~Zen Mountain~

I take my homeland serious

as Leonidas and the Spartans
that dined with ghosts
at Thermopylae

Under a shower
of arrows over hot gates
the phalanx wall finally melted
in the kiln of an immortal onslaught

armor of honor engulfed
in red at the gulf of Malis
only death relinquishes a sword's desire
to drip pools of malice

for everyman has the right
to defend his palace
shamrocks, Blarney Stone, and leprechauns
all that Ireland holds dear
are celebrated today
with parades and lots of cheer
but when night falls
they will all drink green beer
The Wood Ghost walk through the night.
By the shine of the moon's bright light.
Always ready to take to flight.
If danger comes within sight.

Wood Ghosts are silent as the wind.
Roaming the earth again and again.
You only see them every now and then.
Guided by the moon, their trusty friend.
a feather floats on first spring wind
sailing along the river bend
through trees, flowers, and grass it goes
where it will end up, only the wind knows
Unbridled_Passion said:
a feather floats on first spring wind
sailing along the river bend
through trees, flowers, and grass it goes
where it will end up, only the wind knows

just the word

feather. brings a sensual feel,
sliding down goose pimpled flesh. feel

sometimes, I just sit,
sit and watch you as
you concentrate on the
objective at hand

rubbing the furrow in your brow,
deep in thought
you turn and face me
as if you sense something

I smile, showing the love
felt at that moment
and the furrow melts away
as your eyes begin to shine
shine your warmth on me
glorious, beautiful sun
melt away the drab thoughts
and gloomy mood

brighten my world
glorious, beautiful sun
shine rays of hope
and love upon me

not quite finished yet, but it is a start!

Unbridled_Passion said:
shine your warmth on me
glorious, beautiful sun
melt away the drab thoughts
and gloomy mood

brighten my world
glorious, beautiful sun
shine rays of hope
and love upon me

not quite finished yet, but it is a start!

very nice so far :)

Unbridled_Passion said:
thank you- I am having a bit of writer's block- always starting something and never finishing it- have a great day!

you're very welcome mf
hey we all are there at some time or another :D
you'll get there, of this i am sure
have a wonderful and blessed day
love is not for the faint of heart
for it takes a lot to survive
trust and hope and happiness
are things that can keep it alive

Unbridled_Passion said:
love is not for the faint of heart
for it takes a lot to survive
trust and hope and happiness
are things that can keep it alive

love is meant for everyone
love of steel or silk gloves
for the yin/yang
is what he loves
time stands still
when I am with you
and whether I'm happy
or feeling blue
I always know
when I come home
you will be there for me
I love you
very nice

Unbridled_Passion said:
time stands still
when I am with you
and whether I'm happy
or feeling blue
I always know
when I come home
you will be there for me
I love you

very nice and cute message to the one you love :cool:
Where is the honor of yesteryear,
Of Thermopylae, and the Spartan's lack of fear?
Where is the ambition to give one's life,
In the fight for Freedom, Truth, and Right?
Is to be honorable such a sin
That it brings scorn from friend and kin?
O God, to be a Man is such a struggle
That I wonder the meaning of this life of trouble.
Yet, from the back regions of my mind
I hear a lonely echo rise,
An echo that pierces my very soul
And helps me remember my goal:
"WE DIE PROUD...............WE DIE PROUD!"
William Hendry
thank you

My Erotic Trail said:
Where is the honor of yesteryear,
Of Thermopylae, and the Spartan's lack of fear?
Where is the ambition to give one's life,
In the fight for Freedom, Truth, and Right?
Is to be honorable such a sin
That it brings scorn from friend and kin?
O God, to be a Man is such a struggle
That I wonder the meaning of this life of trouble.
Yet, from the back regions of my mind
I hear a lonely echo rise,
An echo that pierces my very soul
And helps me remember my goal:
"WE DIE PROUD...............WE DIE PROUD!"
William Hendry

thanks for the beautiful words of wisdom
that is just awesome :rose:
battle of the concrete mesa

Armies of Junes
are drawn to the Concrete Mesa
they come in March, so they May
be enlightened, nightly

But the Lord of this slab of land
a spartan soul fighting ten thousand immortals
with Babe Ruth swings of a witches flying tool
hundreds of June bugs meet their doom

They overwhelmed the army of one,
his defenses crumbled, strategy chanced
emerging with new tactics of an innovative weapon
blowing the Junes away with a blower of yards

At dawn, the battle will begin again
as many as the persian army at Thermopylae
will March, till May, the Junes, to;
the battle of the concrete mesa
Cosmic Q U O T E S

Cosmic Q U O T E S

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

"Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking.

"Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice.

"And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

--- Steve Jobs (American Entrepreneur and Co-F Apple

My Erotic Trail said:
battle of the concrete mesa

Armies of Junes
are drawn to the Concrete Mesa
they come in March, so they May
be enlightened, nightly

But the Lord of this slab of land
a spartan soul fighting ten thousand immortals
with Babe Ruth swings of a witches flying tool
hundreds of June bugs meet their doom

They overwhelmed the army of one,
his defenses crumbled, strategy chanced
emerging with new tactics of an innovative weapon
blowing the Junes away with a blower of yards

At dawn, the battle will begin again
as many as the persian army at Thermopylae
will March, till May, the Junes, to;
the battle of the concrete mesa

getting to old to fight
i'll just watch :D
blue birds sing songs
of praise to mother earth
as they gobble the early worm

trees blow in the wind
their new leaves rustling,
soaking up the sun's rays

humming birds zip past
the front porch, where I sit
rocking, enjoying nature

Unbridled_Passion said:
blue birds sing songs
of praise to mother earth
as they gobble the early worm

trees blow in the wind
their new leaves rustling,
soaking up the sun's rays

humming birds zip past
the front porch, where I sit
rocking, enjoying nature

very nice write passion. did you have help from you know who or did you do it yourself no matter how this piece came to be
but it is very nice
templeminded said:
very nice write passion. did you have help from you know who or did you do it yourself no matter how this piece came to be
but it is very nice

No I didn't have any help on this one, it just came to me. I have a lot of inspiration these days. I am glad you liked it!