~Zen Mountain~

Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Pale sunlight,
pale the wall.

Love moves away.
the light changes.

I need more grace
than I thought.

13th century sufi mystic

Sabina, welcome to ZEN mountain thread,
I need more grace as well <grin>

poor Du, working her tail off
no tale from Du? Have to settle for her POETRY <Grinin> "woohoo"

the only thing constant is change....
A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen. The master poured the visitor's cup to the brim, and then kept pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer restrain himself.

"It's overfull! No more will go in!" the professor blurted. "You are like this cup," the master replied, "How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup."
Hakuin Zenji: Song Of Zazen

All beings by nature are Buddha,

As ice by nature is water.

Apart from water there is no ice;

Apart from beings, no Buddha.

How sad that people ignore the near

And search for truth afar:

Like someone in the midst of water

Crying out in thirst,

Like a child of a wealthy home

Wandering among the poor.

Lost on dark paths of ignorance,

We wander through the Six Worlds,

From dark path to dark path--

When shall we be freed from birth and death?

Oh, the zazen of the Mahayana!

To this the highest praise!

Devotion, repentance, training,

The many paramitas--

All have their source in zazen.

Those who try zazen even once

Wipe away beginning-less crimes.

Where are all the dark paths then?

The Pure Land itself is near.

Those who hear this truth even once

And listen with a grateful heart,

Treasuring it, revering it,

Gain blessings without end.

Much more, those who turn about

And bear witness to self-nature,

Self-nature that is no-nature,

Go far beyond mere doctrine.

Here effect and cause are the same,

The Way is neither two nor three.

With form that is no-form,

Going and coming, we are never astray,

With thought that is no-thought,

Singing and dancing are the voice of the Law.

Boundless and free is the sky of Samádhi!

Bright the full moon of wisdom!

Truly, is anything missing now?

Nirvana is right here, before our eyes,

This very place is the Lotus Land,

This very body, the Buddha

Du Lac said:
A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen. The master poured the visitor's cup to the brim, and then kept pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer restrain himself.

"It's overfull! No more will go in!" the professor blurted. "You are like this cup," the master replied, "How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup."

A Du tale <grinin'>
I always wondered what the person thought that had to clean the tea up << biggrin> another lesson <laughing> I love that story ...

and a rain tale <smile>
One who strives to make Truth their home
May at times be lonely.
Peer deeply into transcendent reality
And think about the body you will have
After this one is gone.

- Hung Ying-ming (~1596)
ZMP~ A Tree limb lay ...
by Art~

A Tree limb lay,
like thoughts fallen yesterday.

It once pushed leaves,
to shine in the bright sun.

I once had some thoughts,
but now they are gone.

A limbs branching way,
live, wither, fall, decay.

Pieces of broken branch bark,
fragmented thoughts recalled in parts.

Some tree limbs still rise,
reaching to harvest the sun.

Thoughts that still live,
till I lay like a limb.

A Tree limb lay,
like thoughts fallen yesterday.
The wild geese do not intend to cast their reflection
The water has no mind to receive their image.
-Zenrin Kushu

kyo said to one of his monks, "Can you get hold of Emptiness?"
"I'll try," said the monk, and he cupped his hands in the air.
"That's not very good," said Sekkyo. "You haven't got anything in there!"
"Well, master," said the monk, "please show me a better way."
Thereupon Sekkyo seized the monk's nose and gave it a great yank.
"Ouch!" yelled the monk. "You hurt me!"
"That's the way to get hold of Emptiness!" said Sekkyo.

:rose: blue
bluerains said:
kyo said to one of his monks, "Can you get hold of Emptiness?"
"I'll try," said the monk, and he cupped his hands in the air.
"That's not very good," said Sekkyo. "You haven't got anything in there!"
"Well, master," said the monk, "please show me a better way."
Thereupon Sekkyo seized the monk's nose and gave it a great yank.
"Ouch!" yelled the monk. "You hurt me!"
"That's the way to get hold of Emptiness!" said Sekkyo.

:rose: blue

laughing my 'meditating postured seating bottom' OFF!
Du Lac said:
The wild geese do not intend to cast their reflection
The water has no mind to receive their image.
-Zenrin Kushu

I loved this, I have seen many geese over the lake and will reflect on this the next time a flock refects <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
laughing my 'meditating postured seating bottom' OFF!
:nana: :D
a little haiku/senryu such a fine line of what to call 575...have a good day...will read poems this eve...gone all day...take care/ you and du..look forward to more zen...smiles/blue


balance seeks itself
falling in oblivion
chasing its shadows
It is too clear and so it is hard to see.
A dunce once searched for a fire with a lighted lantern.
Had he known what fire was,
He could have cooked his rice much sooner.

-The Gateless Gate (translated by Nyogen Senzaki and Paul Reps) :confused:
bluerains said:
:nana: :D
a little haiku/senryu such a fine line of what to call 575...have a good day...will read poems this eve...gone all day...take care/ you and du..look forward to more zen...smiles/blue


balance seeks itself
falling in oblivion
chasing its shadows

balance ...yin and yang?
falling...opposite of ... rising

balance seeks itself
falling in oblivion
rises the shadows <<< or rising in shadows

any way ya paint it, I loved it...
(I ask if this works ...or
the first part alone...???)

