of those; it's a "MAGIRUS-DEUTZ". As usual, the Holocaust Propagandist liars can't keep their stories straight.


It also looks just like any old wrecked truck with no evidence ANYWHERE within the photo that it's a "murderous gas van" as claimed.

WingNut_N_Bolt said:
You rely on an out of context study to make your claim that they're impossible. Cram as many people as possible into a sealed van and the people will quickly die due to lack of oxygen. Simple science and logic involved. Adding diesel exhaust would only hasten the process. This has been demonstrated in many scientific studies.

You can also read the actual correspondence between various SS functionaries regarding the technology and methods.

The subject of these Diesel "gas vans" has already been gone over very thoroughly, but since you seemed to have missed it, or couldn't be bothered reading through the thread...

Read what unculbact said about what happens in a hermetically sealed cargo-cabin....
unculbact said:
In a gas van with a volume of 24 cubic meters, (847 cubic feet) filled with 80 people (3.3 cubic feet per person) there is a v of 583 cubic feet, or 16.5 cubic meters. Every minute, the people create 26.6 liters of carbon dioxide. Lethal CO2 concentration in the van is 1.65 cubic meters or 1,650 liters. There were already 66 liters of CO2, so we need 1,584 more liters to kill everybody in the van. 80 people exhaling a sum of 26.6 liters of CO2 per hour means that everybody in the van suffocates in 62 minutes.

So, with a hermetically sealed cargo-cabin it takes just over an HOUR. Nothing at all like the mere 15 - 20 minutes claimed by the alleged "witnesses", and adding exhaust from the Diesel Engine does NOT kill them faster - IT TAKES LONGER INSTEAD because Diesel Engines run an over-surplus of oxygen. The engine is pumping in MORE OXYGEN! An idling Diesel Engine's exhaust has around 17.3% oxygen which is more than enough to live on. A Diesel Engine under a very heavy load is still pumping around 9% oxygen in the exhaust, which is barely enough to sustain life - people will die but the added oxygen is going to make it take a lot longer than mere suffocation will.

Those scientific studies that you mention say exactly the OPPOSITE of what you claim as well. They say it takes LONGER to kill with Diesel Exhaust than suffocation alone. Anyone can read these scientific studies and see for themselves how dumb your claim is;


Diesel Gas Chambers Ideal for Torture — Absurd for Murder
by Friedrich Paul Berg

"Review of effectiveness, environmental impact, humaneness and feasibility of lethal methods for badger control" - A report to European Wildlife Division, Defra 20 October 2005

According to the story about these mythical "gas vans", they killed with production of carbon monoxide, but as scientific studies show, Diesel Engines produce only MINIMAL carbon monoxide.
From the DEFRA report of 2005, p5. "It is concluded that diesel engines are not suitable for the production of CO as insufficient CO is generated", p32 "The diesel engine never reached the lethal concentration at any point and is therefore unsuitable for fumigation.", p68 "1) e) Carbon monoxide generated by diesel engine - less humane than other potential fumigants (4.5.1) and UNFEASIBLE (4.5.3)"

In one of the 1957 experiments, they ran an idling Diesel Engine for FIVE HOURS and couldn't kill a single rabbit! From the DEFRA report of 2005, p28 "In one experiment where mice, guinea pigs and rabbits were exposed to diesel fumes, no behavioural effects were observed apart from lethargy in mice (Pattle et al., 1957). At post mortem pulmonary congestion, oedema, consolidation and emphysema were found in all animals, including those that survived the exposure. Death in rabbits only occurred after at least 7 hours exposure and was attributed to NOx as well as CO toxicity."

Only by going to extreme measures, could they kill anything faster than that, and it still took them THREE HOURS AND TWENTY MINUTES!
Have you read what those so-called "witnesses" claimed about these mythical "gas vans"; 15-20 minutes to kill. Wow! How did they manage that magic trick? Science can't support such a miraculous claim! Those witnesses can't even keep their stories straight about what these "gas vans" looked like, whether they had windows or not, whether they were hermetically sealed or not, whether the "gas vans" went out somewhere for a drive or just sat and idled away. They conflict on these details. To make it worse, the affidavits often have different versions of themselves.

You've got exhaust being pumped into a cargo cabin of a truck (or into a building), then unless you have a clapper valve (meaning it's NOT hermetically sealed), the windows will shatter, rivets will pop, and the doors blow open. Ask a mechanic about what happens if you redirect the exhaust pipe of a Diesel Engine into a hermetically sealed cargo-cab (I did, so did other people). BOOM, POP, BANG!!!

Here's another problem, from the DEFRA report of 2005, p28 "In a final test the air intake was obstructed to simulate a badly tuned diesel engine. The resulting exhaust fumes were very dense and white, and also caused intense pain to the eye of a human observer within a few seconds. No other behavioural effects were observed though death occurred between 3 hours 20 minutes and 4 hours 35 minutes after initial exposure."

So, to kill as fast as possible, meaning in less than FOUR HOURS, they suffocated the engine. Those white fumes (as unculbact pointed out) are unburned fuel. Great idea! Let's pump in vapourised unburned fuel.

If they tried this in any Diesel "gas chamber" (as were allegedly used in the MAJORITY of the alleged "death camps"), one spark and the resulting explosion would blow the building apart. So, these "gas vans" would be going around the countryside blowing up and exploding everywhere like fuel-air BOMBS on wheels.

