~Zen Mountain~

Unbridled_Passion said:
the sound of tiny footsteps
reveals a little sunshine
that is grumpy and tired
but refuses to go to sleep

I love this one Unbridled. Poetically sweet ~!! ;)

Nice work ~

:rose: :rose: :rose:
sunshine peeks out from
the neverending cloudcover
bathing my body in
much needed radiance

mud soaked memories
fade away slowly
in the warmth
revealing a new beginning
Transcendence from Ignorance to Nibbâna!!!:

Ignorance is the proximate cause of mental construction.
Mental construction is the proximate cause of consciousness.
Consciousness is the proximate cause of name-&-form.
Name-&-form is the proximate cause of the 6 senses.
The 6 senses is the proximate cause of contact.
Contact is the proximate cause of feeling.
Feeling is the proximate cause of craving.
Craving is the proximate cause of clinging.
Clinging is the proximate cause of becoming.
Becoming is the proximate cause of birth.
Birth is the proximate cause of ageing, decay & death.
Ageing, decay & death is the proximate cause suffering.
Suffering is the proximate cause of faith.
Faith is the proximate cause of elation.
Elation is the proximate cause of joy.
Joy is the proximate cause of calmness.
Calmness is the proximate cause of happiness.
Happiness is the proximate cause of concentration.
Concentration is the proximate cause of seeing & knowing reality.
Seeing & knowing reality is the proximate cause of disgust.
Disgust is the proximate cause of disillusion.
Disillusion is the proximate cause of mental release.
Mental release is the proximate cause of ending all mental
fermentation linked with ignorance, with becoming, & with sensing.
Ending all mental fermentation is the proximate cause of Freedom..
Ending all mental fermentation is the proximate cause of Peace..
Ending all mental fermentation is the proximate cause of Bliss..
This - only this - is Nibbana ...
Source: The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya II 29-32
maybe I am reading too much into this
but I saw a single blue bird today
does this mean that winter will end soon?
or is the poor guy in the wrong place
at the wrong time of year?
either way, I saw a single blue bird today
Unbridled_Passion said:
maybe I am reading too much into this
but I saw a single blue bird today
does this mean that winter will end soon?
or is the poor guy in the wrong place
at the wrong time of year?
either way, I saw a single blue bird today

I saw your blue bird
sitting by the wayside
awaiting peace to arrive
in the disguise
of daydreams release.

I wondered too,
if he was lost.
Having overheard
his solitary plea.

Which way to go,
which way will lead
which way to find, peace
within me.

A poor boys blues
sung off key
uplifted inside the wind
and carried
to me.

No rhyme nor reason
in his lil chant
just a poor blue bird lost
chirping out his cant.


~~ I wanted to take your lil bird and make him real. I saw him in your words, alone ... lost. Now in mine, he has found his home. A feathered bard with cause and no action. A lil too much eh ~ Anyway ... I love your bird and wish to rein in his parade. :eek: I'm so bad eh. Thank You for letting me play with words and your bird, lol.

Another butter colored morning bloom
when the twighlight melt the night
over an ocean's lingering tail
a reflective waterway's colorful trail
woven through an entwined forest
of rolling hills, oaks and tall timbered pines.

Silence slightly flutter
when wings wave in a brisk wind,
waterfowl dive into the dawn
over cattails, mere shadow strings
along a thirsty lapping shoreline
the current's tempo adrift in time.

An aimless breeze casts blossoms to sail,
afloat in the river they'll pass away
and for those still flowering,
darkness is illuminated by the blue
when the sun begins to shine.
he's sitting beside me
doing nothing in particular
but the love he has for me
radiaites throughout the room

I can read him by his eyes
predictably pleasing
knowing his thoughts and dreams
before they are spoken

love is a powerful word
but not nearly as powerful
as what I feel for him
for he is implanted in my soul...

RhymeFairy said:
I saw your blue bird
sitting by the wayside
awaiting peace to arrive
in the disguise
of daydreams release.

I wondered too,
if he was lost.
Having overheard
his solitary plea.

Which way to go,
which way will lead
which way to find, peace
within me.

A poor boys blues
sung off key
uplifted inside the wind
and carried
to me.

No rhyme nor reason
in his lil chant
just a poor blue bird lost
chirping out his cant.


~~ I wanted to take your lil bird and make him real. I saw him in your words, alone ... lost. Now in mine, he has found his home. A feathered bard with cause and no action. A lil too much eh ~ Anyway ... I love your bird and wish to rein in his parade. :eek: I'm so bad eh. Thank You for letting me play with words and your bird, lol.


thank you RF, your take of my sighting is way better than mine!
bluerains said:
Transcendence from Ignorance to Nibbâna!!!:

Ignorance is the proximate cause of mental construction.
Mental construction is the proximate cause of consciousness.
Consciousness is the proximate cause of name-&-form.
Name-&-form is the proximate cause of the 6 senses.
The 6 senses is the proximate cause of contact.
Contact is the proximate cause of feeling.
Feeling is the proximate cause of craving.
Craving is the proximate cause of clinging.
Clinging is the proximate cause of becoming.
Becoming is the proximate cause of birth.
Birth is the proximate cause of ageing, decay & death.
Ageing, decay & death is the proximate cause suffering.
Suffering is the proximate cause of faith.
Faith is the proximate cause of elation.
Elation is the proximate cause of joy.
Joy is the proximate cause of calmness.
Calmness is the proximate cause of happiness.
Happiness is the proximate cause of concentration.
Concentration is the proximate cause of seeing & knowing reality.
Seeing & knowing reality is the proximate cause of disgust.
Disgust is the proximate cause of disillusion.
Disillusion is the proximate cause of mental release.
Mental release is the proximate cause of ending all mental
fermentation linked with ignorance, with becoming, & with sensing.
Ending all mental fermentation is the proximate cause of Freedom..
Ending all mental fermentation is the proximate cause of Peace..
Ending all mental fermentation is the proximate cause of Bliss..
This - only this - is Nibbana ...
Source: The Grouped Sayings of the Buddha. Samyutta Nikaya II 29-32

to see all things as an illusion
yet see the world as the blind
is the path to grasping reality

food for thought
thanks blue (~_~)....
towering oak tree
in the dead of winter
one leaf hanging
afraid to surrender
and fall to its demise
crunchy and brown
devoid of life
yet still it stays
until spring comes
and another takes
its place
Unbridled_Passion said:
towering oak tree
in the dead of winter
one leaf hanging
afraid to surrender
and fall to its demise
crunchy and brown
devoid of life
yet still it stays
until spring comes
and another takes
its place

ZMP~ Leaves that don't fall
by My Erotic Tale ©

Some leaves hold fast to the ground
hoping that the wind
won't push them around.

Some leaves never touch the earth
holding tightly to a tree
since the day of their birth

Some leaves hold fast to one another
a barren tree with just two leaves
on the ground clutters the others

Some leaves prefer to fly
spread out like a sail
and riding the winds high

Some leaves defy gravities call
rise to the heavens on a thermal
leaves that do not ever fall
have you ever seen God's footprints?
I saw them today in the sky
as he left evidence in the clouds
I guess he decided to take a waltz
across Texas and see what was going on
in our neck of the woods
Stick in a Mountain Lake

There is a photo I plan to take
rippled water on a mountain lake
prodded by a stick
the surface is plucked
picked up from below
stretched slow
almost sucked
back down into the black
leaving a ripple
letting out the slack.
wildsweetone said:
Stick in a Mountain Lake

There is a photo I plan to take
rippled water on a mountain lake
prodded by a stick
the surface is plucked
picked up from below
stretched slow
almost sucked
back down into the black
leaving a ripple
letting out the slack.

inspirational (~_~)
Unbridled_Passion said:
have you ever seen God's footprints?
I saw them today in the sky
as he left evidence in the clouds
I guess he decided to take a waltz
across Texas and see what was going on
in our neck of the woods

that was awesome...

footprints in the shroud
of clouds
blanket of blue and gray
a trail of openings
where someone walked
across heaven
love is beautiful
kindness reigns
in a world where
evil still remains

angelic souls
are there to touch
when the way of the world
becomes too much

the devil pressures
us to succumb
but goodness will
always overcome
Unbridled_Passion said:
love is beautiful
kindness reigns
in a world where
evil still remains

angelic souls
are there to touch
when the way of the world
becomes too much

the devil pressures
us to succumb
but goodness will
always overcome

the way of the world
distorted by thought
eyes see what they want
fingers feel what they will
another day
on a big spinning wheel
the sun presses the moon out of sight
to brighten and enlighten the world
and nocturnal creatures head for the shadows
as life stretches outward into the light.
My Erotic Trail said:
the sun presses the moon out of sight
to brighten and enlighten the world
and nocturnal creatures head for the shadows
as life stretches outward into the light.

maybe I will venture out into the light today, after hybernating for several days!
Valentine's Day was different this year
it's approach did not consume with fear
all because I have you
and for all of the things you do
to show me you are in love with me

yes, gifts are fun on holidays
but love is shown in different ways
you knew exactly what to do
and I want you to know that I Love You, too!
dark days

storm clouds swirl
over the jagged ridge
atop a mountain of thoughts

shadows swim
across the valley
to a river of emotions

wading through
puddles of passion
drowning in feelings

lightening probabilities
swells pound at the dam
a soul's flood thunders

tick tock,
rain drops
falling in rythmic time

knowing, deep within
the caverns of the mind
open your eyes to the sunshine
My Erotic Trail said:
dark days

storm clouds swirl
over the jagged ridge
atop a mountain of thoughts

shadows swim
across the valley
to a river of emotions

wading through
puddles of passion
drowning in feelings

lightening probabilities
swells pound at the dam
a soul's flood thunders

tick tock,
rain drops
falling in rythmic time

knowing, deep within
the caverns of the mind
open your eyes to the sunshine

It sounds to me like you were having an overwhelming day. I hope the sunshine helped!:heart: