~Zen Mountain~

My Erotic Tale said:
Drifting in time
water of life
cradled in the arms
of the Old and Lost

sentries are stumps
withered with age
leaning in rise
a day is a page

turning the sun
into the moon
basking in now
tomorrow's soon

ribbon of wetness
curves of seduction
banks of the soul
pillar of stumps in erection

carved by time
the river that whines
through the new pines
the Old and Lost

you have captured here Art just how I am feeling right now, as soon as I started reading this I could relate to it, it reached out and touched me ~

Thank you hun :rose:
Jennifer C said:
you have captured here Art just how I am feeling right now, as soon as I started reading this I could relate to it, it reached out and touched me ~

Thank you hun :rose:

Thanks JC

I have a poem brewing with old and lost which is a name of the trinity river or a branch of it. I just don't feel I have done it justice yet, the poem in new poems today "the trinity" was close but not quite there yet...
My Erotic Tale said:
Thanks JC

I have a poem brewing with old and lost which is a name of the trinity river or a branch of it. I just don't feel I have done it justice yet, the poem in new poems today "the trinity" was close but not quite there yet...

you're welcome hun :rose:

I have read your poem you posted today, I voted but didn't leave a comment! I've stopped commenting for a while coz they kept getting picked apart and peoples poems where being used as a playground for bitchy comments, criticising my comments instead of the poem.

I enjoyed your poem very much... :rose:
Jennifer C said:
you're welcome hun :rose:

I have read your poem you posted today, I voted but didn't leave a comment! I've stopped commenting for a while coz they kept getting picked apart and peoples poems where being used as a playground for bitchy comments, criticising my comments instead of the poem.

I enjoyed your poem very much... :rose:

And if you comment on some, are the ones you don't comment on slighted? And if you are commenting, that's less time to write your own poems. It's all about balance ~ whoops, I slipped and fell. There are marbles everywhere; hope I don't lose any........ ;)
LeBroz said:
And if you comment on some, are the ones you don't comment on slighted? And if you are commenting, that's less time to write your own poems. It's all about balance ~ whoops, I slipped and fell. There are marbles everywhere; hope I don't lose any........ ;)

funny leon...

a closed door <grin>

they shut the door because they couldn't think any more
didn't want a fresh breeze to blow
they liked the smokey atmosphere
stale and comfortable in their stain

a capsule to hold
what is thought to be good
while sharing the whiskey in intoxicated smiles
and blurred truths

I can only stop
take a deep breath
and gaze upon the beauty of the mountains
that they will never see
behind closed doors

we all go through a point where we just want to write and leave it as it was
I still do, and try too as much as possible
I believe in the pure, zen like, expression of first thought
That being said...not everything you write out is a gem
some need polish and need to follow some rules in order to be better understood, or explained


zen poetry is passion poetry?
write it and leave it?

I looked up zen poetry it states; Zen poetry is descriptive of nature without personal emotions written into the poem.

A rock is a rock

not a rock with no heart
or a sad rock

it is a rock <period>
My Erotic Tale said:

we all go through a point where we just want to write and leave it as it was
I still do, and try too as much as possible
I believe in the pure, zen like, expression of first thought
That being said...not everything you write out is a gem
some need polish and need to follow some rules in order to be better understood, or explained


zen poetry is passion poetry?
write it and leave it?

I looked up zen poetry it states; Zen poetry is descriptive of nature without personal emotions written into the poem.

A rock is a rock

not a rock with no heart
or a sad rock

it is a rock <period>

The expression of emotion changes a write.
To describe a setting with out emotion is concidered Zen
a lot of your poems express some emotion and that tends to make them more touching.

I for one enjoy your zmp poetry. Those that do not understand your views are like this saying. "While pointing at the mountain you wish to go to, they concentrate more on how to hold the finger than looking towards the beauty of where they want to go."

quasar said:
The expression of emotion changes a write.
To describe a setting with out emotion is concidered Zen
a lot of your poems express some emotion and that tends to make them more touching.

I for one enjoy your zmp poetry. Those that do not understand your views are like this saying. "While pointing at the mountain you wish to go to, they concentrate more on how to hold the finger than looking towards the beauty of where they want to go."


thanks Q...

