Wolven Den

Love this song~


Body relaxes into the music, the rhythm. Head boppin', fingers snappin', hips movin' left to right...
leaning up, lips brush passing flesh... repeatedly

Evening laLuna...

Plopping in Ninaling's lap, dancing...stripper song playing....booty popping...cuz I can...and what the fuck is the point of being a perfect size 6 with a fat ass if I can't dance? Turning around, hand linking round Nina's neck, leaning backward, hips and belly roll on her lap...low laughter...

Been a shitty day...but I figure no one can be upset if they listen to Lil Wayne...
-fingers whisper along ribs and spine and lovely waistband-

Yes, yes it has...

-turns up the music as lips pull and taste the back of her arm-
-fingers whisper along ribs and spine and lovely waistband-

Yes, yes it has...

-turns up the music as lips pull and taste the back of her arm-

nods once, brushes lips over Ninaling's cheek, light brown eyes gleaming

I tried to stay away from everyone today. I know I am fucked up...
-curls fingers into her nape, scratching lightly-

I do it too... Made myself stay in the livingroom, talk to ppl, come on here...

Even though... all I wanted in the world was to go where I think i'm needed or hide under my bed till I stop screaming/crying/beating someone senseless...

We're both fucked up...
-curls fingers into her nape, scratching lightly-

I do it too... Made myself stay in the livingroom, talk to ppl, come on here...

Even though... all I wanted in the world was to go where I think i'm needed or hide under my bed till I stop screaming/crying/beating someone senseless...

We're both fucked up...

Head rests against hers, forehead to forehead, music stops...my eyes close, fingers twist into hair and tug.

I write usually. I stay in my room and write. My kids freak when I am not in control. And I haven't been for damned near 3 days this time....so I hid.

Even came on Lit...but I just stayed in my Den and ignored everyone who came by...

I can't carry on a NORMAL conversation, you see. All I wanna do is punch my heavy bag til my knuckles bleed. But that would piss my 20 year old off and terrify the other 2.

So I write...and drink.


Been drinking since 6 today...never went to sleep, just drank, ice cold vodka...lots of it...and now I am at work...
-nose rubs nose, eyes unfocus and drift shut, nails dig deeply-

Mine kinda freak too when I'm not me, Wish I could punch something till I bleed, I'd so join you in the ring!

-grins- I dont think I have had a normal conversation in years.... they bore me or i freak them out.. pfft... Who needs to talk to a setting on the dryer anyway...

Does drinking help slow you down... I havnt done it in over 10 years...
Sighs, hand twists hair tighter.

Usually drinking steadies me enough to get through the day...but I have trouble with alcohol. I self medicate that way.

Low purring growl

So I try to really avoid liquor of all sorts...and for the most part I do and have, for years. This shit? This shit has given me back a LOT of bad habits. I am smoking like a chimney...and I had quit. I am losing muscle tone because I am not eating correctly.

And working out til I drop is very bad...yet I have done so at least 4 times in the last 2 weeks, making myself unable to walk the next day.

Small hand releases hair, nails move to scratch lightly at her scalp before fingertips press and begin to massage....

I hate talking. I would rather fight, brutally fuck, scream, write...anything but fucking talk...cuz it doesn't really help....(then again none of the other things do either when I am down)

Yea... I cant do the alcohol thing, it makes me look funny, least when I look in the mirror while drunk. mhmmm.... chim-chimineyyyy... my hair reeks of it right now, I think I've eaten once today...

-giggles and purrrrssssss, mirroring the massage- See there... any workout does that to me... but I wouldnt miss it.

Hmm... you seem to be doing good at talking right now... but yea.. shutting off, going primal... doesnt fix anything but sates the beast within long enough to cry ones self to sleep...
Leans in to nibble on a pretty chin...

I talk to you cuz you dig it...I talk to Cait cuz she lends me her strength when I haven't any more to spare...

Pressing harder, thumbs sweeping along the temples and rubbing.

