Yet another ratings thread... or is it?

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@AwkwardlySet we don’t have enough lesbian and Sci-Fi stories. You don’t want to leave the field clear for me to run rampant all over it do you?

I've got a Sci-Fi in work. Sort of. Lots of notes scribbled about plot and characters. Plus an excess of crumpled up sheets of paper, figuratively speaking.
I may need collaboration with hubby on this. He's the techie. I feel out of my depths on those kinds of details, but I love some of the premises I've created.
Oh, and it will be romantic Sci-Fi. That much is a given
I wish the OP good luck with whatever decision he finally reaches.

Maybe this is the subject for a separate thread, but I'll mention it here:

What are the factors that contribute to the sabotage and/or abusive comments that some writers experience with their stories, and can/should these be avoided?

Obviously, some categories on Literotica are known to attract lesser life forms, so any seasoned writer knows that posting to these categories bears some risks. Some accept these risks willingly, others don't and complain about them. Both are choices.

What about participation in certain forum areas? Will posting comments or reviews in "Story Feedback" threads open a writer up to increased risk of abuse of their own stories?

I'm really not trying to imply that certain actions instigate certain behaviors. I limit my participation on the forums and have not experienced the issues mentioned by others, so I am just curious if there might be a correlation that others can speak to.

I would also be interested in other factors that could contribute to the problems faced by others in hopes of avoiding them myself.
I wish the OP good luck with whatever decision he finally reaches.

Maybe this is the subject for a separate thread, but I'll mention it here:

What are the factors that contribute to the sabotage and/or abusive comments that some writers experience with their stories, and can/should these be avoided?

Obviously, some categories on Literotica are known to attract lesser life forms, so any seasoned writer knows that posting to these categories bears some risks. Some accept these risks willingly, others don't and complain about them. Both are choices.

What about participation in certain forum areas? Will posting comments or reviews in "Story Feedback" threads open a writer up to increased risk of abuse of their own stories?

I'm really not trying to imply that certain actions instigate certain behaviors. I limit my participation on the forums and have not experienced the issues mentioned by others, so I am just curious if there might be a correlation that others can speak to.

I would also be interested in other factors that could contribute to the problems faced by others in hopes of avoiding them myself.
I have apparently also been targeted by two or three unobombers, as my numbers fluctuate wildly the first day or so and generally include at least a few wiped votes since the total jumps up and down. I am pretty new, so I assumed it was related to the category (MC) and the fact that I tend to include a variety of fetishes, so I expect to trigger the occasional reader even with explanatory tagging. I suppose I might have made enemies here in the AH, but if so, they've limited themselves to downvoting so far.
I wish the OP good luck with whatever decision he finally reaches.

Maybe this is the subject for a separate thread, but I'll mention it here:

What are the factors that contribute to the sabotage and/or abusive comments that some writers experience with their stories, and can/should these be avoided?
In my case, it was merely the fact that I expressed a certain opinion on this board. My stories are void of (real world) politics and religion, they contain no incest, no cheating, no cuckolding, and no interracial tropes, so I've never had any negative feedback due to the content of my stories. Oh well, I never did learn to shut up 😁
I have apparently also been targeted by two or three unobombers, as my numbers fluctuate wildly the first day or so and generally include at least a few wiped votes since the total jumps up and down. I am pretty new, so I assumed it was related to the category (MC) and the fact that I tend to include a variety of fetishes, so I expect to trigger the occasional reader even with explanatory tagging. I suppose I might have made enemies here in the AH, but if so, they've limited themselves to downvoting so far.
Fortunately, I have a respectable number of loyal followers who not only vote and provide feedback, but they also have my back with any negative comments on my stories. They let me know if I post something that isn't up to their expectations, but they always do so politely.
In my case, it was merely the fact that I expressed a certain opinion on this board. My stories are void of (real world) politics and religion, they contain no incest, no cheating, no cuckolding, and no interracial tropes, so I've never had any negative feedback due to the content of my stories. Oh well, I never did learn to shut up 😁
I suspected from your original post that conversation on the forums were more of an influence that the content of your stories. Hopefully, you will remain active here even if you take a hiatus from your writing.
What are the factors that contribute to the sabotage and/or abusive comments that some writers experience with their stories, and can/should these be avoided?
The main factor I've seen is when the story contains an element of hotwifery -- a woman having sex outside marriage and enjoying it/getting away with it. That's the only factor in my stories that is likely to result in comments that I would regard as borderline "abusive." I don't regard merely negative comments as abusive. People are free to have their opinions about my stories, even when they are wrong!
In my opinion, when it comes to the haters, 1-bombers, and those repeatedly posting hateful comments aimed at you personally, ... if you react to them, they win. They forced you to do something, ... with their post. You empower the haters.

