~Zen Mountain~

ZMP ~ thinking clouds

I saw some clouds
there were five

slowing floating
they drifting by

all these clouds
seem the same

one by one
softly sailing

in the distance
I saw them go

then I watched
new ones grow

I had a thought
or two of this

they slowly grew
like a clouds mist​
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My Erotic Tale said:

I saw some clouds
there were five

slowing floating
they drifted by

all these clouds
seem the same

one by one
softly sails

in the distance
saw them go //dropped the "I"//

then I watched
new ones grow.

Been so busy
battling with ©
Looked for Art
he's so serene.

Okay - a bit over the top - did like your clouds - hope my suggestions help it flow.
LeBroz said:
Been so busy
battling with ©
Looked for Art
he's so serene.

Okay - a bit over the top - did like your clouds - hope my suggestions help it flow.

ZMP ~ thinking clouds

I saw some clouds
there were five

slowing floating
they drifted by.

All these clouds
were not the same

one by one
softly sailing.

In the distance
I saw them go

then I watched
new ones grow.

I had a thought
or two of this

they slowly grew
into a cloud adrift.

hey leon,

always glad to see your insight, this was what was submitted...a tad different and hoipefully better...<grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ thinking clouds

I saw some clouds
there were five

slowing floating
they drifted by.

All these clouds
were not the same

one by one
softly sailing.

In the distance
I saw them go

then I watched
new ones grow.

I had a thought
or two of this

they slowly grew
into a cloud adrift.

hey leon,

always glad to see your insight, this was what was submitted...a tad different and hoipefully better...<grin>

i have an expectation that the word 'sailing' should rhyme with the word 'same'.
wildsweetone said:
i have an expectation that the word 'sailing' should rhyme with the word 'same'.

lol ...expectations usually lead to disappointment

exceptance is the key to tranquility <grin>

1. The act or process of accepting.
2. The state of being accepted or acceptable.
3. Favorable reception; approval.
4. Belief in something; agreement.
5. Abbr. acpt.
1. A formal indication by a debtor of willingness to pay a time draft or bill of exchange.
2. A written instrument so accepted.
6. Law. Compliance by one party with the terms and conditions of another's offer so that a contract becomes legally binding between them.



With the exclusion of; other than; but: everyone except me.


1. If it were not for the fact that; only. Often used with that: I would buy the suit, except that it costs too much.
2. Otherwise than: They didn't open their mouths except to complain.
3. Unless: “And ne'er throughout the year to church thou go'st/Except it be to pray against thy foes” (Shakespeare).

v. ex·cept·ed, ex·cept·ing, ex·cepts
v. tr.

To leave out; exclude: An admission fee is charged, but children are excepted.

v. intr.

To object: Counsel excepted to the court's ruling.

except for

Were it not for: I would join you except for my cold.


1. State or condition: absorptance.
2. Action: continuance.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin -antia, n. suff. (-ant, -ant + -ia, n. suff.), and from Latin -entia(-ent, -ent + -ia, n. suff.).]


how are they the same?
wildsweetone said:

1. The act or process of accepting.
2. The state of being accepted or acceptable.
3. Favorable reception; approval.
4. Belief in something; agreement.
5. Abbr. acpt.
1. A formal indication by a debtor of willingness to pay a time draft or bill of exchange.
2. A written instrument so accepted.
6. Law. Compliance by one party with the terms and conditions of another's offer so that a contract becomes legally binding between them.



With the exclusion of; other than; but: everyone except me.


1. If it were not for the fact that; only. Often used with that: I would buy the suit, except that it costs too much.
2. Otherwise than: They didn't open their mouths except to complain.
3. Unless: “And ne'er throughout the year to church thou go'st/Except it be to pray against thy foes” (Shakespeare).

v. ex·cept·ed, ex·cept·ing, ex·cepts
v. tr.

To leave out; exclude: An admission fee is charged, but children are excepted.

v. intr.

To object: Counsel excepted to the court's ruling.

except for

Were it not for: I would join you except for my cold.


1. State or condition: absorptance.
2. Action: continuance.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin -antia, n. suff. (-ant, -ant + -ia, n. suff.), and from Latin -entia(-ent, -ent + -ia, n. suff.).]


how are they the same?

because some have the ability to except ...THINGS THE WAY THEY ARE
as others mean to change them, easy to determine from the two <grin> with a simple word ....called....<assceptance> I know...I know...some people can't except that.
some people have difficulty accepting that change can be an improvement and take exception to new ways.
wildsweetone said:
some people have difficulty accepting that change can be an improvement and take exception to new ways.

Why do you have difficulty excepting change? I think alot of people do but I encourage you to except new ways <grin ...
I see the mist rise
before my eyes
in the morning light's glow
lifting my soul

hovering just above the grass
as the moon does slowly pass
rising water in light clouds mist
the air of the morning sharp and crisp
ZMP~ misty morning

light filters the morning sun
over dew rising

a mist that hovers over
grass blades sparkling

lingering mist that trails
and floats away

the sun's rays chasing
misty morning haze

My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP~ misty morning

light filters the morning sun
over dew rising

a mist that hovers over
grass blades sparkling

lingering mist that trails
and floats away

the sun's rays chasing
misty morning haze


I enjoy these ZMP poems.
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP~ misty morning

light filters the morning sun
over dew rising

a mist that hovers over
grass blades sparkling

lingering mist that trails
and floats away

the sun's rays chasing
misty morning haze


If I might ask,

I read several of your lovely Zen Poems and was curious about the ZMP, What is its meaning? Could or should others use this title that seems to draw readers like the flags of Asian Temples that signify that the Zen Master is in for consultation? I will make an attempt to create a work worthy and await your reply.

There is a reality even prior to heaven and earth;
Indeed, it has no form, much less a name;
Eyes fail to see it;
It has no voice for ears to detect;
To call it Mind or Buddha violates its nature,
For it then becomes like a visionary flower in the air;
It is not Mind, nor Buddha;
Absolutely quiet, and yet illuminating in a mysterious way,
It allows itself to be perceived only by the clear-eyed.

- Daio Kokushi, 1232 - 1308, On Zen
Manual of Zen Buddhism

Things are not what they seem;
Nor are they otherwise.

- Lankavatara Sutra

Rest in natural great peace this exhausted mind,
Beaten helpless by karma and neurotic thoughts
Like the relentless fury of the pounding waves
In the infinite ocean of samsara.
Rest in natural great peace.

- Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche

will it matter
when it comes
you do not need
to know now
you do not need
to be told
it is like that
for each of us
day by day
held in being
- Bill Brown, Zen Time
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Boxing Shadows

that which is darkest
for light has been shed

watching the rose pedals fall
one by one
with eyes blood shot red

a blessing I suppose
to know
when the light will fade

still I box the shadows
with thoughts of death today

that which we can not change
has struck a blow

Angels calling my love
while I am boxing shadows
quasar said:
If I might ask,

I read several of your lovely Zen Poems and was curious about the ZMP, What is its meaning? Could or should others use this title that seems to draw readers like the flags of Asian Temples that signify that the Zen Master is in for consultation? I will make an attempt to create a work worthy and await your reply.


I look forward to it
and I don't mind the name ZMP being used
but the purpose was so my poems stayed together
in my poem bio / submissin page ... that is it in a nut shell

thanks Art~
Ah Art ~ I've missed your wonderful insights and pearls of wisdom :rose:

I have alot of catching up to do! lol
Passing Thoughts

Do not believe
because you read it in a book
Do not believe
because you saw it on television
Do not believe
because science says so
Do not believe
because a famous person says so
Do not believe
because a wise person believes in it
Do not believe
because your best friend believes it
Do not believe
because everyone else believes it
Do not believe
because others have believed in it for thousands of years
Do not believe
because you've heard it so many times before
Do not believe
because you are told, you must
Do not believe
because others expect you to
Do not believe
because it gets you accepted
Do not believe
because it will make your parents happy
Do not believe
because it will get you noticed
Do not believe
because you want to believe
Do not believe
because you can't afford not to
Do not believe
because it helps you to cope
Do not believe
because you must believe in something
Do not believe
because it makes sense
Do not believe
any of this......
Believe only that, ''you are''
and do not even believe that
for that is,
beyond belief~

(Author Unknown)

Adrienne Barnathan
Oh I like that Du ~

It certainly makes sense and gets the brain ticking :) lol

Thanks for sharing hun... :rose:
Oh, I second the motion JC
Du, that is pure Zen

I needed that ...thanks

Du Lac said:
Passing Thoughts

Do not believe
because you read it in a book
Do not believe
because you saw it on television
Do not believe
because science says so
Do not believe
because a famous person says so
Do not believe
because a wise person believes in it
Do not believe
because your best friend believes it
Do not believe
because everyone else believes it
Do not believe
because others have believed in it for thousands of years
Do not believe
because you've heard it so many times before
Do not believe
because you are told, you must
Do not believe
because others expect you to
Do not believe
because it gets you accepted
Do not believe
because it will make your parents happy
Do not believe
because it will get you noticed
Do not believe
because you want to believe
Do not believe
because you can't afford not to
Do not believe
because it helps you to cope
Do not believe
because you must believe in something
Do not believe
because it makes sense
Do not believe
any of this......
Believe only that, ''you are''
and do not even believe that
for that is,
beyond belief~

(Author Unknown)

Adrienne Barnathan