I tried to keep myself to myself today...I ran in and out of Lit and avoided most threads...I just wanted the company, you know?

And working out til you fall down is very bad, Ninaling. It fucks up your body and makes future work outs more difficult. Usually I pace myself~Tae-bo, kick boxing, Pilates...all different days. Walking everyday up to 8 miles....weight lifting 3 days a week. Heavy bag, speed bag, jump rope, every other day...all done at different times of day...

The smoking thing? Fucks up my oxygen levels and my sugar is bottoming too, since i ain't eating right.

Hand moves again, drifting down to begin massaging the back of a supple neck...
leans back... finger nails trail and tips rub firmly into arms and shoulders


I know the company... seeing the people talk makes me smile too...

-giggles and rubs well worked muscles-

I know its not good for me.. but I get frustrated as fuck and go till I drop... My work outs are finally up to 8 min a day with a 20 min walk. THat I can function after.. I hope to one day have a quarter of your workout schedule... So you can imagine what fucking is like right now. I'd do it till I fall down dead though!

head pulls up to let tongue taste pretty throat

Am so bored, playing with my web cam while I allow my brain to pick apart threads for my owed posts...
leans back... finger nails trail and tips rub firmly into arms and shoulders


I know the company... seeing the people talk makes me smile too...

-giggles and rubs well worked muscles-

I know its not good for me.. but I get frustrated as fuck and go till I drop... My work outs are finally up to 8 min a day with a 20 min walk. THat I can function after.. I hope to one day have a quarter of your workout schedule... So you can imagine what fucking is like right now. I'd do it till I fall down dead though!

head pulls up to let tongue taste pretty throat

low laughter

I started lifting with the football team in 9th grade. I am a very strong, very short, very well muscled lil boi.

My average work out is one hour (not counting the stuff specifically to help with the anger or to get my heart pumping like walking or speed bag/jump rope work) I guess on any given day I do about 1 hour 45 minutes...more or less but only an hour of it is all at once...even when I lift. I do circuits...2 circuits, 12 machines, 12 rests, twice...takes exactly one hour...*grins*

The four work outs that I fucked up~I went for about two hours straight~from Tae-bo-kick boxing classes to the circuit...

I hurt so bad the next day all i could do was whimper...

brushing a soft kiss over a pretty mouth, sharp white teeth capturing a lip and tugging, lightly...
Can I lay my head on you tonight?

You wanna curl up in bed with me for a while, Ninaling? I will even unlock the play room, if ya do...

I motion to the playroom door and the snick of the lock is heard...the door swings open...and my king sized bed beckons from the darkness...

I could use a cuddle buddy, just for now...we can go back to poking each other tomorrow...
Just the thought of cuddles with you knocked me right out... giggles

and the thought of you wimpering all day... :)
*slinks in to give luna a snuggle and kiss missing her terribly and hoping she is well and safe*

miss you hun
The Den is quiet when I arrive so I tiptoe in and leave the small carved box on a table so she can not miss it. Inside the box the Lady would find this, a pendant. The two stones being Druzy and Amethyst. The last being my own birth stone. I found it last night and my first thought was of her and the connection we share.

Below the pendant is a small scribbled note that simply read:

Forever and Always.
Never letting go.

I leave the box and slip away, back the way I came.
Wanders inside. The place is new, but there are familiar faces, so I'm relaxed. I take a seat and lean back.

"Hi. I feel like I should say more, but its the only thing rolling out of my head right now."
Wanders inside. The place is new, but there are familiar faces, so I'm relaxed. I take a seat and lean back.

"Hi. I feel like I should say more, but its the only thing rolling out of my head right now."
She walks in quickly, out of her room, where a soft bandage is placed on her shoulder, and sighs, converse making no sound as she prepared to leave, cussing under her breath. She stops, turns, and looks at the new comer, her eyes still swirling with colors.

Hi there. I haven't seen you around here.