'Yes Sir,Dom/mes"-"What's in a name?'

BDSM names

For my Dom, He likes me to call Him Master most all the time, except in front of nilla folks or family. Then I am to call him by his first name.

Usually as per my Dom's rules I am to be respectful to ALL but I do not need in His eyes to call every Dom Sir unless He has instructed me to do so. There is only one Dom we know IRL that I am allowed to call "Sir">

What do I like being called... well many things but my favorites are puddlehead and littleone which are His nicknames for me .


Yes,I certainly understand about not calling other Dom's SIR as my Master just recently informed me that I am to only call Him Sir and I didnt know He had a problem with it so I changed my addressing immediately,its all about Respect:kiss:
To me a name mean alot.

Depending on how it is said and what tone of voice says everything of how you look at that person. Do you repsect them do you just play along with things.

To me there will only be one person i will and can ever call Master. Ghost of Winter is my Master and no one else will ever be able to earn that right from me.

Others can earn the right to be called Sir or Ma'ma but never another Master.

Until someone earns my respect enough to be called Sir/Ma'm or i am asked by my Master to address a friend of his Sir/Ma'ma they will only be address by here name.

I take respect very seriously and i dont use someone name out of disrespect but I can not go against my feelings and judgement and call everyone Sir/Ma'ma.

Just my little bit of imput but it is all mine and i will never change that feeling or i would not be being true to myself.

I like to be called by my name amaris and nothing else is expected.

Ghost's amaris
What's in a name? Respect


As with most, it depends on the situation... in public, i call Him by His first name. In private, i call Him "G". In writing, i generally call Him M'Lord (or Master, but usually Master is preceeded with "my very dearest").
(Yes, i know the M in M'Lord technically shouldn't be capitalized but it's my way of being a little different.)

He usually calls me by my name. But whatever He chooses to call me... i absolutely melt when He puts a "My" in front of it! (Whether it's "My Pet", "My Bitch", or "My (insert name here)" it doesn't really matter... i melt just the same.)

ty amaris& anonymous

I definately agree wuth you anonymous as I too, simply "melt when my Master says M'love or My slave,its the "ownership' behind the word My ...:heart: :rose: