~Zen Mountain~

ZMP~ 'a white dragon solo'

a solo cotton cloud swirls by
rolling, twirling, across the sky

wiping heavens, heavenly hue
Polishing it's lustrious, shiny blue

I Cherish the rarity of this anomally
one lone cloud looking for it's family

seeking solitude on a sailing thermol ride
bouncing off of heaven in playful strides

Or an adventurous exploring quest
for another clouds thunderous clash

White Dragon changing shapes and form
a solo clouds destiny continuously born
Why does a shadow...
hide from enlightenment?
Or does it know something
that I do not?

Perhaps there is tranquil serenity
un-matched in no knowledge at all

were light does not dare ...
touch the dark
the shadows own
un enlightenment embarked

I am the star next to the you 'moon'
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a snow capped mountain
and a valley and lake

fire to warm you in the mountains
water to cool you in the valley

down looking up
or up looking down

can a man live in both realms
a product of enviorment in ones self

in heaven looking inot hell
in hell looking up to heaven

a wise man lives at the mountain base
haveing the best of both worlds

a mental flash....

in order for there to be a life on fire
some thing must be consumed
sunday afternoon

I can't explain the goings,
or the comings. You enter suddenly,
and I am nowhere again.
Inside the majesty.
To study Zen you must penetrate through the barrier of the ancestral teachers. To learn the Path you must come to the end of the road of mind. When the road of mind is cut off, the whole body appears. It’s like a person drinking water: she knows for herself whether it’s cool or warm. When you reach this stage, do not ask just anyone about it: you must join a real Zen teacher and show her how your mind is working.

- T’aego (1301-1382)
tweaking notice..hehe

"Creature of Darkness"

My Erotic Tale said:
Why does a shadow...
hide from enlightenment?
In constant movement to hide
from the sun and moon.

Does it know something,
that I do not?
Perhaps there is tranquil serenity un-matched,
in no knowledge at all.

Where light does not dare touch the dark,
the shadows own un-enlightenment embarked.

A shadow will flash
across the desert's hot burning sands
chasing the vulcher, melting into it's land

Creature of darkness grows bolder at night
embracing it's parent, the dead of night.

I am the star next to the you 'moon'
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shadow self

My Erotic Tale said:
tweaking notice..hehe

"Creature of Darkness"

The Shadow - “Our name is Legion, for we are many”

the pinnacle of self-realization, it vital that any worthy meta-programmer face the Shadow in order to assimilate all the fractured aspects of the self. In hermetic lore, this shadow is called the Dweller on the threshold or the Doppelganger. It lies lurking within the dark quarters of the mind where the million voices of the sub-personalities screams in discontent. The layer of consciousness that most of us call the coherent “I” is in reality just the surface layer the deeper seething stratum of sub personalities. These sub-selves are comprised of archetypal forces, desires, aversions, and childhood neurosis. Each of these sub-personalities competes for attention in order that it may fulfill its own mission. Many of these subconscious impulses are in total opposition to each other; consequently, this many faced mental demon locks up vital personal energy in hundreds of toilsome inner conflicts. These pockets of conflict, like deep infections, manifest on the surface of the personality in crude in disgusting forms, stealing the vital energy and awareness of the self like a vampire. It is the goal of the meta-programmer and shaman to unloose these inner complexes, releasing the locked up energy to be utilized and integrated by the self. Each time a complex is brought to the surface and its energy released, then self organizes on a higher level and moves closer toward integration and enlightenment. This act is the liberation of the self from the oppressive grip of a nihilistic shadow.

The Shadow forms during the process of individuation and the formation of the ego. Everything the ego does no identify with, it casts into the shadow. Over the years this shadow gets filled with everything the ego shuts out. At some point, all this pent up pressure creates distresses in the personality, leading to negative behavior, emotional problems, and bad health. Although the Shadow contains the nasty and the ugly aspects of us, it also contains all the wonderful things and ideas that we do not individually identify with. The poet, the mystic, the shaman are usually dormant in the average person, and therefore lies in the shadow. Through the Eclectic Paths to Integration

also, this is one of my favorite sites for formation..


morning on the mountain

blue that was great, nice heady read for my morning coffeee, thanks ~S

A haku for Dog

Harvest moon eyes
wagging tail
laughing budda nature.

ok, more coffee is needed here....
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cloud forms on the mountain,
mountains form under the clouds.
No Mind perceives both
and knows which was first,
and which is permanent.

The soul of the mountain forms the cloud,
and the cloud shapes the mountain.

No Mind -- No Cloud No Mountain.
Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water.
The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken.
Although its light is wide and great,
The moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide.
The whole moon and the entire sky
Are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.

Hell is not punishment,
it's training.
Shunryu Suzuki

and one special for Art...

A world of dew,
and within every dewdrop
a world of struggle

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thanks Du~

and one special for Art...

