Valentines Day Contest Support Thread.

When I finished writing Slingshot I thought it was pretty good, but I knew I had no chance of winning this contest. Too many amazing writers, too many excellent stories and I'd read how fierce the competition could be.

Goes to show what I know. It's also why I don’t gamble.

If you voted or left a kind word, thank you. For those who helped on the first day during the mix-up when I was losing my mind, my profound thanks.

And congrats to everyone who entered (Booty Shorts was my favourite of the entries). It's never an easy thing to sit in front of a computer and type out a story. That you did and published your story is no small thing.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone
I know exactly how you feel. The first time I got that notification from Laurel I thought someone was pranking me - there's so much talent here, and I'm just a dog with a stolen ipad borrowed laptop...
Wow! I only have one story in the 4.8x zone (then it’s not just my comp entries that have an infestation).

My overall average is 4.8 but I don't count 750 word stories in that, I keep them separate like poems, their average is 4.57
My overall average is 4.8 but I don't count 750 word stories in that, I keep them separate like poems, their average is 4.57
I routinely get stories go from 4.3x / 4.4x to 4.6x / 4.7x when there is a broad-based sweep. Aside from noticing, I’m just kinda used to the nonsense now. I focus more on comments than ratings. Particularly those from other authors.

I routinely get stories go from 4.3x / 4.4x to 4.6x / 4.7x when there is a broad-based sweep. Aside from noticing, I’m just kinda used to the nonsense now. I focus more on comments than ratings. Particularly those from other authors.

I do too, but numbers are easier to download.
Congratulations again to the winners and well done to all who participated.

The sweeps and some additional votes took mine from what I thought was an also ran at 4.8 up to a possible contender at 4.88, the same as my story for the 2023 Summer Lovin' contest (which is now my highest rated). I'm excited for the great score and the excellent vote to view ratio (1 vote for every 14.7 views, among my best) but was disappointed in the relatively small number of views the story received. It's my second lowest total ever at this point since publication. There were so many great stories in the contest that most readers wouldn't have had time to read them all and probably not even all they'd have liked to have read.
I feel proud about mine tbh, it started at 4.43/5 and slowly climbed its way up and stayed around 4.53-4.66/5 stars. It was one of the stories I had enjoyed writing too so over all I am glad I finally participated in a contest. Also hello~ first time chatting here lmao
Welcome, Kittykaydence, and congratulations!

One suggestion, you might consider adding a signature with a link to your stories.
I feel proud about mine tbh, it started at 4.43/5 and slowly climbed its way up and stayed around 4.53-4.66/5 stars. It was one of the stories I had enjoyed writing too so over all I am glad I finally participated in a contest. Also hello~ first time chatting here lmao

Hey! We follow each other on Twitter! Glad to see you here. Congratulations on a successful story.

Oh, and what SC said, folks here would love to read your work.
The Broke Stem Rose crossed the finish line at 4.86, so congratulations.
Thank you. Friend Zoned is actually a collection of silly shit that happened to me on the flight line while I was stationed in Korea. I added an enlisted romance to the mix and the folks really liked it. Unfortunately I ran out of silly shit, so next year I'm going to have to depend on my imagination.
Winners are listed in the Valentine's post:

2024 Valentines Day Contest Winners *

First Place ($150 Cash Prize Winner):

by thanagar

Second Place ($100 Cash Prize Winner):
Booty Shorts - Sugar Daddy
by BrokenSpokes

Third Place ($75 Cash Prize Winner):
Surprise Valentine
by Smuttyandfun

Congrats to all three and to all who entered.
Congratulations to winners and all entrants.
A great competition with great entries, ignore the spoilers ... keep on writing what you want...
Congratulations to the winners! I'll add them to my long reading list.

My favourites of the ones I did read were Blenheim by FlynnTalwar - well-drawn characters in small-town/big city Canada, classic romance with divorcée meeting new man - and Voboy's The Fifth One, because he writes total arseholes so appealingly (cocky 20-yo lad has had to repeat last year of high school, after being thrown out of two schools for seducing four teachers. His new drama teacher is warned...)
Thanks, joy. That's a very short list compared to the actual number of entries. It's too bad more people didn't tag their stories like that so it would be easier to find stories of interest rather than playing hit or miss through the contest list that changes order every time the system updates.
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Thanks, joy. That's a very short list compared to the actual number of entries. It's too bad more people didn't tag their stories like that so it would be easier to find stories of interest rather than playing hit or miss through the list the changes order every time the system updates.
I kinda wish Laurel would add a tag - the notes field has to have the text to enter, copy this to a tag maybe. Easy for me to say, it might be involved to do.

Here are all stories tagged 'valentines day 2024': day 2024/?sort_by=rating

It's not a complete listing (missing the winner!) but it shows category and summary and rating, in case anyone else uses those to decide what to read.
I’m pleased I’m at least on the [incomplete] leader board - I thought Lily’s First Valentine’s was some of my best work (at least at the whimsical end of my range). A lot happier to see it at a semi-decent 4.71 than the 4.3x - 4.4x it was for most of the duration of the comp.

Two things.
1. In my final sweep I lost 11 votes (168>157) and my rating went 4.45 to 4.57 , so they cleared out a lot of early votes, so just glad it's Hot as most of the later votes were4 & 5's.
2. I didn't tag so I'm not on the partial list but would have been quite high :). I'll know better next time.
Three things.
3. Congratulations to the winners and indeed all who entered!
Here are all stories tagged 'valentines day 2024': day 2024/?sort_by=rating

It's not a complete listing (missing the winner!) but it shows category and summary and rating, in case anyone else uses those to decide what to read.
Here are all stories tagged 'valentines day 2024': day 2024/?sort_by=rating

It's not a complete listing (missing the winner!) but it shows category and summary and rating, in case anyone else uses those to decide what to read.
In my defence, I did add Valentine, just not Valentine Day 2024.

Perhaps, and I don't know this for sure, the reason there isn't an automatic tag is it makes it easier to see which stories are most highly rated. There’s been a lot of very justified complaining about targeted 1 votes. The current listings are random. You have to go through each story if you want to be a nuisance. This makes it easier.
Over the last 24 hours, my story went from 21 up to max 24 votes, then back to 22 or 21, half a dozen times. The score on each number of votes varied, so they seemed to be different votes being cast and then different-again ones being deleted each time.

The contest ended with it back on 21 votes (so not enough to qualify), and a good but not-in-the-running score of 4.82, which I'm happy with - a score that could have won if only one more vote had been received/deemed valid would have been seriously annoying!
In my defence, I did add Valentine, just not Valentine Day 2024.

Agreed, I am 85% sure I did the same thing

I added a reminder to the April Fools day support thread to add APRIL FOOLS 2024 as a tag. It's not needed but it's kind of cool to keep an eye on.

Hope to see you jokers there! (Jokers, get it? April Fools?)
OMG I didn't even realize April Fools is coming up, now I got something new to plan and look forward too ooo also nice joke, it was very... punny