Workers win and UAW loses

BTW Rob the majority does eliminate the rights of the minority as Harry Reid did in the Senate

By all means, please explain to us what "rights" the minority had, in your opinion.

This ought to be good....
Hmmm.... not a single mention of either Obama or the NLRB in either of your two (which are really the same article posted twice) supporting sources.

Color me surprised :rolleyes:


Well, you are one of those. Sad, as you obama people are broken
Well, you are one of those. Sad, as you obama people are broken

I just about never post here in the GB because of this kind of shit, but I just have one thing to say.


Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick, get over it. There was an election. Your guy didn't win. There, end of story. You want to do something about it? Vote for someone else the next time around. But quit bitching already.
I just about never post here in the GB because of this kind of shit, but I just have one thing to say.


Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick, get over it. There was an election. Your guy didn't win. There, end of story. You want to do something about it? Vote for someone else the next time around. But quit bitching already.

the obama class, aka welfare ... are now at 51% of the Amerikkan population. America has fallen into the socialist abyss
the obama class, aka welfare ... are now at 51% of the Amerikkan population. America has fallen into the socialist abyss

Oh tell me about it, there was no such thing as welfare or unemployment or hell, even rude drivers or the flu until Obama took the oath of office, and then everything hit the skids. All the unicorns died and the faeries flew away.

Seriously, get a life. Obama is no better or worse than any of the other jackasses the system has produced in the past three decades.
Oh tell me about it, there was no such thing as welfare or unemployment or hell, even rude drivers or the flu until Obama took the oath of office, and then everything hit the skids. All the unicorns died and the faeries flew away.

Seriously, get a life. Obama is no better or worse than any of the other jackasses the system has produced in the past three decades.

so, you think welfare and unemployment are career options?

obama is by far, the worst POTUS in American history.

Clearly, you need to wake up and accept that fact
I know you're new blondie and we all do it from time to time so I'm not yelling atcha, but please don't quote the jen. Hell for the most part I'd reccomend putting her on iggy but you'll discover who needs to be on that list sooner or later on your own.,0,1974254.story#axzz2tNmnHuXi

Workers decided against paying extortion money to the labor mafia. Despite every effort including having the govt and the corrupt NLRB on your side; workers in a VW plant decided they want to keep their salaries for themselves.

Lets see if the UAW will committ to open and free voting in the mid west plants so workers can be right to work

Obviously the majority of workers in that plant would rather take it up the ass from management. I've worked in a lot of different places with and without a union. I'll take a corrupt union over greedy management any day.
Obviously the majority of workers in that plant would rather take it up the ass from management. I've worked in a lot of different places with and without a union. I'll take a corrupt union over greedy management any day.

This message brought to you by Thug Inc, aka AFL-CIO
That bullshit should never have been allowed to begin with. It's a sad day for American workers but oh well shit happens all the time and when the South REMAINS the poor states in the US because they get shit wages and have no means to pull themselves out of poverty they have nobody to blame but themselves.

But as Rob said the majority spoke and got what it wanted. Sometimes democracy doesn't work out in your favor. It's one of the many downsides to democracy.

Actually the south is the most rapidly growing segment of the entire country and and has considerably less poverty than the north. Of course there is always that concentration on the poorest parts of the south to continually mislead the generally uninformed.
We have trade unions and industrial unions and no unions. I have worked within the guidelines of unions and not. The first time I was ever told to slow down was on a union job.
There was a very definite need for organized labor at one point in our history.
The fact that industry meets and exceeds what the unions offer is a direct result of
I have jenn on iggy. Can someone tell me if she posted something intelligent in response to my post?

Actually the south is the most rapidly growing segment of the entire country and and has considerably less poverty than the north. Of course there is always that concentration on the poorest parts of the south to continually mislead the generally uninformed.
We have trade unions and industrial unions and no unions. I have worked within the guidelines of unions and not. The first time I was ever told to slow down was on a union job.
There was a very definite need for organized labor at one point in our history.
The fact that industry meets and exceeds what the unions offer is a direct result of

Citation is needed of this vapid bullshit. The south does not have less poverty than the north, that's not even a disputed point. The question is whether we failed the South or if they are unsavable fuck ups. (It's really the former. We failed them fantastically)

I'll take you at your word that the first (and presumably only for your argument to hold water) you were told to slow down was on a union job. Oh well.

There is a definite need for organized labor. Greedy management still fucks people, we have nearly half the country receiving some kind of financial aid, average Americans income has been stagnant for three decades (coinciding with the fall of the union as a major force in this country).
I have jenn on iggy. Can someone tell me if she posted something intelligent in response to my post?


I'm seeing why. My God in Heaven, she's obsessed.

I mean, I might make an off-handed post on politics once in awhile. But I can't imagine bothering to take my spare time and waste it on fucking politics posting dozens of messages bordering on a spam attack.
I'm seeing why. My God in Heaven, she's obsessed.

I mean, I might make an off-handed post on politics once in awhile. But I can't imagine bothering to take my spare time and waste it on fucking politics posting dozens of messages bordering on a spam attack.

She adds nothing to the Board. She is just here to piss everyone off.
Citation is needed of this vapid bullshit. The south does not have less poverty than the north, that's not even a disputed point. The question is whether we failed the South or if they are unsavable fuck ups. (It's really the former. We failed them fantastically)

I'll take you at your word that the first (and presumably only for your argument to hold water) you were told to slow down was on a union job. Oh well.

There is a definite need for organized labor. Greedy management still fucks people, we have nearly half the country receiving some kind of financial aid, average Americans income has been stagnant for three decades (coinciding with the fall of the union as a major force in this country).

LOL Don't make me laugh. You wouldn't know a citation if a nigga punk knocked you out with it.
Obviously the majority of workers in that plant would rather take it up the ass from management. I've worked in a lot of different places with and without a union. I'll take a corrupt union over greedy management any day.

No, it's a matter of not taking it up the ass from the union. In the 19th Century, from what I have read, the unions were highly beneficial and actually protected workers from company excesses. However, currently the unions are the ones gouging from the workers' paychecks and forcing them to do things they don't want to because the union bosses have a political agenda.
And what agenda is that aside from make more money?

Electing people the union bosses favor, usually Dems or the self-styled Progressives. Or supporting referenda they like, even though the rank and file might oppose them.
By all means, please explain to us what "rights" the minority had, in your opinion.

This ought to be good....
Well in the case of the Senate, the right to have a debate and make objections to nominees. Not to remove the Fillibuster, part of the Senate operating procedure, Reid removed although he was asupporter when the Dems were in the minority.
Obviously the majority of workers in that plant would rather take it up the ass from management. I've worked in a lot of different places with and without a union. I'll take a corrupt union over greedy management any day.
Lets talk about the customer or third party.

Why should I have to accept a union only alternative. For instance publc wortks project have higher costs and are done poorly in union friendly states. Because the non union contractor is not alowed to bid. Why should I have to use union workers if I move into certain building to do my installs?
Electing people the union bosses favor, usually Dems or the self-styled Progressives. Or supporting referenda they like, even though the rank and file might oppose them.

You obviously have no idea how 'union bosses' get their jobs, or how labor unions work, at all.
Well in the case of the Senate, the right to have a debate and make objections to nominees. Not to remove the Fillibuster, part of the Senate operating procedure, Reid removed although he was asupporter when the Dems were in the minority.

Senators can debate and make objections. Ted Cruz makes an art of that. They simply have to do this in person now, on their feet, for as long as they like. And once they're finished, the Senate votes.

Republicans abused the silent filibuster, so Reid took that privilege away. This isn't Israel, actions have consequences. :)