~Zen Mountain~

ZMP~ River Song

Light breeze rustles leaves to dance
River flowing full of romance

Egrets squack in harmonious chants
flapping wings landing in a stance

crickets chatter and bull frogs bellow
sounding a song across the meadow

Ducks waltz around on the ground
waddle out a quacked up sound

splashing comes from the rivers depth
a bass's tail to surface is swept

a squirrel chatters out a chorus
from the banks where vegitation florished

the hawk adds a tune or two
flying around in the sky blue <grin>

a dove coo's a distant lonely tone
calling her loved ones to come home

the shore line water laps out a sound strong
adding to the serenity of a river's song​
Remec said:
Atwitch in air~

hello REMEC~

zmp~ Brain washing

The rains came and cleansed the earth
I mopped the kitchen
and cleanliness was birthed

My hands got dirty so I washed them
finding and removing
the dirt and filthy film

I shower and wash my body daily
cleanliness feels wonderful
but I have been thinking lately

how do I wash my mind
the cerebrial cleaning
when is it brain washing time
steps fall one behind another
furthur forward we go
into tomorrows
that come in rotation
likes steps
one after another

march to a beat
in toe tapping time
sitting in ponder
watching in wonder
time go by
as a day slips away
in another step

snoring is allowed
when falling into a dream
as we walk a desert mile
for a pool of cool water
stepping stepping stepping
into another day
Nothing Exists

Yamaoka Tesshu, as a young student of Zen, visited one master after another. He called upon Dokuon of Shokoku.

Desiring to show his attainment, he said: "The mind, Buddha, and sentient beings, after all, do not exist. The true nature of phenomena is emptiness. There is no realization, no delusion, no sage, no mediocrity. There is no giving and nothing to be received."

Dokuon, who was smoking quietly, said nothing. Suddenly he whacked Yamaoka with his bamboo pipe. This made the youth quite angry.

"If nothing exists," inquired Dokuon, "where did this anger come from?"
Du Lac said:
Nothing Exists

Yamaoka Tesshu, as a young student of Zen, visited one master after another. He called upon Dokuon of Shokoku.

Desiring to show his attainment, he said: "The mind, Buddha, and sentient beings, after all, do not exist. The true nature of phenomena is emptiness. There is no realization, no delusion, no sage, no mediocrity. There is no giving and nothing to be received."

Dokuon, who was smoking quietly, said nothing. Suddenly he whacked Yamaoka with his bamboo pipe. This made the youth quite angry.

"If nothing exists," inquired Dokuon, "where did this anger come from?"

okay Du

I am going to use this and you know where <bigger grin>
thanks wise one (~_~) bows humble
My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP~ River Song

Light breeze rustles leaves to dance
River flowing full of romance

Egrets squack in harmonious chants
flapping wings landing in a stance

crickets chatter and bull frogs bellow
sounding a song across the meadow

Ducks waltz around on the ground
waddle out a quacked up sound

splashing comes from the rivers depth
a bass's tail to surface is swept

a squirrel chatters out a chorus
from the banks where vegitation florished

the hawk adds a tune or two
flying around in the sky blue <grin>

a dove coo's a distant lonely tone
calling her loved ones to come home

the shore line water laps out a sound strong
adding to the serenity of a river's song​

I enjoy a stroll around the mountain of Zen. I am never disappointed and always find a soothing ZMP poem to read.

Thank You
quasar said:
I enjoy a stroll around the mountain of Zen. I am never disappointed and always find a soothing ZMP poem to read.

Thank You


a monk once walked a wooded trail
to deliver the mail
to another temple
meeting a woman he was polite
but continued on his way

"May I travel with you?" she asked.

"I go this way, you may do the same." he replied

his pace was faster than this woman whom pleaded that he slow down. He insisted he could not and she fought to stay up with him till she fell and hurt her knee. The Monk being kind picked her up and carried her the rest of the way.
seven stars to the left of the moon
coming coming coming soon

a streak of light in the night sky
I sit an ponder
where it will arrive

lay me down sweat slumber lord
I dream I dream
of the coming star
The Dog in the Manger

A Dog looking out for its afternoon nap jumped into the Manger
of an Ox and lay there cosily upon the straw. But soon the Ox,
returning from its afternoon work, came up to the Manger and
wanted to eat some of the straw. The Dog in a rage, being
awakened from its slumber, stood up and barked at the Ox, and
whenever it came near attempted to bite it. At last the Ox had to
give up the hope of getting at the straw, and went away muttering:

"Ah, people often grudge others what they
cannot enjoy themselves."
Jennifer C said:
The Dog in the Manger

A Dog looking out for its afternoon nap jumped into the Manger
of an Ox and lay there cosily upon the straw. But soon the Ox,
returning from its afternoon work, came up to the Manger and
wanted to eat some of the straw. The Dog in a rage, being
awakened from its slumber, stood up and barked at the Ox, and
whenever it came near attempted to bite it. At last the Ox had to
give up the hope of getting at the straw, and went away muttering:

"Ah, people often grudge others what they
cannot enjoy themselves."