The only way to win in such a conflict is to not play their game. Don't react. I don't even delete their comments, as that might show them I cared enough to do something.
I wish the OP good luck with whatever decision he finally reaches.

Maybe this is the subject for a separate thread, but I'll mention it here:

What are the factors that contribute to the sabotage and/or abusive comments that some writers experience with their stories, and can/should these be avoided?

Obviously, some categories on Literotica are known to attract lesser life forms, so any seasoned writer knows that posting to these categories bears some risks. Some accept these risks willingly, others don't and complain about them. Both are choices.

What about participation in certain forum areas? Will posting comments or reviews in "Story Feedback" threads open a writer up to increased risk of abuse of their own stories?

I'm really not trying to imply that certain actions instigate certain behaviors. I limit my participation on the forums and have not experienced the issues mentioned by others, so I am just curious if there might be a correlation that others can speak to.

I would also be interested in other factors that could contribute to the problems faced by others in hopes of avoiding them myself.
You don’t just see haters in LW. I’ve dealt with a few in Celebrity. And L66 is correct in saying that reacting to them can create issues. Now and then I’ve done the opposite however, and it’s made me a better writer.

Examples? In 2006 I was writing “The Rendezvous”, shared rough drafts of my story on a message board, and a troll called me out for promoting what they saw as a negative philosophy by including an adherent of that philosophy in the story (read my work, you may guess what I mean specifically). My conflict with this troll inspired me to edit and improve Rendezvous to better promote tolerance of the philosophy by creating an example of a liberal adherent to it in my character and her arc. It also inspired some fun parody of swinging and other fetishes vs philosophical practices. Later I decided to write a sequel series to Rendezvous- my “Passion” series- and further explore the character and her liberal tolerant views. Burned me out, but I got praise from the same troll and other critical readers. :)

Later on, with “Counseling” I decided to further reconcile my feelings regarding certain celebrities in conflict with each other. These celebrities are frequently targets of troll harassment and thinking about how I would respond to such trolls coming across my work improved my writing as I settled various conflicts in the story. Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie were featured as a couple in the story, for example, and Brad’s ex Jennifer Aniston was upset by them being together. But the advice of a counselor into swinging calmed her down and later Jennifer attended the same swinger party as Brad & Angelina. The story concentrated on larger conflicts, that was one of many side plots.

Same with “Debrief”- a troll there is of interest. They pointed out a research fail I made and I corrected my mistake based on their review. Fortunately I had another Expenda-Belle lined up as a more appropriate character choice for the Save the Princess conflict. One character pulled out, other edited in. Read the author’s notes on the story for specifics if you like. Link in my profile.

These conflicts will surely continue throughout my career as an erotica artist. Anticipating and addressing them can be helpful. IMHO.
It is done!

For some reason, the counter is still at 22. Maybe it was not meant to go backwards. 😁 I hope to apply myself in the following months to make it go forward again ;)
My general attitude to negative, non-useful comments:

View attachment 2264409
Am I the only one who wondered what Die Mad means in German?
In my opinion, when it comes to the haters, 1-bombers, and those repeatedly posting hateful comments aimed at you personally, ... if you react to them, they win. They forced you to do something, ... with their post. You empower the haters.

The only way to win in such a conflict is to not play their game. Don't react. I don't even delete their comments, as that might show them I cared enough to do something.
I generally agree except for leaving their comments.

Removing a comment is a reaction, but that doesn't meant that you have to sponsor their views by hosting it on your story.
Alohadave beat me to the punch. I've only had a few such comments so far, but I don't leave them there. I don't want to watch someone who has enjoyed the story get into an argument with them, since their criticism is ultimately applicable to any fan of the tale as well as the author. Creating strife is presumably their desire, so I'd rather just quietly bin their thoughts and be done with it.
In my opinion, when it comes to the haters, 1-bombers, and those repeatedly posting hateful comments aimed at you personally, ... if you react to them, they win. They forced you to do something, ... with their post. You empower the haters.