A world of dew,
and within every dewdrop
a world of struggle


bluerains said:
The Shadow - “Our name is Legion, for we are many”

the pinnacle of self-realization, it vital that any worthy meta-programmer face the Shadow in order to assimilate all the fractured aspects of the self. In hermetic lore, this shadow is called the Dweller on the threshold or the Doppelganger. It lies lurking within the dark quarters of the mind where the million voices of the sub-personalities screams in discontent. The layer of consciousness that most of us call the coherent “I” is in reality just the surface layer the deeper seething stratum of sub personalities. These sub-selves are comprised of archetypal forces, desires, aversions, and childhood neurosis. Each of these sub-personalities competes for attention in order that it may fulfill its own mission. Many of these subconscious impulses are in total opposition to each other; consequently, this many faced mental demon locks up vital personal energy in hundreds of toilsome inner conflicts. These pockets of conflict, like deep infections, manifest on the surface of the personality in crude in disgusting forms, stealing the vital energy and awareness of the self like a vampire. It is the goal of the meta-programmer and shaman to unloose these inner complexes, releasing the locked up energy to be utilized and integrated by the self. Each time a complex is brought to the surface and its energy released, then self organizes on a higher level and moves closer toward integration and enlightenment. This act is the liberation of the self from the oppressive grip of a nihilistic shadow.

The Shadow forms during the process of individuation and the formation of the ego. Everything the ego does no identify with, it casts into the shadow. Over the years this shadow gets filled with everything the ego shuts out. At some point, all this pent up pressure creates distresses in the personality, leading to negative behavior, emotional problems, and bad health. Although the Shadow contains the nasty and the ugly aspects of us, it also contains all the wonderful things and ideas that we do not individually identify with. The poet, the mystic, the shaman are usually dormant in the average person, and therefore lies in the shadow. Through the Eclectic Paths to Integration

also, this is one of my favorite sites for formation..



thank you blue
I only had to read this once ..slowly
I have a very similar thought process and it astounded me to see it
written this way, the meridians and accupressure play a strong roll in unlocking past tension, from trama of the slightest believe it or not for we are all different so is the shadow of the dragon that holds nerves to remain tight and lock them selves this way, a man walks in front of a car and gets hit, breaks his arm, a year later walks out and a car honks, the man will grab his repaired <grin> arm and tension will arise "Again" and so on for a multitude of calculated physical trama that can happen while simply sleeping wrong one night <grin> the planes of the mind are as intriguing and entraping as any puzzle if you allow it to be, total control is an in ability but structure and pattern are a positive path that may land you ...in front of a car tomorrow. But the mind is a more enlightened state, this cliche in the body is known as ...the shadow mainly because it can't be seen, it's in the depths of the body's darkness, it's negativity or blockage equals none. The whole world revolves around cycles, our body circulates in a 24 hour period, getting to know this elevates your awarness. And brings you to better understanding of your self the true temple in this world for you to fully explore. Well your post was certainly inspirational ....thanks Art...<bows humble> (~_~)
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arctic-stranger said:
cloud forms on the mountain,
mountains form under the clouds.
No Mind perceives both
and knows which was first,
and which is permanent.

The soul of the mountain forms the cloud,
and the cloud shapes the mountain.

No Mind -- No Cloud No Mountain.

I was going to say that this was deep but actually
when speaking of mountains this would be...
Paramount~ <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
I was going to say that this was deep but actually
when speaking of mountains this would be...
Paramount~ <grin>

Can Zen be deep? that takes thought and mind, and ...hmmm i think i am getting too deep myself here....just say...it was a thought
The body busy
a mind full of noise
tending lifes garden
and daily chores

my body sinking
in societies quick sand
close my eyes
imagine Zen Mountain


(~_*) <grin>
arctic-stranger said:
Can Zen be deep? that takes thought and mind, and ...hmmm i think i am getting too deep myself here....just say...it was a thought

Well, then I thought about saying "Hello" but then that would be thought
so I let my country charm do the talking any way ..."Howdy"
If you want to be free,
Get to know your real self.
It has no form, no appearance,
No root, no basis, no abode,
But is lively and buoyant.
It responds with versatile facility,
But its function cannot be located.
Therefore when you look for it,
You become further from it;
When you seek it,
You turn away from it all the more.
- Linji

You must have shadow and light source both.
Listen and lay you head under the tree of awe.
The body busy
a mind full of noise
tending lifes garden
and daily chores

my body sinking
in societies quick sand
close my eyes
imagine Zen Mountain


(~_*) <grin>
To climb this mountain
you must be still,
still as the calm water
of a secluded pond;
so still the world
rushes by while you just

To attempt to climb is to
fail to climb.
To be at the top,
you must simply
hello arctic stranger...

Before I had studied Zen for thirty years, I saw mountains as mountains,
and waters as waters.
When I arrived at a more intimate knowledge, I came to the point
where I saw that mountains are not mountains,
and waters are not waters.
But now that I have got its very substance I am at rest.
For it's just that I see mountains once again as mountains,
and waters once again as waters.

- Ching-yuan
ZMP~flowers in a field

A patch of color
In a massive field
as I walk along
a zillion flowers yeild

How many steps?
'I don't know'
before I knelt
to a flowers glow

Of all the flowers
in the world
I picked one
to view awhile

(a living poem
flourishing bright
I basked in words
trying to describe

It's the beauty
of the flowers
that catches
our eyes)

in it's shadow
yesterdays flower
that was dimmer
wilted and dried

that which gave life
to what now glows
lays in the balance
of a new tomorrow

in a massive field
beautiful flowers yield
that many and more
in the shadowed floor

only when I am alone can I see the splendid nature of the flower in it's true form...

I can't remember where I heard that but it has stuck with me over the years, nice ZMP Art... :rose:

I do remember Gerogia O'keefe said that most never take the time to really look at flowers.
The shadow of the hawk soars through the trees
like your words absorb in me.
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My Erotic Tale said:
The shadow of the hawk soars through the trees
like your words absorb in me.

hawk ignites the spark
breathed from a sunny center
to brighten his world...
~blue~ :rose: