~Zen Mountain~

ZMP~ Enlightenment

I sit in wait
as dawn
opens its gate

to let in the light
and for dark
to take flight

when the Sun
is rising
visibility is sprung

Shadows bloom
and shrivel
illumination mushrooms

Then I can see
what's ahead of me

thoughts embark,
the Sun to the dark.​
ZMP~ a feather's fate

I saw a feather
on the ground
the wind blew it
with out a sound

it took flight
and soared up high
I watched
this feather fly

then it floated
lightly back down
till it rested
on the ground

sitting silent
this feather rested
till another
breeze came gusting

the feather left
and flew away
a breeze blew
me on my way
Mother is sad, I think.
has awoken. Taken our
flower, left it in the cold.
are drained, roots ... rigid.

So many woe's, this flower
Needs some rain,
sprinkle it,
with care. Showing it
it's family is there.

Life is funny, not
I say. So Mother,
could you
save, our flower
... today?

Blow life back into,
hold it
with care. Gentle,
of worries ... erased.
in our loving, tender

RhymeFairy said:
Mother is sad, I think.
has awoken. Taken our
flower, left it in the cold.
are drained, roots ... rigid.

So many woe's, this flower
Needs some rain,
sprinkle it,
with care. Showing it
it's family is there.

Life is funny, not
I say. So Mother,
could you
save, our flower
... today?

Blow life back into,
hold it
with care. Gentle,
of worries ... erased.
in our loving, tender


Very nice hun ~

I likes this alot :D
A smiling summer's eve' leans greedily
rising in coppered intensity
and undefined through love.
Whilst silvery winter dances happily
in shades of time,
when life relaxes in virtue.
A wintry wind sparkles in angry blue glints ,
a star shoots westwards
and nature displays her glory.
very nice Art keep writing .. your depth is mushrooming

My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP~ Enlightenment

I sit in wait
as dawn
opens its gate

to let in the light
and for dark
to take flight

when the Sun
is rising
visibility is sprung

Shadows bloom
and shrivel
illumination mushrooms

Then I can see
what's ahead of me

thoughts embark,
the Sun to the dark.​
Extracts from The Dhammapada - version by Thomas Byrom)


We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow, unshakable.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Live with such thoughts and you live in hate.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Abandon such thoughts, and live in love.
In this world
Hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate.
This is the law,
Ancient and inexhaustible.
You too shall pass away.
Knowing this, how can you quarrel?
How easily the wind overturns a frail tree.
Seek happiness in the senses,
Indulge in food and sleep,
And you too will be uprooted.
The wind cannot overturn a mountain.
Temptation cannot touch the man
Who is awake, strong and humble,
Who masters himself and minds the dharma.
If a man's thoughts are muddy,
If he is reckless and full of deceit,
How can he wear the yellow robe?
Whoever is master of his own nature,
Bright, clear and true,
He may indeed wear the yellow robe.
Mistaking the false for the true,
And the true for the false,
You overlook the heart
And fill yourself with desire.
See the false as false,
The true as true.
Look into your heart.
Follow your nature.
An unreflecting mind is a poor roof.
Passion, like the rain, floods the house.
But if the roof is strong, there is shelter.
Whoever follows impure thoughts
Suffers in this world and the next.
In both worlds he suffers
And how greatly
When he sees the wrong he has done.
But whoever follows the dharma
Is joyful here and joyful there.
In both worlds he rejoices
And how greatly
When he sees the good he has done.
For great is the harvest in this world,
And greater still in the next.
However many holy words you read,
However many you speak,
What good will they do you
If you do not act upon them?
Are you a shepherd
Who counts another man's sheep,
Never sharing the way?
Read as few words as you like,
And speak fewer.
But act upon the dharma.
Give up the old ways -
Passion, enmity, folly.
Know the truth and find peace.
Share the way.
I like this Du,
and I like your new AV
(I have to ask >>>what's it mean?)

Du Lac said:
Extracts from The Dhammapada - version by Thomas Byrom)


We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow, unshakable.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Live with such thoughts and you live in hate.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Abandon such thoughts, and live in love.
In this world
Hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate.
This is the law,
Ancient and inexhaustible.
You too shall pass away.
Knowing this, how can you quarrel?
How easily the wind overturns a frail tree.
Seek happiness in the senses,
Indulge in food and sleep,
And you too will be uprooted.
The wind cannot overturn a mountain.
Temptation cannot touch the man
Who is awake, strong and humble,
Who masters himself and minds the dharma.
If a man's thoughts are muddy,
If he is reckless and full of deceit,
How can he wear the yellow robe?
Whoever is master of his own nature,
Bright, clear and true,
He may indeed wear the yellow robe.
Mistaking the false for the true,
And the true for the false,
You overlook the heart
And fill yourself with desire.
See the false as false,
The true as true.
Look into your heart.
Follow your nature.
An unreflecting mind is a poor roof.
Passion, like the rain, floods the house.
But if the roof is strong, there is shelter.
Whoever follows impure thoughts
Suffers in this world and the next.
In both worlds he suffers
And how greatly
When he sees the wrong he has done.
But whoever follows the dharma
Is joyful here and joyful there.
In both worlds he rejoices
And how greatly
When he sees the good he has done.
For great is the harvest in this world,
And greater still in the next.
However many holy words you read,
However many you speak,
What good will they do you
If you do not act upon them?
Are you a shepherd
Who counts another man's sheep,
Never sharing the way?
Read as few words as you like,
And speak fewer.
But act upon the dharma.
Give up the old ways -
Passion, enmity, folly.
Know the truth and find peace.
Share the way.
Zen Love

love is a bond,
between kindred spirits
love is the glue,
not limited to three or two
love is fearless,
bound only by our choices
love is you, and you…


The flower invites the butterfly with no-mind;
The butterfly visits the flower with no-mind.
The flower opens, the butterfly comes;
The butterfly comes, the flower opens.
I don't know others,
Others don't know me.
By not-knowing we follow nature's course.

Zen Master Ryokan
inspired write Du!

Enjoyed this look into the mind of simplicity and inner abundance!


Du Lac said:
Extracts from The Dhammapada - version by Thomas Byrom)


We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world.
Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow, unshakable.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Live with such thoughts and you live in hate.
"Look how he abused me and hurt me,
How he threw me down and robbed me."
Abandon such thoughts, and live in love.
In this world
Hate never yet dispelled hate.
Only love dispels hate.
This is the law,
Ancient and inexhaustible.
You too shall pass away.
Knowing this, how can you quarrel?
How easily the wind overturns a frail tree.
Seek happiness in the senses,
Indulge in food and sleep,
And you too will be uprooted.
The wind cannot overturn a mountain.
Temptation cannot touch the man
Who is awake, strong and humble,
Who masters himself and minds the dharma.
If a man's thoughts are muddy,
If he is reckless and full of deceit,
How can he wear the yellow robe?
Whoever is master of his own nature,
Bright, clear and true,
He may indeed wear the yellow robe.
Mistaking the false for the true,
And the true for the false,
You overlook the heart
And fill yourself with desire.
See the false as false,
The true as true.
Look into your heart.
Follow your nature.
An unreflecting mind is a poor roof.
Passion, like the rain, floods the house.
But if the roof is strong, there is shelter.
Whoever follows impure thoughts
Suffers in this world and the next.
In both worlds he suffers
And how greatly
When he sees the wrong he has done.
But whoever follows the dharma
Is joyful here and joyful there.
In both worlds he rejoices
And how greatly
When he sees the good he has done.
For great is the harvest in this world,
And greater still in the next.
However many holy words you read,
However many you speak,
What good will they do you
If you do not act upon them?
Are you a shepherd
Who counts another man's sheep,
Never sharing the way?
Read as few words as you like,
And speak fewer.
But act upon the dharma.
Give up the old ways -
Passion, enmity, folly.
Know the truth and find peace.
Share the way.
My Erotic Tale said:
I like this Du,
and I like your new AV
(I have to ask >>>what's it mean?)

hey hon... new AV means harmony
to Du~ "...or is that 'ta dum!"

ZMP ~ Night Wisdom

snow colored feathers over feathers
in chilly wind weather
On a noiseless flight,
talons of strength and might
stained by age
and by death
survival justifies its right.

a drift on a drifting sightless current
harmony in wings filtering air fluid
a kite of stealth on a death ride
white wisdom's descent, a mystical glide
by Athena
and by Minerva
a warriors skills are not pride.

Wings fold, cup and cover
hooked beak stabbing in hover
zero visibility without a sun
prey rarely sees the hunter come
by feasting on death
a living process
an owl's lament is night's wisdom​
Last edited:
just wiping wet eyes...so touching Art....

My Erotic Tale said:
to Du~ "...or is that 'ta dum!"

ZMP ~ Night Wisdom

snow colored feathers over feathers
in chilly wind weather
On a noiseless flight,
talons of strength and might
stained by age
and by death
survival justifies its right.

a drift on a drifting sightless current
harmony in wings filtering air fluid
a kite of stealth on a death ride
white wisdom's descent, a mystical glide
by Athena
and by Minerva
a warriors skills are not pride.

Wings fold, cup and cover
hooked beak stabbing in hover
zero visibility without a sun
prey rarely sees the hunter come
by feasting on death
a living process
an owl's lament is night's wisdom​

we must open our eyes from the black rain...

My Erotic Tale said:
to Du~ "...or is that 'ta dum!"

ZMP ~ Night Wisdom

snow colored feathers over feathers
in chilly wind weather
On a noiseless flight,
talons of strength and might
stained by age
and by death
survival justifies its right.

a drift on a drifting sightless current
harmony in wings filtering air fluid
a kite of stealth on a death ride
white wisdom's descent, a mystical glide
by Athena
and by Minerva
a warriors skills are not pride.

Wings fold, cup and cover
hooked beak stabbing in hover
zero visibility without a sun
prey rarely sees the hunter come
by feasting on death
a living process
an owl's lament is night's wisdom​

Thank you
Art for the beauty of this write and for the chance to see your writing take on a mystic soul. Lovely my dear just lovely.
du~ :heart:
My Erotic Tale said:
to Du~ "...or is that 'ta dum!"

ZMP ~ Night Wisdom

snow colored feathers over feathers
in chilly wind weather
On a noiseless flight,
talons of strength and might
stained by age
and by death
survival justifies its right.

a drift on a drifting sightless current
harmony in wings filtering air fluid
a kite of stealth on a death ride
white wisdom's descent, a mystical glide
by Athena
and by Minerva
a warriors skills are not pride.

Wings fold, cup and cover
hooked beak stabbing in hover
zero visibility without a sun
prey rarely sees the hunter come
by feasting on death
a living process
an owl's lament is night's wisdom​

Oh Lord Art.
This poem reaches deep
and invades the heart.
I *feel so much with this poem.
Pian, sad, things I do not even want to put words to here.
I love it, heartfelt and wonderful.
Just, to me

Huggs and more huggss !!!

Du Lac said:
Thank you
Art for the beauty of this write and for the chance to see your writing take on a mystic soul. Lovely my dear just lovely.
du~ :heart:

you welcome Du

thanks RF ... I had this one brewing and it took flight all it's own <grin> okay I had a picture to help <smile
Zmp ~ swept away

To cross the river's width
is like life's descent
caught in the current
of the moment
grasping for air.

A wind lightly blows
and change is imposed
like a leaf swept away
no more it lay
it's in the breeze's care

A drop of water is a soul
melting into the unknown
an endless sea
of thoughtless dreams
existance in truth now bare

Like the day love's found
the heart song's sound
dreams were clay
reality's a wheel away
swept away in feelings shared​
Last edited:
My Erotic Tale said:
to Du~ "...or is that 'ta dum!"

ZMP ~ Night Wisdom

snow colored feathers over feathers
in chilly wind weather
On a noiseless flight,
talons of strength and might
stained by age
and by death
survival justifies its right.

a drift on a drifting sightless current
harmony in wings filtering air fluid
a kite of stealth on a death ride
white wisdom's descent, a mystical glide
by Athena
and by Minerva
a warriors skills are not pride.

Wings fold, cup and cover
hooked beak stabbing in hover
zero visibility without a sun
prey rarely sees the hunter come
by feasting on death
a living process
an owl's lament is night's wisdom​

Oh Art huni that's simply gorgeous, beautifully written, grabs your soul and holds it tight.

Excellent work my friend... :rose:
My Erotic Tale said:
Zmp ~ swept away

To cross the river's width
is like life's descent
caught in the current
of the moment
grasping for air.

A wind lightly blows
and change is imposed
like a leaf swept away
no more it lay
it's in the breeze's care

A drop of water is a soul
melting into the unknown
an endless sea
of thoughtless dreams
existance in truth now bare

Like the day love's found
the heart song's sound
dreams were clay
reality's a wheel away
swept away in feelings shared​

That swept me away, just beautiful Hun :rose:

See, there you go making me gush again ;)
Jennifer C said:

Oh Art huni that's simply gorgeous, beautifully written, grabs your soul and holds it tight.

Excellent work my friend... :rose:

thank you J

I have a great line up of teachers

wanton Vix
and the list goes on
My Erotic Tale said:
thank you J

I have a great line up of teachers

wanton Vix
and the list goes on

A pleasure Hun, You just keep writing! :)

My Erotic Tale said:
thank you J

I have a great line up of teachers

wanton Vix
and the list goes on

Me, a teacher.
Hee Hawwss !!! ... :rolleyes:

I am a rambler,
My Friend. You know that. :)

I ramble, bounce.
Take wizards words,
add a lil satiny~spice here,
a lil dreamy~drama there,
then behold ... my new prize ~


corny, but sooo true. Art,
you are on a roll My Friend,
keep it up, see ya at tha end ~ :nana:
