Writing beyond your ability

Re: Re: Writing beyond your ability

Chicklet said:
are people really having such a bad time with me starting so many threads?

Dear Chickie,
I sure don't have any problem with it. I like your threads.
An additional thought

Wicked-N-Erotic said:
Being a mediocre writer at best I find myself often trying to write beyond what I am comfortably capable of. Trying to use words I'd never use in day to day life. I want my writing to come across as being written by someone with half a brain and of semi-intelligence. The problem with this is that I end up losing interest in what I'm writing because I try to hard. I want to be a good writer, but, I also want to have fun doing it.

Sometimes, all that is required to bring a story back into control is to change the POV -- tell it in a different Person or from a different person's perspective.
1) Do you try to write beyond your ability, or have you ever?

I wouldn't know how. I write and stretch my boundaries, I presume, but it's not like weightlifting where you can whack on twenty extra pounds and try to lift beyond your abilities. I try to improve every time I write and I try to study my craft to do that, but writing beyond my ability? I don't get it.

2) If you do, do you lose interest?

Dunno. See above.

3) Do you as a reader mind reading something that is mediocre so long as proper spelling and grammar are used?

Mechanics are only one element of good writing. I don't read mediocre writing if I can help it. I want it all, and so do most readers. Good story, good characters, good writing, and good mechanics.

4) Are stories that seem to be written as if a freind were recounting their sexcapes, with language used just like day to day conversation, as appealing to you or a big turn off?

It depends on the story itself. I don't like reading letters very much, I'm not that kind of a voyeur. I don't read second person. I don't like to read dialogue only stories.

I do expect the characters to sound like real people, though. Most people don't use five dollar words and they slur their speech. Going to becomes gonna. They use slang, don't speak in complete sentences, come with prejudices, experience, and linguistics particular to their socio-economic position, education, culture, and upbringing.

So the answer is yes and no. I don't want a blow by blow locker room report, but I do want a day to day character doing the usual day to day speech that character might do.
Ok, so after all of your post I'm now wondering if in fact that it's just me feeling like I'm a mediocre writer or if I'm reading too much into what feedback I've gotten. The main thing, and initial purpose of this thread, is that I feel like I'm not writing for me anymore. Like I'm writing for the readers, which to me, takes the fun out of it. When I try to step up my level of writing, try to make it more than I am, I feel like it drags me down, like it is a task to finish instead of writing for the enjoyment. Don't get me wrong, I love writing and want very much to improve my skills and style, but when I feel like I'm trying to "please" the masses I just don't feel like I'm capable of producing what is expected. I've gotten feedback saying that if I just do this or do that, I could be worth reading. So, I try to incorporate the suggestions into my writing and it just seems so drab, there's no enjoyment and thrill like there used to be. I started a story maybe 5 months ago and haven't written past the first paragraph. I can't get the ideas of the readers expectations out of my head long enough to get into the story the way I would have written it before. All of your comments however have been very helpful. I think I may just sit down with a pint of crown royal and a 6 pack of 7-up and just write... forget about the feedback and write for me and see what comes out.

So, now that I'm done whining and boo-hooing I'm gonna get to work and say "fuck em'" and write for me, the only person I want to please anyway. :D

Wicked-N-Erotic said:
I'm gonna get to work and say "fuck em'" and write for me, the only person I want to please anyway. :D


There you go.

you go, Wicked!

Wicked-N-Erotic said:
[BI'm gonna get to work and say "fuck em'" and write for me, the only person I want to please anyway. [/B]
Babydoll: is that all you needed to discover? ;)

Read and stroke yourself w/any compliments, even flattery, but tune out the negative crap. My bottom line (writing-wise, hehe) is: It's gotta be fun.

E.g., someone told me to 'prune' my introduction and cut to the fuck. No way, I write beginnings, middles, asides and ends that please me. You do it too, you'll be happier, and I bet a better writer.

p.s. diffidence and a threat of mediocrity are killers of souls; look 'em straight in their beady eyes and walk away.