What is there to prove these ridiculous contraptions even existed? Wartime Soviet propaganda from good old ltying mass-murdering Stalin's regime, and a bunch of ":witness reports" which not only disagree with each other, but come in multiple versions of the same affidavits. The "actual correspondence" between SS officers is nothing of the sort; they aren't original documents, they're only transcripts. There's an alleged intercepted message, but it's even less credible than those "Uranium from Niger" forgeries. What's the most solid evidence around? Only a single photo of a wrecked truck that looks just like any other wrecked truck - AND - the idiot lying holocaust propagandists couldn't even label the truck correctly as what model & make it was :rolleyes:

They're a load of rubbish and never existed.

And, if the Gas Vans can't be shown as possible, then neither can the "Diesel Gas Chambers" allegedly used at all the Aktion Reinhardt camps. Those scientific studies show that using a Diesel engine to kill people inside of 30 minutes isn't reasonably possible (it takes HOURS AND HOURS instead). Also, running Diesel engines for hours and hours everyday with a heavy load, choked to the point of unburned fuel being pumped out of the exhaust, into a confined space (resulting in heat buildup all the way down the exhaust pipe which is also going to fuckup the engine) - all of this is going to ruin those engines very rapidly. Besides, with the alleged "Diesel gas chambers", they supposedly used Russian tank engines (according to the supposed "witness" Gerstein who's testimony is now being considered unreliable even by mainstream historians), and how were the engines going to get overhauled every 2-3 days with foreign parts? And the excuse about the chambers being sealed also defies commonsense (because the engine's exhaust would quickly build up enough pressure to blow out the windows and doors), plus the soot and unburned fuel floating around in an aerated state would make the places into highly explosive bombs likely to go off with the tiniest spark, all these things mean the Diesel gas chambers are just another myth as well.

All of the Gas Van witnesses conflict with each other too, and the first report of these Gas Vans came from a highly unreliable source; Pravda, which was the mouthpiece of Stalin's horrific regime at the time - right after the Germans discovered the truth about the Katyn forest massacre (that the Soviets blamed the Germans for, and were believed by the West, until in 1990 the Russian government admitted that the massacre was done by the Soviet NKVD, and NOT the Germans. The Gas Vans were originally Russian wartime propaganda.

Doesn't matter anyway. The whole idea is ludicrous. The places would probably blow up first. They can't kill anyone inside of 30 minutes either (or 15 minutes for the mythical Gas Vans). There are TOO MANY problems with the claims. The Gas Vans are a myth. So are the "Diesel Gas Chambers" supposedly used at the Aktion Reinhardt alleged "death camps" (which is the MAJORITY of the alleged "death camps"). They have the same huge problems with credibility defying science and commonsense.

Read through the thread. There's been heaps of stuff just like this which has already been shown up as a truckload of garbage and nothing more.
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zipman to krastner said:
Well now my life is over. How can I possibly go on living when a moronic, anti-semitic, trailer-trash loser thinks I'm an asshole? :D

Oh yes the lame fall back position of every holocaust propagandist...call everyone you dislike or questions the falsehoods and lies of the holocaust an "anti-semitic"
See below...
Lovelynice said:


# Learn how to call everyone an anti-semitic! It's the perfect insult for every occasion, PLUS you can always get away with insulting people no matter what they do simply because they disagree with you! Here's some examples;
Normal Man-in-the-Street: “Those numbers don't add up!”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a vile filthy anti-semite!”
American Protester: “Israel has no right to slaughter innocent Palestinians and bulldoze their homes..It's wrong.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a stinky anti-semite!”
Historian: “...but there's no evidence that Nazis made human soap, it's been tested and there was no trace of human DNA.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite Jew-hating holocaust denier!”
Chemist: “...I could find no trace of cyanide in those gas chambers at Auschwitz.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite holocaust denier and should be jailed!”
Politician: “Why are we sending four billion dollars every year to Israel?”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're an anti-semite racist for even asking!”
Movie critic: “I didn't think that it was a good movie, it lacked quality and the acting was terrible.”
Holocaust Propagandist: “You're a disgusting anti-semite neo-nazi!”

Try harder next time. :rolleyes:

Your insults are getting reeeeally old...
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Drinking Cap said:
You know what I think Zip? I think you should keep posting on this thread because the people on the other side of the argument are obviously rational, intelligent people who are going to be swayed by the mountains of evidence that disprove their nonsense. It's really a good use of your time.

LOL, why do you think I post less and less in these threads?

As soon as one ridiculous theory is disproven, they move right on to the next.

Lovelynice's babbling about this "ink from the future" is a perfect example. They simply keep repeating it long enough and then believe it as fact, even the the ink was analyzed and found to be from the early 1940's.

Funny how most of them also buy into 9/11 was done by the government, alien conspiracies and a host of other conspiracies.
zipman said:
LOL, why do you think I post less and less in these threads?

As soon as one ridiculous theory is disproven, they move right on to the next.

Lovelynice's babbling about this "ink from the future" is a perfect example. They simply keep repeating it long enough and then believe it as fact, even the the ink was analyzed and found to be from the early 1940's.

Funny how most of them also buy into 9/11 was done by the government, alien conspiracies and a host of other conspiracies.

This thread is simply in the tradition of the concept of a flat Earth, men that didn't go to the moon, etc.

But the Earth is flat. I saw Monty Python's The Meaning of Life so I know. The rest of you should watch and take heed...