wondering why...

Do tell us about the nekkid hang-over bit won't ya? I do enjoy a good drugged sucking, played with submission post. Ohhh, maybe a poem!!
Well now Champy, that would go into the Long Story category. Some kinda day yesterday was. Sad day. Funeral. Brother-in-law's mother. Didn't know her, never met her, but I was sad for him. However, me & mrs hmmnmm returned to her land if nativity last year with intentions of establishing residence. I really love it, but a few things are done way different than what I'm used to: like funerals. Like the open casket all the way to the gravesite. Imagery. Lots and lots of imagery... And I'm pretty sure I won't be looking into joining the Orthodox Church anytime soon. Or might take another gander at atheism. Well after that, beer was bought and consumed and the consuming consumed many an hour.

Hey and speaking of Champagne, few days ago I was in discourse with someone about narrative poetry, which reminded me of prose-poetry. I remembered the first toe splashes here on the poetry side and you enlightened me on prose-poetry, which at the time I had no idea such a thing existed, but which I took to the exploring of, but then somewhere along the way got sidetracked (wow there's a news flash), but being reminded of it, thought about looking at it again... picked out a few I'd been working on and played around with them - what were once lines became paragraph lookalikes. And I really like the way it feels. Only thing I'm usure of is: do the paragraph lookalikes work any better than in lines?
this place has just about died. anyone know? cuz it's awful coming here anymore. so sad...


Hey again Boo, I haven't been around because I dislocated my hip nigh 7 years ago now and it's been downhill since seeing as I was so young and Doc's didnt see a fit reason to give me a hip replacement yet. I mean, their words..."I wasn't crawling on the floor, dragging myself so I could still walk on my own merit (with two canes and a few years later a walker until I couldnt walk anymore except in fits of necessity and there was no damn way I was going to crawl in a Doctors office. smug, arrogant snits!) Couldnt drive anymore, sold my car, sold my house...couldnt tend that or stairs either...moved to a city way far away and started pounding on specialists doors again. Almost 2 years ago i finally had a hip replacement and tell me this, who the hell can write never mind sit...stand, walk or lay down while in such pain? Who ever can write with passion, gentility, love, beauty, giving...or even think is a hero to me and love, I am no hero.
I tried coming back here once in between, so desolate my writing had deserted me (in my own mind's view) and tried to find there was nothing wrong, I could still write but my passion was having none of it!
Now i can walk, i can even sit in those darn misfit computer chairs for half an hour at a time without too much discomfort and I can walk and drive and even think...so first place I attempt at coming back is here...and find this post so let me tell you why...

and i did! *grins* oh wow did I ever...
am i going to be able to write again? i don't honestly know, it has been so many years and my mind is not as quick as it once was, i have missed so much of the world and grown old in my words, thoughts and feelings but i am sure going to try, at least have fun if y'all will talk to me again.
If not, I still love you too and have missed you.

Thats my story and i lickt it!

warm hugs Boo
Hey Echoes! ltns!! I don't know what you're taking, but I want some of it! I think...

haha Boo, if I don't know what i speak of and you do not either, then we are residing in 98.3% of the population...:confused:

Lordy help the 1.7% who have an idea of what i say :eek:

I can share!!!:heart:
Can we stop this now before it really takes off? It won't help this forum to continue. I wish poetry was on everyones minds, not egos.
Hey again Boo, I haven't been around because I dislocated my hip nigh 7 years ago now and it's been downhill since seeing as I was so young and Doc's didnt see a fit reason to give me a hip replacement yet. I mean, their words..."I wasn't crawling on the floor, dragging myself so I could still walk on my own merit (with two canes and a few years later a walker until I couldnt walk anymore except in fits of necessity and there was no damn way I was going to crawl in a Doctors office. smug, arrogant snits!) Couldnt drive anymore, sold my car, sold my house...couldnt tend that or stairs either...moved to a city way far away and started pounding on specialists doors again. Almost 2 years ago i finally had a hip replacement and tell me this, who the hell can write never mind sit...stand, walk or lay down while in such pain? Who ever can write with passion, gentility, love, beauty, giving...or even think is a hero to me and love, I am no hero.
I tried coming back here once in between, so desolate my writing had deserted me (in my own mind's view) and tried to find there was nothing wrong, I could still write but my passion was having none of it!
Now i can walk, i can even sit in those darn misfit computer chairs for half an hour at a time without too much discomfort and I can walk and drive and even think...so first place I attempt at coming back is here...and find this post so let me tell you why...

and i did! *grins* oh wow did I ever...
am i going to be able to write again? i don't honestly know, it has been so many years and my mind is not as quick as it once was, i have missed so much of the world and grown old in my words, thoughts and feelings but i am sure going to try, at least have fun if y'all will talk to me again.
If not, I still love you too and have missed you.

Thats my story and i lickt it!

warm hugs Boo

LOL! And they call these the Golden Years? Ha! Sorry you've had so much trouble. I can only imagine. Your words will come back. Mine have. Some. I'm glad to see you're trying, anyway. I am, too! Hugs back atcha, Doll!
We need a good Challenge. I think I have one. But, of course, there will be a catch to it! :cool:
I haven't been here in years. If Boo hadn't pm'd me, I still would not have.

I would be willing to give a challenge a go. But warning fair, I have not written a poem in at least three years... not sure how that happened. It just did.