
Tatelou said:
He is a know-it-all, yep, he claims to know everything. Anyway, we were discussing religion the other day, and he stated that he "does not subscribe to the 'Christian' theory of evolution, he believes Darwin. Afterall if the Adam and Eve story was true we'd all have evolved from an incestuous relationship." Well, DUR!


In that case you can tell him that it's fine for him to go back to Christianity. Even though it's not specifically mentioned, God apparently created a whole host of other people for Cane or Able (whichever) to dwell with (in the land of Nod? [just outside Hull]) after he killed his brother.

Or are we going to take this as a meeting of bible and Darwin and he went to dwell with apes. (Did E.R Borroughs read a lot of bible?)

If you're going to go with Darwin tell him to look at the Incest thread elsewhere which seems to suggest that incest is a common accepted practice throughout history. We are all products of incest somewhere along the evolutionary line.

Oops... sorry. This is the Wiccan thread isn't it.

I'm not a Wiccan, I'm a dowser. So are many people even if most don't know it because they haven't tried.

I can find running water down to about 10 feet whcih is useful to trace water pipes. If someone flushes a toilet I can find the sewer.

Garderobes - they don't flow, they slump. You don't need to be a dowser to smell one in use from 100 yards.

gauchecritic said:
In that case you can tell him that it's fine for him to go back to Christianity. Even though it's not specifically mentioned, God apparently created a whole host of other people for Cane or Able (whichever) to dwell with (in the land of Nod? [just outside Hull]) after he killed his brother.

Or are we going to take this as a meeting of bible and Darwin and he went to dwell with apes. (Did E.R Borroughs read a lot of bible?)

If you're going to go with Darwin tell him to look at the Incest thread elsewhere which seems to suggest that incest is a common accepted practice throughout history. We are all products of incest somewhere along the evolutionary line.

That would only serve to confuse the poor bugger further. I like your theory of Cain (or Able) taking up with the apes, then again we could be wandering into the realms of beastiality. ;)

gauchecritic said:
Oops... sorry. This is the Wiccan thread isn't it.


Hell, yeah! Let's not get started on incest again. :eek:

An interesting thing about Wicca is that the religion is actually only about 50 years old. It claims that it's older than Christianity, but it's reinterpretation of ancient nature magic is all conjecture because no one really knows much about what ancient nature-worshipping pagans actually did. Wiccan rituals were mostly designed by a guy who did most of his writing and theorizing in the 1950-60's. Followers have since insisted that these rituals are part of an ancient religiuous tradition, but there's absolutely no historical support for that.

It's also one of the few religions ever that was born in the UK.

I have heard quite a lot of historical support for the 'older than Christianity' thing, or at least as old as the Dark Ages. There are several hundreds of references in writing from the Dark Ages about burning witches and about the 'weird and unnatural' rituals that these witches use. Most wiccans consider themselves part of this faith and the theologising you referred to in the 1950s/60s is merely the re-emergence of the religion from a hidden and secretive base.

Interesting question of the day: Why is believing in magic looney-tunes and believing in miracles is perfectly rational behaviour?


The Earl
TheEarl said:
Interesting question of the day: Why is believing in magic looney-tunes and believing in miracles is perfectly rational behaviour?

Alrighty. Magic and Miracles are the same thing. And they are both perfectly logical. Anything described as "supernatural" if that's the word to yse are all variations of Shit We Haven't Figured Out Scientifically Yet.

When it comes to science, and what we believe to be logical explanations, we are all still infants. Just look at what people believed was magic a hundred years ago., and what was generally considered logical explanations longer ago. Then consider where we are now, and where we might be in another century.

The concept of spirits, magic, God and eternal souls or whatnot just might be totally scientifically proved explained. The fact that we don't get it doesn't prove a damn thing.

EDIT: That didn't really answer your question thugh.. The reason would then be that of the "supernatural" power comes from an official higher being, then it's ok. If such a power comes from within, or is controlled by a regular earth-bred Joe or Jane, then it's a bit intimidating and too close to Real Life for the unbelivers.
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Wicca definitely incorporates elements of what is known of ancient nature worship, Druidism and old Celtic mythology, but I doubt you can make a very strong case for these traditions being handed down in secret over the centuries.

There's a good book called (I think) "Pagan Practices in Modern Europe" that takes a scholarly look at a lot of Wiccan claims and gives a bunch of reasons to doubt the idea that they represent any ancient esoteric religion.

Anyhow, here's a link if you're interested:


*putting her hand up as a fully fledged,born again, live and kicking christian type person*

I for one believe in fairies and the like. I remember once coming home from school and asking mum if she believed in the loch ness monster. I had decided in all my 8/9 year old wisdom that nessie didn't exsist.

Mum said to me "Of course I believe in Nessie and fairies and golbins and all manner of things. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not there"

Something from that must have touched me as I still believe in all sorts of mythical beasts and such like and even, in some respects I still believe in good old Father christmas.

I believe there is far more in this world but not off this world than you think, some of it cprrupt and evil some of it good and kind.

I definitely have a gaurdian Angel and he probably has white hair by now! And I sincerely believe in evil spirits too.

I could go on and on...miracles happen every day, the birth of babies,the "luck" of a surgeon fixing a broken heart(literally) and many of them are small and in world terms insignificant.

Magic seems to sing its own praises a bit, look at me and my hocus pocus....bim bang BOOM! I think alot of people are wary of that because so often behind the fireworks there isn't much in the way of magic..its trickery,so even if magic works (hell I dunno!) people think its a trick..

Anyway I am waffling on too much....thats the effect of less than 4 hours sleep on EL's brain! SO I am going to stop waffling now (Saints be praised!) and i'm off for a lie down.
What people believe . . .

What people will believe . . .

What people CAN believe . . .

. . . has always fascinated me.

I try not to judge any particular belief, but I can't help calling people who are wildly inconsistent in their belief, loopy, dopey, or just plain nuts!

Like, for example, tree huggers who attend protests rallies in SUV's, or Christians who support the death penalty.
TheEarl said:
Interesting question of the day: Why is believing in magic looney-tunes and believing in miracles is perfectly rational behaviour?

That reminds me of a funny drawing I saw once. There are three groups in this scene, the one to the right are a bunch of "primitive natives" of some country, no clue which, and they are kneeling before a statue of a deity that looks rather much like an animal. The group in the middle are a bunch of catholic priests laughing their ass off at these silly, deluded primitives, and the final group, the one to the left, shows another bunch of catholic priests kneeling before a cross where a wooden doll has been nailed up.
Thanks Dr M. Will look at that when I get a second.

Just a quick clarification. I wrote magic when I actually meant magick. The distinction is that magic is stage illusions and magick is part of the Wiccan belief system and involves natural forces.

The Earl