~Zen Mountain~

Your Poetry is so deep and refreshing...not at all what I expected to find around here. Tell me, are you interested in having a little fun? I hope you don't have another, because Zen and Buddhist go together :)
Symbol For Zen

The classic symbol for Zen is the enso. It is known as the circle of enlightenment. In the sixth century a text named the Shinhinmei refers to the way of Zen as a circle of vast space, lacking nothing, and nothing in excess. At first glance the ancient enso zen symbol appears to be nothing more than a circle. But it's symbolism referrs to the beginning and end of all things, the circle of life, and the connectedness of existense.

It is said that in the hands of a Zen master the power of the enso symbol for Zen is released, helping those who meditate upon it to reach a higher level of consciousness. It is used as a symbol of enlightenment. Zen masters often brush paint an enso for their student to meditate upon. The quality of the brushwork is said to reveal the depth of the master's enlightenment.

There are two common symbol for zen enso's. One is a brushstroke of a closed circle. The closed circle represents the totality of experience and life. The other is a brushstroke of a circle with one small opening. The open circle represents the imperfection found in all things, and suggests to the student to stop striving for perfection and instead to allow the universe to be as it is.

The open circle is a concept that reflects closely with Japanese Zen Buddhism. The Japanese concept of wabi sabi is that all things are perfect as they are. An analogy is a peasant's jar, mishapen, chipped and worn through years of daily use. Although it may not be as pleasing visually as a pristine carefully crafted jar, it is said to stimulate the mind and emotions, stimulate the spirit of a person to contemplate the essence of reality. As with everything related to Zen, there is a beautiful simplicity to the traditional enso, both the open and closed versions.
a zen teacher took his pupils on a field trip to a clearing in the forest where it is known for being the home of a community of monkeys. There he took a hollow gourd and placed a small amount of sweetened rice (a favorite of the monkeys.) He then staked the gourd to the ground and motioned for his students to await under a nearby shade tree.

It wasn’t long until a large monkey came out, (sniffing) and quickly ran up to the gourd and inserted his hand into the gourd in hopes of getting the rice. But as the monkey grips the rice and makes a fist, it is unable to retract his hand from the gourd. The monkey became loud with frustration but never let go of the hand full of rice.

The noisy monkey came upon the attention of a hungry leopard that came and saw the monkey and ran up and ate the monkey whom never let go of the rice within the gourd. The zen master then asked the students, “what was the trap which eventually killed the monkey?”

“The rice,” one answered.

“The nailed down gourd,” another replied.

“no,” replied the zen master, “the trap was greed!”
indian fable

there once was a mouse who went to the local tribes spiritual leader and pleaded for help. The mouse was afraid of the local cats and the tribe's spiritual leader took pity on the mouse and changed the mouse into a cat.

a couple days later the mouse/cat came to the spiritual leader and explained that he was now afraid of the dog so the indian changed the mouse/cat into a dog.

a couple of days later the mouse/cat/dog came back and explained that he was now afraid of the mountain lion that lerked nearby and the spiritual leader then changed the mouse into a mountain lion.

a couple of days later the mouse/mountain lion came back and explained that now he feared the hunter so the spiritual leader turned the mountain lion back into a mouse and said,"nothing I do for you will help because you have the heart of a mouse!"
a tiger, never changes it's stripes, eh ~

sent this to a friend. Always did love
the way your mind spins a tail.. ;)
bruce lee poetry

(This is an untitled poem by Brue Lee. )

I wish neither to possess nor to be possessed.

I no longer covet paradise.

More important, I no longer fear hell…

The medicine for my suffering I had within me from the very beginning, but I did not take it.

My ailment came from within myself, but I did not observe it.

Until this moment.

Now I see that I will never find the light unless, like the candle, I am my own fuel.

Consuming myself.

(I reflect heavily on the last two lines, perhaps because I think of the flame and the candle as two parts, yin and yang, male and female) open for a discussion?

A praying mantis was standing a-top a fence post overlooking a field when a cow passed by. “Wow, you are really big,” the mantis said to the cow.

“Are you calling me fat?” The cow replied with a huff.

“Not at all,” the Mantis replied. But the cow strutted off offended. A few minutes later a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (bird/woodpecker) landed on the fence post next to the praying mantis. “Oh my, you have a yellow belly,” the mantis said in earnest.

“Are you saying I’m afraid,” the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker chattered, “You calling me ‘yellow?’ I’ll have you know I am as brave as any other creature out here. I am not a chicken you know,” and the woodpecker flew off in a huff.

