Winter Contest Views

"Survivors" has been viewed/read/clicked on by 14.455 people. Out of all these, only 42 have bothered to vote, giving it a measly 3.79.:rolleyes:
The question should be

Originally posted by damppanties
Mhari, the views get updated once a day while the votes show up as soon as they are voted.

But then maybe Svenska is right. ;)

DS, how exactly do you know the stories get hit by friends who want to win so badly? I do hope it's just a theory.

How do you actually know what people vote? You don't, and no matter what someone says you weren't there when they did vote. Of course it would be nice if everybody was honest, and above board here, but the truth is people are people, and they do things, like vote, the way they want to, and not the way we'd like. Now don't take this wrong, but how can anyone really know what anyone else thinks? How can we really know another person's motivations? Especially in a cyber world where no one, and I mean no one is anything other than a faceless gathering of words, sentences, and paragraphs. Answer: We can't.

We make friendships here "online" based on what people say, and sometimes on what they do without really understanding what makes them say and do these things. It is the optimal place to be not only two faced, but many faced if need be to do whatever we want. Personally, I'd love to believe that everyone here at Lit is an honest, well adjusted adult, and author. And to some degree I do take them at faceless value, but I'll never be so naive as to think that all people are the same as me when a prize is waiting at the end of a journey, and they have one vote to dispoil the outcome against everyone of their competitors. How can I prove this? Very simple. Since I'm not entered in the contest I can tell you this. There is one story in the contest, that I know deserves to win one of the top three prizes for sure. I'd bet real money that it doesn't even place because it's competitors will vote it down. And those votes are legitamate because they are simply a single vote from each of those people. This story is one of the few non-erotic stories posted. And other than for greed, prestige, or whatever selfish reason would probably win hands down. It probably won't even get enough votes to compete, but if it did it should be one of the winners. I won't say which story this is now, but I have given you enough clues already.

Re: The question should be

Dirty Slut said:
. It is the optimal place to be not only two faced, but many faced if need be to do whatever we want. Personally, I'd love to believe that everyone here at Lit is an honest, well adjusted adult, and author.

That is a warning well worth repeating. All we know about each other is words on a screen. There is ample scope for misunderstanding without considering deliberate misrepresentation.

I SAY that I am a four thousand year-old dead King. Does anyone here really believe that? I sometimes post AVs. How do you know they are of me?

All that is obviously true is that I write and post here. Is my writing autobiographical? Most of us can imagine ourselves in situations that we would never want to experience in real life. We can write about imaginary people doing imaginary things so what proof have you that our apparent persona is not imaginary as well?

As with all of the Internet caution and discretion is not only necessary, it is essential. We play games here in the AH with each other and with ourselves. Don't believe a word of it if considering meeting someone in real life.

Re: Re: The question should be

oggbashan said:
That is a warning well worth repeating. All we know about each other is words on a screen. There is ample scope for misunderstanding without considering deliberate misrepresentation.

I SAY that I am a four thousand year-old dead King. Does anyone here really believe that? I sometimes post AVs. How do you know they are of me?

All that is obviously true is that I write and post here. Is my writing autobiographical? Most of us can imagine ourselves in situations that we would never want to experience in real life. We can write about imaginary people doing imaginary things so what proof have you that our apparent persona is not imaginary as well?

As with all of the Internet caution and discretion is not only necessary, it is essential. We play games here in the AH with each other and with ourselves. Don't believe a word of it if considering meeting someone in real life.


Og, are you saying you do NOT believe my current AV is me? :(

Seriously though, I agree about caution and discretion. But I do hope I will never get so distrusting as DS seems to be.

Sorry DirtySlut, but I do think you take the suspicion too far. I'd rather bang my head a few times than automatically always assume the worst about other people.
Re: Re: Re: The question should be

Black Tulip said:
Og, are you saying you do NOT believe my current AV is me? :(

Seriously though, I agree about caution and discretion. But I do hope I will never get so distrusting as DS seems to be.

Sorry DirtySlut, but I do think you take the suspicion too far. I'd rather bang my head a few times than automatically always assume the worst about other people.

I don't always assume anything either. I'm just a realist is all. And when it comes to money, as a prize for writing, let's just say that there is room for doubt. If you want to make a contest more fair, then don't let the authors who are entered in the contest vote on any other story that is also entered in that contest. That would be fair. But that's just my opinion.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Last edited:
Re: Re: Re: The question should be

Black Tulip said:
Og, are you saying you do NOT believe my current AV is me? :(

Seriously though, I agree about caution and discretion. But I do hope I will never get so distrusting as DS seems to be.

I think you are really an attractive woman and not a cartoon character but then I may be biased.

I don't think DS is distrusting but a realist. It is worth a reminder from time to time that all is not necessarily as it appears.

I can't understand the motivation behind the dirty tricks that take place on the contests or the bombing that happens when stories get high ratings. Literotica is a place to enjoy not to somewhere to conduct virtual war. Life may be serious; winning or losing a competition here isn't.

I'm still going to enter the competitions because of the benefits I get from them in increased motivation, votes, feedback and views. If I ever became close to winning and then got bombed it wouldn't bother me except to be sad that some people are so obsessed with the need to win.

Re: Re: Re: Re: The question should be

Dirt Man said:
If you want to make a contest more fair, then don't let the authors who are entered in the contest vote on any other story that is also entered in that contest. That would be fair. But that's just my opinion.
That's a really good suggestion, Dirt Man. I wonder if there's any way to implement it?

For the record, I've given out a number of fives to my "competitors". And a couple of threes, but those were my honest opinions. I can't imagine voting a one on someone's story just to try to "knock down the competition". How does someone who does a thing like that look himself in the mirror without puking?

But maybe that's just me.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The question should be

Mhari said:
That's a really good suggestion, Dirt Man. I wonder if there's any way to implement it?

For the record, I've given out a number of fives to my "competitors". And a couple of threes, but those were my honest opinions. I can't imagine voting a one on someone's story just to try to "knock down the competition". How does someone who does a thing like that look himself in the mirror without puking?

But maybe that's just me.

Well, when I'm in a contest, if I read another contestants story, and I think it should earn a 5 I give it a 5. If I think it should earn less, then I don't vote at all. Also, I don't vote on my own stories. I know my stories should earn a 5, but I can't get the reader's true input about the story by putting in my vote on my story. As it is the lowest story average I have is above 4.1 average, and the highest is 4.67. And remember, I have over 20 stories posted here, and many more elsewhere. Not bad for a writer who writes mostly graphic porn on this site, eh. I write for me, then I edit for the readers who come here. I've even co-authored with Mathgirl for the humorous Durt Gurl stories. It won't make me any money, but it works, and that's all that counts to me.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
I would like to make a positive comment about the Contest and Voting.

This Winter Holiday Contest is the first once, in which I have taken part.

I had not thought I would, but on November 30, I was struck with an idea for a story. On the night of December 1st, I wrote the story. On December 2nd and 3rd I edited the piece.

I wish I had taken another day or two to proofread it better, but I feared it would not make the deadline. I submitted the manuscript late on December 3rd (EST).

I spent the next 24 hours wishing I could take the story back. ( By the end of any editing phase, I have usually lost faith in all my stories. )

Laurel took less than twenty-four hours to post my story. Except for not correcting the typos I had left in the manuscript, I was completely happy with the way the story was handled.

By the end of the first twenty-four hours, "Santa's Cookie" (the file, at least) had been opened 3,490 times, it had received 32 votes for an average of 4.56. In addition, I had received more feedback, in one day (for "Santa's Cookie") than I have previously got in any two months, for all stories combined.

Incidentally, all but one of my previously posted stories' files had been opened a few thousand times – the exception, only a few hundred times – during this last day. That is more movement than has occurred since they were last on the "New List."

I believe we should acknowledge the contributions of those who make this contest so exceptional – the readers.

Previously, I was unaware of just how much the readers support these annual contests.

I much doubt that my story will finish anywhere near the top of the contest competition. I only hope it doesn't finish dead last.

But, I have already enjoyed myself considerably during this contest. I qualified! That's my original goal fulfilled. I also have had several personal records set, especially my first "H" – even if it soon fades away.

For this, I thank Laurel and Manu for the opportunity, the other competitors for the race, and all the readers for the action.

I am already quite satisfied with the ride, so all else is gravy.
Very well said, Quasi! :)

I found the exact same thing when my Halloween story was posted. I wasn't going to enter the Winter Holiday competition, what with writing my NaNo novel (and still writing it), but I sat down all day yesterday and wrote a winter themed story. I read through it again this morning and decided to submit it. I hope it's not too late to be included in the contest now, but if it is, never mind, I enjoyed writing it.

For me these contests are all about people reading my stories and hopefully providing me with some of that much cherished feedback. As you said, Quasi: everything else is gravy.


It is good to hear (read) positive comments. The readership levels have also astonished me. I have over 8k hits roughly a thousand a day, though now tailing off. The leader of one of our political parties in the UK recently published a novel - he sold 14 (fourteen - it is not a typo) in the first week. So I am happy with my tally. Though voting stopped at 40 some three days ago - not much bothered by that.

I looked at some of the leading stories on the board this morning. One guy has received 421 votes for a story published 10 days ago, yet it does not figure in the top 500 readership list - so that is actually less than 123,000 readers in ten days. What catagory? You guessed it - 7 Lit pages of familial coupling - everyone gets in on the act except the canary. Do I want to write that? I am still at the stage with my writing where I need to live the charactors, I cannot do the family thing.

I am just delighted anyone is reading me and would extend equal thanks to our hosts and readers.