I have a ZEN site I go to that has a different read everday and I have seen some emotions or added thoughts placed in these writes. They are seldom or I actually will watch for this more now. Thanks amigo (~_~)
Rolling river carry me
into tomorrows arms
sitting on your side
where I reside

Rolling river embrace me
once again in wrapping warmth
sun blazed waters sparkle
life's promise to recycle

Rolling river pulls me
inward deeper
in the depths of
it's belly of love
ZMP ~ mountain

A wall of beauty
stands before me
in the distant horizon

Flush green base
rock shear face
then snow like white satin

It rises high
into the sky
like the earth is reaching

To kiss a cloud
that hovers round
this mamouth size mountain
In wilderness people can find the silence and the solitude
and the noncivilized surroundings that can connect them
once again to their evolutionary heritage, and through an
experience of the eternal mystery, can give them a sense
of the sacredness of all creation.
- Sigurd Olson
zmp ~ the last star

Stars shine bright
in the twilight
as dawn awakes

spreading colors shy
across the sky
as stars disapate

The moon sinks
and the sun winks
as stars slowly disappear

Birds awake singing
as the sun comes springing
and stars fade in tears

I sit and watch
the sky's light catch
disolving the last star
Pelican bay

They circle for hours over the cove
around and around they go

Large white birds with black tipped wings
pelicans gathering to join the soaring

criss crossing and crazy eights
fixed winged kites in uniformed pace

like a patch of snow along the shore
they land in groups, tired or bored

fixed wing glides just above the water
in formation one behind another

I enjoy watching these birds every day
pelicans that live around pelican bay
zmp~ figs

the fig tree was busy today
suirrels run the branches
picking friut all day

Blue jays landed and pecked
feasting a moment
then they left

a dog walked by and sniffed
strattled the tree
and it's leg it did lift

a cat come along and climbed
into the branches
it snaked and whined

I picked some figs today
and cooked them
the usual crust in filling way

The sun set in its usual way
through the leaves
of the fig tree this day
zmp~ fig tree

the fig tree was busy today
suirrels run the branches
picking friut all day

Blue jays landed and pecked
feasting a moment
then they left

a dog walked by and sniffed
strattled the tree
and it's leg it did lift

a cat come along and climbed
into the branches
it snaked and whined

I picked some figs today
and cooked them
the usual crust in filling way

The sun set in its usual way
through the leaves
of the fig tree this day
bathe in holy water
devotion marked
ancient offerings housed in mud walls
carve the face of a god in stone
chanting floats in the air
humming like insects
soothing like prayers
pilgrims follow to find the mystery of heaven
one step at a time
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
bathe in holy water
devotion marked
ancient offerings housed in mud walls
carve the face of a god in stone
chanting floats in the air
humming like insects
soothing like prayers
pilgrims follow to find the mystery of heaven
one step at a time

inspirational <grinin>

ridged stone carved
for those to see
who has been

standing grand
for longer than man
greek gods stand
zmp ~ Turtle cove

Green surround
in silent sounds
where the woods
hug a cove
in the river

shore line logs
in river bottom bog
the only sound
to remember

Then came the splash
solid and wetness clash
as a turtle
makes a dive
into the water

following its lead
another turtle leap
making a big splash
then another dashed
then another
and another
and another​
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first there is a mountain then there is no mountain then there is
caterpillar sheds its skin to find a butterfly within
if you keep hitting a snake
it will always still be a snake
hissing and mean
the more you hit
the meaner it gits
and when it sheds its skin
it is still a snake
unless it is a mountain
annaswirls said:
first there is a mountain then there is no mountain then there is
caterpillar sheds its skin to find a butterfly within
if you keep hitting a snake
it will always still be a snake
hissing and mean
the more you hit
the meaner it gits
and when it sheds its skin
it is still a snake
unless it is a mountain


unless you are a man
looking at a moutain
eating cotton mouth pie
twinkle in the eye
flys by the butter fly

...in a swirl~
zmp~ beauty blooms

Beauty comes in moments
like roses that bloom

what is here for a year
sprouts a rose or two

in anticipation of the next flower
waiting by the thorns for that hour

when beauty finally blooms
like sun shine after a shower
zmp ~ soul diamonds

the pink chased the black
light glistened
as shimmering
sparkles grew

the blue chased the pink
soul diamonds
the morning Du!

the sun rose in the blue
bright orange
on the horizon
the day birthed a new

black shadows turned to green leaves
in towering trees
soul diamonds
dew drops dripping too!​

this was started on the MLP ~ thread but I felt it was more zmp and needed more <grin> thanks Du (inspiration) a snow owl perched on the white earth
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My Erotic Tale said:
zmp ~ soul diamonds

the pink chased the black
light glistened
as shimmering
sparkles grew

the blue chased the pink
soul diamonds
the morning Du!

the sun rose in the blue
bright orange
on the horizon
the day birthed a new

black shadows turned to green leaves
in towering trees
soul diamonds
dew drops dripping too!​

this was started on the MLP ~ thread but I felt it was more zmp and needed more <grin> thanks Du (inspiration) a snow owl perched on the white earth

dew drops dipping
doing a soulful duet
dancing delightfully,
within circles of love.
two step sliding
with the turtle dove ...

like the poety

just thought i'd check in to be in touch with some Zen people.....
hello mac

I don't know that I am any good at zen
my minds blank <grin>
but I really like the poetry


zmp~ magic rings

The tranquil River is calm
still as stained glass
then a light sound

Nothing but ripples
circling outward
I wondered how
this had accurd!

Then there was
nothing but calm
still water
the magic rings gone!​