The mantis gathered its thoughts and went back to watching the sun set when a hound dog walked by in the grass below. “Hello,” the mantis said politely. The mantis thought about its word carefully then said, “What a lovely nose you have.”

“You saying I am nosy?” The hound dog barked, “You think I put my nose where it doesn’t belong. You don’t even know me, how can you say such a thing?” The dog barked and then ran off offended.

The mantis sat and the watched the sunset, contemplating the events that had just occurred and ‘perhaps’ that is why, to this day, the praying mantis is silent.

(morale: sometimes people take what you say the wrong way. Reflecting their own inner ‘inhibitions’ and becoming defensive when in fact you were merely stating the obvious. It would seem the wise zen masters that say very little may have a deeper purpose for their silence) (grin)
let not the impulse
be driven...:rose:

A praying mantis was standing a-top a fence post overlooking a field when a cow passed by. “Wow, you are really big,” the mantis said to the cow.

“Are you calling me fat?” The cow replied with a huff.

“Not at all,” the Mantis replied. But the cow strutted off offended. A few minutes later a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (bird/woodpecker) landed on the fence post next to the praying mantis. “Oh my, you have a yellow belly,” the mantis said in earnest.

“Are you saying I’m afraid,” the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker chattered, “You calling me ‘yellow?’ I’ll have you know I am as brave as any other creature out here. I am not a chicken you know,” and the woodpecker flew off in a huff.

The mantis gathered its thoughts and went back to watching the sun set when a hound dog walked by in the grass below. “Hello,” the mantis said politely. The mantis thought about its word carefully then said, “What a lovely nose you have.”

“You saying I am nosy?” The hound dog barked, “You think I put my nose where it doesn’t belong. You don’t even know me, how can you say such a thing?” The dog barked and then ran off offended.

The mantis sat and the watched the sunset, contemplating the events that had just occurred and ‘perhaps’ that is why, to this day, the praying mantis is silent.

(morale: sometimes people take what you say the wrong way. Reflecting their own inner ‘inhibitions’ and becoming defensive when in fact you were merely stating the obvious. It would seem the wise zen masters that say very little may have a deeper purpose for their silence) (grin)[/QUOTE]
There was a farmer who had a horse that he claimed could do math. If the farmer asked the horse, “what is two plus two?” The horse would stomp it’s hoof four times. If the farmer asked the horse” what is five minus two,” the horse would stomp its hoof three times. This horse could get 99 percent of the math questions right.

News travels fast and it wasn’t long before people began coming from all around to see this horse add and subtract with such great accuracy. The farmer would even charge a small fee due to the fact it was keeping him from his farming.

One day a professor from the local university came to see this phenomenon and was truly impressed how accurate the horse was. The professor offered the farmer a large amount of money to study this horse for scientific purposes. The humble farmer agreed to do this once the crops were in and work died down.

Fall came and the farmer brought this horse to the university where they instantly began studying this mathematical horse. They would ask the farmer a question and the farmer would ask the horse and the horse would stomp its hoof with an answer. They did adding and subtracting. They began doing multiplications and division and found there was a weakness. The horse began to show that it could only do simple math.

The professor was standing in front of the horse and explained that the horse was not that smart. It couldn’t do a simple multiplication like five times five, and the horse tapped its hoof twenty times. From then on the professor asked the questions and amazingly the horse could give the correct answer.

After a long study of the horse they come to the conclusion that the horse couldn’t do math at all. The horse could read body language. The horse was so acute to watching facial expressions that it could tell when the person was expecting the horse to stop stomping its hoof. The farmer took the horse home and he still made a few extra dollars showing off the horses abilities.

(the same is true for all creatures including humans. We can tell when something is wrong with another by facial expressions and physical movements. We merely have to pay attention and we could possibly give another the answer they are expecting.) (~_*)
An American Indian fable tells of a time when the sun beat down on the earth for so long that the Indians cursed the sun. For many days the sun’s hot rays scorched and dried the earth to the point that the Indians shouted to the sun, “Go away!” Shaking their fist in the air at the sun and praying that the sun would not come again. So, the sun became angry and decided not to pass over the earth ever again.

After many days in the cold darkness the Indians then wished the sun would come again and shed its light once more, to warm the earth with its rays. But, how do they get a message to the sun. They asked the eagle if he would fly to the sun and ask for forgiveness but the eagle refused. That was when the rooster volunteered. The rooster was suspecting that it would soon be eaten by the Indians so this was a way to get away and perhaps gain respect from the Indians.

