Would you WANT anyone recognize you as a Dom/me or sub....

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Oh HELL. Then there are your lemon-headed SISTERS <sigh>
I can think of some Dom/Dommes I have seen here who could teach them to be lemonade and I would watch ;)
Sex & Diamonds said:
What would I do with out you??? :rolleyes: :D

Isn't the better question what would you do WITH me? Or what WOULDN'T you do? Or I shoiuld say allow ME to do To you.

(always important to know someone's limits ;))
James G 5 said:
Isn't the better question what would you do WITH me? Or what WOULDN'T you do? Or I shoiuld say allow ME to do To you.

(always important to know someone's limits ;))

Minimum is three drinks. I have yet to reach my limit on drinks....we ARE still talking about drinks aren't we? :eek: :confused:
Sex & Diamonds said:
Minimum is three drinks. I have yet to reach my limit on drinks....we ARE still talking about drinks aren't we? :eek: :confused:

No, but what I'm offering CAN be intoxicating
Go ahead, have a taste
First one's free :devil:
James G 5 said:
For me, I live my life pretty out in the open.......public events, clothing or jewelry that might make peopel wonder (not enough to scream it but enough to make people go HMMMM)
'course I'm an active & public pagan too
But I have the advantage of being in a place socially and professionaly where it's not an issue
Were things otherwise.....well, I'd have to move to a place like this, it's not in me to be quiet :D

I can understand why others might need to be anonymous or want to be unoticed tho

what he said...

i'm very open about who i am... and so is my Master, and to be honest, we've actually found that many of our friends that we've told what our lifestyle is, are actually involved themselves.

One might be surprised to find out how many people they know who are involved, but are timid to talk about.
bondagegurl said:
what he said...

i'm very open about who i am... and so is my Master, and to be honest, we've actually found that many of our friends that we've told what our lifestyle is, are actually involved themselves.

One might be surprised to find out how many people they know who are involved, but are timid to talk about.

Exactly.....there are a LOT of us out there who're afraid to say anything
It's my ferverent hope that someday, as more & more of us become public & dispell some of the myths about our lifestyle and people realize we're just PEOPLE and not "perverts", that we'll ALL be able to come out of the leather closet :D
James G 5 said:
...we'll ALL be able to come out of the leather closet :D

but I LIKE my leather closet, it's warm and and comfy and it smells nice and I don't wanna come out.

redelicious said:
Scarey good or scarey bad????:p

pics of you naked=FUN
pics of me naked=scarey
pics of you & me naked together=scarey BAD
James G 5 said:
Hey, your eyes have never beheld my hairy ass crack LOL

oh good god, thank you for that vision...


just as long as there are no dingle berries...
James G 5 said:
Hey, your eyes have never beheld my hairy ass crack LOL

No, not yours, but I have male submissives so I have beheld lots of hairy male ass cracks! :p