Would you WANT anyone recognize you as a Dom/me or sub....

Sex & Diamonds said:
A spin from the other thread...

I'm curious to know if you would want others to know. Why and why not?

For me personally it's a very private thing.

I am torn because I'd LOVE to meet like minded others but I don't want to have to wear some t-shirt screaming out that I am a submissive. No offence to the one that created the BDSM emblem but that's not for me either. I just plainly don't care for the symbol.
I don't dress any differently or act any differently simply because I lean toward the submissive side. I don't advertise it with the wearing of any emblems, either. Meeting another submissive to chat with now and then would be nice, but I don't actively seek out that type of friendship because I have little enough time each day to get things done. I am a single parent, so time is always in short supply.

Others have spoken about being open with relatives. To date, I have chosen to not be open with them. They don't share their sex lives with me, so why volunteer mine to them?

I think it boils down to this... I don't want them to see me as anything other than I am... me. A sister, a mother, and a friend.
Baring Soul or Simply Proud?

my thought on this is simple. i'm a private person and always have been. i am submissive, shy and unwilling to allow other P/people to dig into my personal life (lifestyle as it were) simply because they are curious about D/s, S/M, BDSM, B/D, etc.

Am i proud to be submissive? Yes, i am and as i am permitted, i display that pride whenever i can. Does it include baring my deepest subbie soul for the sake of making a statement about my lifestyle? No, but then again, baring of the soul probably wouldn't be necessary. However, making it plainly visible to the outside world comes with its relief and its headaches. Personal choice for each I/individual.

Hey red hon. Fellow litaholic salutes you *smiles*