The rooster made its way to the sun and asked the sun to return, telling the sun how sorry the Indians were that they had scorned the sun and that they did not wish to live in darkness and that they would never again ask the sun to go away. The rooster explained that the Indians had learned their lesson. But the suns feelings were hurt and refused to pass over the earth ever again.

“Okay,”replied the rooster and went to leave when he turned and stated that it was very dark and that the cougar was on the prowl. The rooster let the sun know that it would probably not make it in the dark and asked the sun to promise that it would come to the roosters aid if he crowed. The rooster had gained the suns respect and the sun said that it promised it would come to its aid if he heard the rooster call for help. The rooster then left and went a little ways, then hid. The rooster then began to cock-a-doodle-do and the sun came looking for the rooster to help him. But the rooster was well hid and the sun passed over him. There-fore, every morning the rooster crows and the sun comes.

(morale: be careful what you wish for)
While I was at work yesterday, a fellow co-worker told me this cute little ‘lesson’ tale.’ About a little baby bird that hadn’t very many feathers and it was freezing because it was cold outside. This little bird hobbled across the ice riddled pasture till it came upon a cow, who saw the little birds delima and thought about it for a moment and decided to ‘poop’ on the little bird in order to warm the freezing little creature.

The little bird at first thought this wasn’t very nice of the cow but soon realized that what the cow had done was envelope the little bird in warmth. In fact the little bird was so warm it decided to not fight the cow pattie at all, instead it basked in the warmth of its new found situation.

It wasn’t long till a wolf came trotting by and saw the little bird and helped the little bird out of the cow patty, cleaned the little bird up, then ate ‘em. The lesson is this, sometimes your friends can get you into some ‘shit’ that is not necessarily a bad thing and sometimes those who get you out of ‘shit’ is not always your friend.
reminds me of a dad tale

20 below and he got shot...
they piled him on a group of dead korean soldiers
he saw the future of this world
moral is
he did not die
he died that day

While I was at work yesterday, a fellow co-worker told me this cute little ‘lesson’ tale.’ About a little baby bird that hadn’t very many feathers and it was freezing because it was cold outside. This little bird hobbled across the ice riddled pasture till it came upon a cow, who saw the little birds delima and thought about it for a moment and decided to ‘poop’ on the little bird in order to warm the freezing little creature.

The little bird at first thought this wasn’t very nice of the cow but soon realized that what the cow had done was envelope the little bird in warmth. In fact the little bird was so warm it decided to not fight the cow pattie at all, instead it basked in the warmth of its new found situation.

It wasn’t long till a wolf came trotting by and saw the little bird and helped the little bird out of the cow patty, cleaned the little bird up, then ate ‘em. The lesson is this, sometimes your friends can get you into some ‘shit’ that is not necessarily a bad thing and sometimes those who get you out of ‘shit’ is not always your friend.
the moral would be

to be wise
be strong
stand for right
no wrong.

be a man
not a sissy priss.


Huggs my friends. Had to write, whatever
might be

A well known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?”

Hands started going up.

He said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this.” He proceeded to crumple the dollar bill up.

He then asked, “Who still wants it?”

Still the hands were up in the air.

“Well,” he replied, “What if I do this?” And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe.

He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. “Now who still wants it?” Still the hands went into the air.

“My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20.”


(morale; Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. You are special – Don’t ever forget it!)
myzentrail = zendictive

like a catapillar
to a butterfly
it is I

spread my wings
and poetically

across a field
all the trees leaned
from its peer pressure
a constant southern breeze

a mighty wind guides us
our up-bringing
go to school, get a job
do the right thing

follow the examples
and do as others deem
be like the trees
when pressured, lean

by Art~
The Buzzard, the Bat, and the Bumblebee

If you put a buzzard in a pen six or eight feet square and entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of his ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run of ten or twelve feet. Without space to run, as is his habit, he will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.

The ordinary bat that flies around at night, a remarkable nimble creature in the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor or flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt, painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash.

A Bumblebee if dropped into an open tumbler will be there until it dies, unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom. It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.


(moral; In many ways, there are lots of people like the buzzard, the bat and the bee. They are struggling about with all their problems and frustrations, not realizing that the answer is right there before them. Often times we feel trapped and seek a way out of these emotional entrapments, I read a post today that rocked my world. Reading how others are so unhappy and suicide seemed to be their exit from such feelings. I couldn’t help but think of this analogy, the buzzard, the bat and the bumble bee.)