Yet another ratings thread... or is it?

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You didn't lose anything by extending that courtesy, though; you just made sure it was never *you* who was the asshole. I try to do the same, not always with success :)
I did lose a teensy bit. I don't intend to stop assuming the best about people, but I did get screwed over a bit. You can PM me of you wanna hear more.
Lit Policy - no Harry Potter fan-fic allowed, Author ;).
Why not? Harry Potter is depicted as an adult in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, correct? I thought as soon as they were featured as an adult, they were fair game?

That said, idgaf about Harry Potter so....

The tone of his post isn't.
Tone is a tricky thing when only having text to interpret intention and often changes radically depending on your disposition when you read it.

I've still managed to upset people on occasion even when I've worded myself with painful precision, the 'tone' being interpreted as either patronising or scornfully ironic.

Which is ironic.
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Why not? Harry Potter is depicted as an adult in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, correct? I thought as soon as they were featured as an adult, they were fair game?

That said, idgaf about Harry Potter so....

No, because the original canon characters were ten years old, so the whole shebang is out of bounds.
I don't blame @AwkwardlySet since I've been critical of his motives in the past, on other issues. I don't mean to be snarky this time, but I do like to be clear about what's going on when accusations start to fly.

Again, any reader here is a valuable addition to our community, and I hope they add to their own enjoyment of the story side of the site.
That is true and yeah, our history does affect my perception of your posts. I suppose that is also true for my posts to you, although I do seem to take more care about that in general. But yeah, as it was pointed out, it is easy to misunderstand something over the internet. I accept that you had no intention to be snarky and I am glad to let this go.
No, because the original canon characters were ten years old, so the whole shebang is out of bounds.
From the guidelines:
  • Celebrity stories or fan fiction in which the characters are artificially aged - that is, under 18 years old in reality or in the source material, but made to be over 18 for the story.
If you can't write about a 38 year old, we're all screwed
From the guidelines:
  • Celebrity stories or fan fiction in which the characters are artificially aged - that is, under 18 years old in reality or in the source material, but made to be over 18 for the story.
If you can't write about a 38 year old, we're all screwed
I think "source material" invokes the original book, but as you say, who actually cares?
Why not? Harry Potter is depicted as an adult in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, correct? I thought as soon as they were featured as an adult, they were fair game?

That said, idgaf about Harry Potter so....

Authors have reported rejections which specifically identify HP, Simpsons, and Disney as being off-limits. I'm not aware of anything in the published guidelines which would indicate this, it just seems to be one of those "submit and find out" things.

AFAIK there's no blanket ban on characters who've been shown both in childhood and adulthood; I suspect it's a matter of wanting to stay away from material that might be seen as trying to draw minors to this site, especially when large companies with ferocious lawyers are involved.
Authors have reported rejections which specifically identify HP, Simpsons, and Disney as being off-limits. I'm not aware of anything in the published guidelines which would indicate this, it just seems to be one of those "submit and find out" things.

AFAIK there's no blanket ban on characters who've been shown both in childhood and adulthood; I suspect it's a matter of wanting to stay away from material that might be seen as trying to draw minors to this site, especially when large companies with ferocious lawyers are involved.
To solve the Disney problem, write Hans Christen Anderson fic.
Authors have reported rejections which specifically identify HP, Simpsons, and Disney as being off-limits. I'm not aware of anything in the published guidelines which would indicate this, it just seems to be one of those "submit and find out" things.

AFAIK there's no blanket ban on characters who've been shown both in childhood and adulthood; I suspect it's a matter of wanting to stay away from material that might be seen as trying to draw minors to this site, especially when large companies with ferocious lawyers are involved.
I have no affinity for fan fiction
The last thing I want to read is what's-his-name using his powers to orchestrate a gang bang for Hermione
Said the wise one who ridiculously asserted that she was bombing him, to the other wise one who has "proof" she is Tilan, and consequently led to her unjust ban.
Having received a Stacnash story review, and a subsequent follow up email, I'd have very high doubts she's a Tilan alt. He's LW through and through and can't think outside his box, and there's quite a different style. I couldn't figure out her agenda though, offering up critiques as she did, but there were some good intentions I think, badly tainted by a belligerence that was unnecessary.

I'm intrigued - how does anyone know who gets banned from a forum? Sure, I've seen the warnings, but I've never seen any ban announcements. Folk often self-announce a departure (including at least one serial departer), but someone going silent might just be someone pulling their head in.

Insofar as anyone saying they have "proof" of anything in terms of alts - most alts I'm aware of have given themselves away, or are disciplined enough not to do that. How would any forum regular have "proof" of anything on another?

After a fairly lengthy message exchange with Stacnash weighed against Tilan's overbearing stylings, I would say with some degree of confidence they are not the same person. That said, bans are not discussed and it seems more likely Stacnash was banned for breaching forum posting rules.
This is witch hunting and silencing differing and unflattering voices. There is no point in trying to have serious conversations with overinflated balloons; only to pop them and grin viciously as small fish futilely fight their own reflections in a confined aquarium.
Okay, I don't know about Stacnash, but this is Tilan 🤣
You can't find them in the member search, that's how you can tell. As for the procedure? You complain to the biased moderator who like any human has her own favorite regulars. She then transfers her recommendation to Laurel who immediately implements without checking in depth. Three people were thus recently banned without any justification.

A rhetorical question. This is witch hunting and silencing differing and unflattering voices. There is no point in trying to have serious conversations with overinflated balloons; only to pop them and grin viciously as small fish futilely fight their own reflections in a confined aquarium.
You've been here six months, have three posts, so that makes you an expert how? Or an alt. You're as credible as all the other drive bys.
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After a fairly lengthy message exchange with Stacnash weighed against Tilan's overbearing stylings, I would say with some degree of confidence they are not the same person. That said, bans are not discussed and it seems more likely Stacnash was banned for breaching forum posting rules.
Possibly. I keep forgetting Forum-side is separate to Story-side (where the account remains open).
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