Writing an erotic story that is all dialogue. Possible?

Ever stare at a blank screen and wonder where to start?

You probably have an idea for a story, but don't know where to start.

“All dialogue” to the rescue!

Pick the thing that turned you on about your untold story and hit the quotation mark. Let one of your characters say something and let another one answer. You're off and running, and your characters help you write the story.

After thirty or forty pages have written themselves, take a break and do something else. Now start a new document. Don't look at the old one. Start your story from the beginning and keep writing until you get the place where your runaway dialogue started. Cut and paste, and your first draft is done.

My first attempt at all dialogue, A World of Trouble, has a man show up in a world of just women. The man is handled the regular way, but the women are all dialogue without so much as a tag line. I'll admit it can be confusing for the anal types, but if you're willing to zip along without worrying about whom each voice belongs to, it's a fast, fun read.

All of us get bogged down trying to “tell” our stories. Dialogue is the “show” in “show, don't tell.”

Here's a link to A World of Trouble:

This thread got me interested in trying an all dialogue story. I started one, but it died at about 500 words. I was desperate for exposition, needy for description. I had characters saying, "Well, I think I'll walk across the room so that I can admire your pale skin against the black couch, seeing as we came here to enjoy forbidden love, what with us both being married and all. To other people, I mean, not each other."
Horrible stuff. So I went the other way instead, did a story that doesn't have a single quotation mark. It started out as just a gimmick, to tell a story were nobody speaks, but I found that it helped me to better assume the character's point of view. I wondered why this guy wouldn't talk, or couldn't, and that became the core of the story I wrote the other day called Breaking Patterns.

I'd love some to hear some judgment on this story. I'm taking a wild guess that it won't get read much by the general population of readers on Lit. (First off, it's not an incest story, ha ha) But on top of that, it's much less of a Letter to Penthouse than my more popular stories, more literary than conversational, as one might expect with no dialogue, and there is some ugliness, which is outside my usual style. On the plus side, the ending is happy.
"Breaking Patterns"