What is with this dissappearing posts? I like the zen story JC for the 3 rd time.
Art call me when you get in from class. Here's a little dilly

I walked to the summit and saw the depths of earth
trailed down to the valley and saw the world paramount
a watched a different world exist with my own in the water
I found me in my reflection and met myself then awoke

Nin :rose:
words you say
in tones
that just you own

I feel you
when I hear you

words past lips
from the heart
touch mine

audio love

A Heron steps
in water lightly
it's long legs
in a slow pace

along the river's
greeting shore
this long neck bird
rythyme walking

hunting the water
it's only chore
to end the rumblings
of it's stomaches roar
...........neck recoils
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Ninja Nookie said:
What is with this dissappearing posts? I like the zen story JC for the 3 rd time.
Art call me when you get in from class. Here's a little dilly

I walked to the summit and saw the depths of earth
trailed down to the valley and saw the world paramount
a watched a different world exist with my own in the water
I found me in my reflection and met myself then awoke

Nin :rose:

lol thanks Nin :rose:

Deleted posts is happening to alot of us so don't take it personally.

Good to see ya again :)

I hope you get to read this :rolleyes:
Jennifer C said:
lol thanks Nin :rose:

Deleted posts is happening to alot of us so don't take it personally.

Good to see ya again :)

I hope you get to read this :rolleyes:

Hi Jenn

I know Art told me this place was run by a female Nazi that knows not free speech. I understand fun is not allowed in a free armature writing site. I don't come here because of the uppity attitudes of this who think they know it all except compassion.

How have you been? I should come and read more poetry from you and Du. But the fights that always seem to be here detour me. They (critics) are okay to say something about a poem but they can not take a comment about their comments. I find this peculiar. I thing the old saying that the indian tribe is only as good as the chief goes a long way here. Who ever this is running this part of lit, is not doing a very good job. Or I should say, over doing it.

I had to come and see what that mouth in the credentials thread was mouthing about today so we will see you, later.

Bye :rose: Nin
Ninja Nookie said:
I know Art told me this place was run by a female Nazi that knows not free speech.

interesting that you felt the need to say this publically.

as for myself, i think female Nazis are pretty hot.

Ninja Nookie said:
Hi Jenn

I know Art told me this place was run by a female Nazi that knows not free speech. I understand fun is not allowed in a free armature writing site. I don't come here because of the uppity attitudes of this who think they know it all except compassion.

How have you been? I should come and read more poetry from you and Du. But the fights that always seem to be here detour me. They (critics) are okay to say something about a poem but they can not take a comment about their comments. I find this peculiar. I thing the old saying that the indian tribe is only as good as the chief goes a long way here. Who ever this is running this part of lit, is not doing a very good job. Or I should say, over doing it.

I had to come and see what that mouth in the credentials thread was mouthing about today so we will see you, later.

Bye :rose: Nin

I'm good Nin thanks for asking, I just said my piece in the credentials thread and wrote what you have just expressed, thats it's all the nit picking and childish arguements thats bringing this place down and stopping people from returning, I'm glad to hear that you agree.

I hope you read this post soon before it is deleted :rolleyes:
PatCarrington said:
interesting that you felt the need to say this publically.

as for myself, i think female Nazis are pretty hot.


Me too :D leather and heels :catroar:

I didn't exactly see this as publicly but I can now. I have a fault as many of us do, I show my ass more than I should ;)
Jennifer C said:
I'm good Nin thanks for asking, I just said my piece in the credentials thread and wrote what you have just expressed, thats it's all the nit picking and childish arguements thats bringing this place down and stopping people from returning, I'm glad to hear that you agree.

I hope you read this post soon before it is deleted :rolleyes:

I am laughing,

I have to go but it was good to see you. I hope you read this before it is houdini-ized. I perhaps will write a poem today! I may even submit it for the vampires to feed on. :D

Have a good day

Nin :rose:
Ninja Nookie said:
I am laughing,

I have to go but it was good to see you. I hope you read this before it is houdini-ized. I perhaps will write a poem today! I may even submit it for the vampires to feed on. :D

Have a good day

Nin :rose:

you too hun and I look forward to reading that poem ;)