Best regards, Perdita :rose:
Wicked-N-Erotic said:
I've gotten feedback saying that if I just do this or do that, I could be worth reading. So, I try to incorporate the suggestions into my writing and it just seems so drab, there's no enjoyment and thrill like there used to be.
So, now that I'm done whining and boo-hooing I'm gonna get to work and say "fuck em'" and write for me, the only person I want to please anyway. :D Wicked:kiss:

The next time someone gives you instructions on how or what to write I suggest you reply with my standard response.

Hi (fill in the name)

Thanks for writing. I really appreciate the suggestions, but I've already got my own ideas on where I'm going with this one and they're pretty well set in stone. But hey, I like what you said and think that it would make a good story, so why don't you write it? That way you can say exactly what you want. That's why I started writing myself.

Good luck and I hope to be reading your story on Lit soon.


That usually shuts them up.
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jfinn said:
Thanks for writing. ...
LOL, Jayne. But I prefer to ignore those types, don't want to waste my keystrokes.

best, Perdita (am enjoying your posts, btw)
MathGirl said:
Dear Jayne,
So does, "Piss off, Motherfucker."

Hi Diane,

I tried that once. They wrote back and asked for a date.

Standards, Ladies, please.

MathGirl, SvenskaFlicka and Jayne,

Before you write to your correspondents telling them to ‘piss off, motherfucker’ take a moment to remember that you are very much representative of Literotica. And what is Literotica if not a collection of people who are, or should be, cognisant in the English Language. People who have a vocabulary and the ability to write without resorting to the language of the gutter.

So please remember to insert a hyphen between mother and fucker.

Re: Standards, Ladies, please.

Octavian said:
MathGirl, SvenskaFlicka and Jayne,

So please remember to insert a hyphen between mother and fucker.

Thank you so much for setting us straight. It's good the board has people like you who are so concerned about upholding the tone and integrity of this place. I am suitably chastised.

Octavian is right. We should be setting an example here!

It may, also, be more politically correct, to say "parent-fucker".

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We all feel ashamed of you Svenska. Schoolboy error. :D

The Earl
Re: Standards, Ladies, please.

Octavian said:
MathGirl, SvenskaFlicka and Jayne,

Dear Oct,
As I read your post, I was getting my claws sharpened for a reply. Then I read the last sentence. Well done.
Ps. Where I come from "motherfucker" is perfectly correct.
Re: Re: Standards, Ladies, please.

MathGirl said:
Where I come from "motherfucker" is perfectly correct.
MG: I had the same response as I began to read.

Where I come from 'muthafukka' is the nom de priapus.

Perdita from Detroit

(listen to J.L. Hooker's "The Motor City's Burnin"; I was there.
Being a former brick layer, anything that sounds like “mortar-forker” assumes the proportions of a vocational slur. :eek:

As if the possession of a constantly bruised penis wasn’t enough of a burden! :(
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1) Do you try to write beyond your ability, or have you ever?
Since I am fairly new to finishing writing something I start, I have to say no. I have posted my first story and feel it is rather mediocre. Although the comments I have received were quite positive, I still feel I could have done better. My current story I will hopefully have a little more depth. Hopefully I have the ability to do what I want with my next story.

2) If you do, do you lose interest?

Haven't yet.

3) Do you as a reader mind reading something that is mediocre so long as proper spelling and grammar are used?

If the errors are few and rather minor I can over look them as long as the story is compelling. If I find the story uninteresting or cliched with numerous mechanical errors I would lose interest and move on.

4) Are stories that seem to be written as if a freind were recounting their sexcapes, with language used just like day to day conversation, as appealing to you or a big turn off?

That is not my favorite type of story to read. However if it is interesting enough and well written with a storyline I find appealing, I can find it "readable."

I prefer more realistic language, with contractions, slang and the like. Overly precise and flowery language, for me, seems contrived and phony, depending on the setting. If the scene is in upper class victorian England, I would expect different language usage than a modern day story taking place in the rural south among the "working class."