Your favorite room for sex

The bedroom is where we have sex the most... His door locks and we're almost never home alone. Or when I go visit him at school, his dorm room. Especially on his roommate's couch!
Living room is fun, too. I for one love an oral sex/video games combo.
The bedroom is where we have sex the most... His door locks and we're almost never home alone. Or when I go visit him at school, his dorm room. Especially on his roommate's couch!
Living room is fun, too. I for one love an oral sex/video games combo.

And I'm pretty sure that you've just established yourself as the perfect woman for any guy who games. *laughing* :D

Our closet is fairly large, and it has a workout bench in it that inclines. Not quite like the liberator chair, but it is our version. Good times!

i like to do the video game combo too. Also, when we play joint games the loser has to give 5 mins foreplay to the winner of that round...until we forget about the game :)
We go at it anywhere we can at home and away from there; and this includes our respective offices, the car, outside the house, while driving... anywhere. There are times when I'm in the mood to be an exhibitionist and so even if we're in my bedroom we'll leave the windows and door open. The fact that he's usually game for anything is pretty cool. :)
I'm a traditionalist. I'm a bedroom guy. Not that 'up against the wall in the hallway leading to the bedroom' isn't nice once in awhile, I like the comfort and the easy access to lube, toys, and condoms.
To me, the room isn't significant.. it's more what you can do there. =]

But well, because of circumstances, we haven't been able to actually do the deed except in his/my bedrooms. However, we've had our share of friskiness and whatnot in places as random as a bus, in a lake, in the dressing room of a clothing store, etc.

I haven't had the opportunity to do the oral sex/video game combo, but I have sneaked up on him when he was trying to have a voice conversation with a buddy. He actually tried to continue the conversation (read: muttered "yeah.. cool.." every now and then) while I was busy with my mouth. Let's just say the conversation did not continue much longer.