Heaven and Hell (both parts)
(Heavenly clouds) first part only??? (O_O)

soft cotton clouds swirl by
rolling, twirling across the sky

wiping heavens heavenly hue
Polishing it's lustrious shiny blue


the clouds in my mind swirl around
churning emotions my focus bound

wiping tears from thoughts that brew
cloudy eyes polishing inner deep blues
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good morning

I must say the last five days have been very trying for me...I have been doing alot of reading from buddist texts and attempting to clear my head. We create our own trials and seek our teachers even when ego battles the true self. I am exhausted. I will leave you all with a few words that have helped me over the course of this squal.

Awe is the salve that will heal our eyes...

To change
a person must face
the dragon of his appetites
with another dragon,
the life-energy
of the soul.

Every part of you has a secret language.
Your hands and your feet say what you've done.
And every need brings in what's needed.
Pain bears its cure like a child.
Having nothing produces provisions.
Ask a difficult question,
and the marvelous answer appears.

now, I must part for the day...I hope everyone is well. Sabina
ps. Du....I loved the geese thing, thanks.
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Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
I must say the last five days have been very trying for me...I have been doing alot of reading from buddist texts and attempting to clear my head. We create our own trials and seek our teachers even when ego battles the true self. I am exhausted. I will leave you all with a few words that have helped me over the course of this squal.

Awe is the salve that will heal our eyes...

To change
a person must face
the dragon of his appetites
with another dragon,
the life-energy
of the soul.

Every part of you has a secret language.
Your hands and your feet say what you've done.
And every need brings in what's needed.
Pain bears its cure like a child.
Having nothing produces provisions.
Ask a difficult question,
and the marvelous answer appears.

now, I must part for the day...I hope everyone is well. Sabina
ps. Du....I loved the geese thing, thanks.

thanks Sabina

I liked the goosed Du too..hehehe
zen flesh, zen bones

The Gates of Paradise

A soldier named Nobushige came to Hakuin and asked: "Is there really a paradise and a hell?"
"Who are you?" inquired Hakuin.
"I am a samurai", the warrior replied.
"You, a soldier!" sneered Hakuin, "What kind of ruler would have you as his guard? You look like a beggar".
Nobushige became so angry that he began to draw his sword.
Hakuin continued: "So you have a sword! Your weapon is probably to dull to cut off my head."
Nobushige drew his sword.
Hakuin remarked: "Here open the gates of hell!"
At these words the samurai, perceiving the master's discipline, put away his sword and bowed.
"Here open the gates of paradise", said Hakuin.

forgot to say thanks du...for zen bones site...and I love that story...take care/blue
am slow to go today...need more caffeine...o))

It is not necessary to
Reject activity and seek quiet;
Just make yourself inwardly
Empty while outwardly
Then you will be at peace in
The midst of frenetic activity
In the world
- Sokei-an Sasaki
bluerains said:
The Gates of Paradise

A soldier named Nobushige came to Hakuin and asked: "Is there really a paradise and a hell?"
"Who are you?" inquired Hakuin.
"I am a samurai", the warrior replied.
"You, a soldier!" sneered Hakuin, "What kind of ruler would have you as his guard? You look like a beggar".
Nobushige became so angry that he began to draw his sword.
Hakuin continued: "So you have a sword! Your weapon is probably to dull to cut off my head."
Nobushige drew his sword.
Hakuin remarked: "Here open the gates of hell!"
At these words the samurai, perceiving the master's discipline, put away his sword and bowed.
"Here open the gates of paradise", said Hakuin.

wow, I like this one...grin
me too

thanks to du...I repeated it to say not to forget to chek out...zen flesh zen bones..nice page...blue
zen poem under construction:

'Way of the cloud'

a solo cotton cloud swirled by
rolling, twirling across the sky

wiping heavens heavenly hue
Polishing it's lustrious shiny blue

I Cherish the rarity of this anomally
one lone cloud looking for it's family

Or an adventurous exploreres quest
for another clouds thunderous clash

Master in the Art of shapes and form
a soaring solo clouds destiny unborn

single cloud on a whirling thermol ride
across the heavens, cleaning the sky

thus far....under creative manipulation
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good morning

Art, perhaps the cloud seeks solitude.

blue, your quote earlier reminded me of something I read awhile ago....

"There is a community of the spirit.
Join it, and feel the delight
of walking in the noisy street,
and being the noise."

May be

May be

There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. "Such bad luck," they said sympathetically.

"May be," the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. "How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.

"May be," replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

"May be," answered the farmer.

The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

"May be," said the farmer.
Du Lac said:
May be

There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. "Such bad luck," they said sympathetically.

"May be," the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. "How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.

"May be," replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

"May be," answered the farmer.

The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

"May be," said the farmer.

I like this tale Du~
<bigrin> ...I'll write a great poem one day...
with Du? ...Maybe!!! hehehe

hey sabina~

"There is a community of the spirit.
Join it, and feel the delight
of walking in the noisy street,
and being the noise."


<smiling> thanks S~

my new continplation....

why does a shadow ...
hide from enligtenment?