Yank's Free Range Turkey Trot Warming House and Bondage Barn

I learned two very important truths from the refective parts of the Noom program, which I followed for five months earlier this year. First, food is a dominant form of celebration for me. Second, sharing interesting meals is one of the common ways that we express love within our family.

Thus, since my oldest is visiting this weekend for the first time in 18 months, I am about to go into a carb-loaded multi-day food coma.

Yank, you're a foodie! Those revelations surprise you? Maybe they were too obvious. Regardless, enjoy your time with your eldest. So happy for you.
He’s just saying it out loud so he can let himself off the hook.

As a parent myself, I wouldn't think he would need any other excuse that he's seeing his eldest for the first time in 18 months...but you're probably right, if he's been on Noom working to lose weight.
I’m carb loading because it’s Monday. I mean. Let’s be honest…
My kid moved out, too. It’s only been a few months, but I miss him terribly.

For you maybe. Me, I wish.

Kids, yeah. Mine have kids but that doesn't matter I still like seeing them. Luckily I've got one in the same city that I am and he's in my social bubble so I can see him and his family whenever I want...in fact, was over there this afternoon for a swim, since it's hot here. But my other one is 2 hours away in what's been a hot spot, so I've only seen him and his family once since Xmas 2019, and that was last September. Since we're all almost fully vaccinated there's hope I can see him and his family soon. Yup miss them terribly. But everyone is healthy, so I'm not complaining. That's why I'm so happy for Yank to see his eldest.

That adjustment when they first move out is difficult though.
I’m carb loading because it’s Monday. I mean. Let’s be honest…
My kid moved out, too. It’s only been a few months, but I miss him terribly.

Sorry, Far. :rose:

I've been carb loading since my birthday and I will be good this week but will do it again on Saturday for J's celebration. After that, it's back to no white food and the never-ending search for a potato substitute for rest of the year.
I was mostly just remarking on the power of habit. Even though I am fully aware of my eating patterns and motivations, it was really easy - and very comfortable - to let those habits take over when a familiar but now infrequent circumstance dominated a long weekend. According to the scale, this little voluntary return to old firmbrought 4.5 pounds with it in just five days.

Now, I will likely drop most of that fairly soon because my body sheds short-term weight gain pretty easily but I'm also aware that others aren't so lucky. Making long-term changes is hard and making them stick is even harder. And it's harder still for some people than it is for others.

Life is tough and yet this is actually a relatively easy problem. My sympathy to anyone trying to make bigger changes or fight a tougher demon.
Yeah. I walk past a bakery and inhale and I gain a pound.


My wife has taken up baking as a retirement hobby. I have to walk through the kitchen to get to both of my workshop spaces. It's a dangerous life but I'm not especially fond of the alternative.
Well enough, thanks. And you? Have you gotten tired enough of Doug Ford to move to Awfuckiststan yet?

Glad to hear it.

Well I've never been a fan of either of the Fords. His brother, when mayor of Toronto was an embarrassment ...stupid and a drug addict. This one's a bit smarter but just mean and greedy. As for Awfuckiststand...I hadn't planned on moving but if means I'll get royally f*cked, might consider it.:devil:

How you doing, Fara? Thanks for calling that guy out a few days ago. You've got more courage than I do, or maybe you were just more pissed than I was.

I was, but really… now I won’t discuss that anymore. Which is sad, because I’m curious.

Well I promise not to PM you uninvited about the topic, but I'll give you an open invite to my PMs if you ever want to discuss. I'm no expert, but I have some experience.
Thanks. I may take you up on it. The saddest thing is I keep forgetting Lit isn’t a safe space. :heart:

The offer was sincere.

It used to be. When I first started, in the How To Thread/Cafe, a large number of us made real friends there...some on-line only, some in real life as well, but regardless, we all truly cared about each other. Was great fun.
I have that. I’m lucky. But between the asshole who called my boss and guys like piss boy, I’m discouraged.

Understandable. If someone from here called my boss, I'd be royally pissed.

And if you've got that, yes, you are lucky.
I met my guy here. We’ve been together almost 5 years. Cookie. Sassy. Beach baby. BadAmy.
A few others. Met them all.

I need to remember there is a whole bunch of pervy assholes out there who lurk.

See, lucky. I had that too but most of them are long gone off Lit, so we keep in touch in other ways. Yeah, I met my last live in relationship here, but now we're just great friends.

True, some who lurk and some who post.
Thanks. I may take you up on it. The saddest thing is I keep forgetting Lit isn’t a safe space. :heart:

That IS the saddest thing I've read here in a long time (DougFord notwithstanding).

Was it ever? The existance of the GB says "No".

If you find a safe space...okay, I don't have an end to that sentence that doesn't sound pretentious or insincere.


Hi Yank.
When I joined, during G W Bush's first term, I heard fewer complaints about random assholes bothering women who posted than I do now, but it did happen. Still, the general atmosphere did seem more friendly and less aggressive than I see these days.

Hi, yourself.
That IS the saddest thing I've read here in a long time (DougFord notwithstanding).

Was it ever? The existance of the GB says "No".

If you find a safe space...okay, I don't have an end to that sentence that doesn't sound pretentious or insincere.


Don't judge all of Lit by the GB. Some of us have been around for decades and are still afraid of it. Okay, not afraid, just know it's not worth our time.