The only way to win in such a conflict is to not play their game. Don't react. I don't even delete their comments, as that might show them I cared enough to do something.

My philosophy as well. I don't engage with readers who make abusive comments, and I almost never delete the comments. They don't bother me.
I’ve never posted anything (as you can tell from my post count vs how long I’ve been a member) mainly due to the app I use not being very friendly for rating stories / making comments without having to log in to the website etc, but this thread and more specifically the removal of your stories has spurred me to pop my metaphorical cherry.

1. You are a fantastic writer and I’m pretty sure I’ve read every story you have posted over the years to include the early ones which I still enjoyed (grammar hiccups and all.)
2. I’m amazed at the the level of self-loathing one must have to take the time to repeatedly downvote a story/post/comment etc. I’m happy to have 10 minutes to read a quick story or two and be on my way. Some people need to get a hobby.
3. And mainly (selfishly), I am fucking pissed because I’ve been waiting for the next chapter in your current story for over a month and now I’m left flapping in the breeze wondering how it was going to play out.

I sincerely hope you find your mojo and get back to sharing your storytelling gift. I, for one, will miss seeing your name in the new story section as I could always count on it being a good read.
I’ve never posted anything (as you can tell from my post count vs how long I’ve been a member) mainly due to the app I use not being very friendly for rating stories / making comments without having to log in to the website etc, but this thread and more specifically the removal of your stories has spurred me to pop my metaphorical cherry.

1. You are a fantastic writer and I’m pretty sure I’ve read every story you have posted over the years to include the early ones which I still enjoyed (grammar hiccups and all.)
2. I’m amazed at the the level of self-loathing one must have to take the time to repeatedly downvote a story/post/comment etc. I’m happy to have 10 minutes to read a quick story or two and be on my way. Some people need to get a hobby.
3. And mainly (selfishly), I am fucking pissed because I’ve been waiting for the next chapter in your current story for over a month and now I’m left flapping in the breeze wondering how it was going to play out.

I sincerely hope you find your mojo and get back to sharing your storytelling gift. I, for one, will miss seeing your name in the new story section as I could always count on it being a good read.
Thank you, it was really good to hear that. :) If anything, I can now brag that my thread has taken your virginity 😁
I really hope I can get back in the saddle when it comes to writing, but if I manage to do it, I promise the wait will be worth it. As I've said, when/if I start re-uploading my corrected old stories, which should also contain a couple of new scenes and nuances, I will quickly follow it up with uploading not one but hopefully 3-4 new chapters. Fingers crossed.
I think "inform" is the verb you're looking for, but even so?

They're not reading this. You're not reaching them. This is you, venting. Your readers are no better educated than they were yesterday, I'm afraid.
actually I disagree - I've read this whole thread as saw the author (who I follow) has pulled his stories and I wanted to know why. it's definitely made me reevaluate how often I comment (rarely) and I perfectly understood what was meant by this comment, so feel you're just spoiling for an argument for no reason.
actually I disagree - I've read this whole thread as saw the author (who I follow) has pulled his stories and I wanted to know why. it's definitely made me reevaluate how often I comment (rarely) and I perfectly understood what was meant by this comment, so feel you're just spoiling for an argument for no reason.
Oh, another virgin. This is turning into a defloration fest :p
Thank you for deciding to start posting on the forum just to offer some support. It means a lot ;)
actually I disagree - I've read this whole thread as saw the author (who I follow) has pulled his stories and I wanted to know why. it's definitely made me reevaluate how often I comment (rarely) and I perfectly understood what was meant by this comment, so feel you're just spoiling for an argument for no reason.

Not for no reason.

The number of dedicated readers who bother coming to the AH is demonstrably low. As are the number of writers who bother coming to the AH. That's been the trend over many years, and if there are exceptions that prove the rule, that's great.

Aside from the two of you, there's been nobody else. To the extent that more people show up? Cool. I'd like nothing better than to increase engagement in the AH. Pray tell, what specifically brought you here to this thread? I'm curious. Like, how did you know AwkwardlySet had explained himself here, or how did you know this thread would be here at all? Help me understand.
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