Why The Holocaust Must Be Questioned

How "convenient". Forgive me for not believing a word of your story.

Trained monkeys can't put together a logical argument, or debate with researched statements. "Lovelynice" does this better than anyone else on this board, Even when she's wrong, she puts together such a solid case that her opponents in debate are forced to equal the effort in research and typically that's beyond most members on this site.

Obessive, passionate, but she's also very articulate and smarter than the average GB poster. You can be smart and still wrong. No need to call her stupid when she is far from it. You demean youself when you drop to the level of debate of drunk yelling abuse.

You are probably her, or him, whichever applies.

Lovelynice debates nobody. She posts links and pics, declares her truth and never allows simpler more reasonable explainations. She always falls down when confronted by someone with personal knowledge of the things she has only read about.

Such ignorance is damnable.
Not to be rude or whatever, but I have to heartily disagree. She pisses people off, but she does post enough to support what she says,

Is this a Holocaust thread or a thread about "Lovelynice"?

Forgive me for saying this, but you aren't doing any justice to the victims of the Holocaust by changing the subject to a personal attack on another member you disagree with. The discussion of the Holocaust and refuting their denials of it is far more important. Educate, not make them a target for sympathy by being an asshole to them all the time.