~Zen Mountain~

what makes love, love?
is it only a feeling you have for someone or something?
is it having someone special in your life?
maybe it does not have a specific meaning, it
is different to each and every one of us.
all I know is this...I am glad to have it in my life!

My Erotic Trail said:
13 red doves

she dances with a sword
swinging, stabbing
an invisible war
of time when a Prince
kissed his love's lips
and sprang to do battle
'Prince Quin's Calvary'

during his capture
and his defeat
his men ran away
with hurried feet
they came upon a temple
and asked them for help
reluntantly the abbott consent
thirteen doves were sent

to defeat an army
of ten thousand men
shaolin soldier monks
cudgels in hand, they win
retrieving the Prince
they were rewarded with land
the history of the monks as
agents of virtue and justice, began

excellent writing.........excellent subject
mrs. sandra d. campbell
against the law

Unbridled_Passion said:
If you counted all of the stars in the Heavens
and multiplied them by two
it wouldn't be a drop in the bucket
compared to how I feel for you

Two beautiful steel-blue eyes
reveal the window to your soul
one look is all it takes to know
your love will make me whole

I know you will always be there
for the happiness and to dry my tears
as memories are created
throughout the coming years

You are the most important man
that has come into my life
and the best day I will ever have
will be the day that I become your wife


since he is already married
that would be the worse day
of your life

just be happy
forget about
being a wife :heart:
reflections shining in the sand
as the tiny grains fall through my hand
watching the little ones playing
as we bake in the sun's rays

swimming in the eternal waves
wishing we could always stay
in this beautiful place we visit
on our family outing this year

time to go, we are all sad
but when we get home, we will be glad
to tend our sunburns and relax
until it is time to return to work
Unbridled_Passion said:
reflections shining in the sand
as the tiny grains fall through my hand
watching the little ones playing
as we bake in the sun's rays

swimming in the eternal waves
wishing we could always stay
in this beautiful place we visit
on our family outing this year

time to go, we are all sad
but when we get home, we will be glad
to tend our sunburns and relax
until it is time to return to work

beautiful.......makes one wish
they were there :cool:
Unbridled_Passion said:
what makes love, love?
is it only a feeling you have for someone or something?
is it having someone special in your life?
maybe it does not have a specific meaning, it
is different to each and every one of us.
all I know is this...I am glad to have it in my life!

hey now
that is an excellent question

what makes love, love?
it's everything
inside and out
below and above

the good and the bad
the happy and the sad

it's the feeling that you feel
that you can't help
but know is real

it can take years
or it can take seconds
but it will always
dry your tears
and take away
all of your fears

love is wonderful
as you already know
but always
let your love show
Pros of Tinnitus

There is little as beautiful
as the clean view from a mountain,
whether it be snow falling away
to rocks below, or
green pastures cradled in a valley.

Peace permeates the air.

When silence is no longer possible,
the eyes carry the sounds.
heros come in all shapes and sizes
they can be tall or short, small or extra-large
but they all have one thing in common:
someone looks up to them
electricity is in the air
I can smell the coming storm
and know that sometime tonight
the sky will open up and release
all of its pent up sorrow
to cleanse the earth
“Build rather than destroy; Avoid rather than check; Check rather than hurt; Hurt rather than maim; Maim rather than kill; For all life is precious; Nor can any be replaced”

-Shaolim Monastery Credo

I squat down, thus avoiding the horn-punch, tame the other hand, and simultaneously strike his groin, using a pattern known as Squating Down to Strike a Tiger. In line with the Shaolin teaching on compassion, I will merely tap his groin instead of blasting it.

-Wong Kiew Kit
Unbridled_Passion said:
good morning!
have a wonderful and safe day
and keep those you love close to your heart

A rock may change the river's course,
but it does not change the river.
Pelicans and Gulls wing the sunny sky
soaring upon her mighty winded breaths

The sea spray, her breezy fragerance aloft
over forever changing dunes, timeless wrinkles

Her hair waves in sun sparkling curls
the surf's tongue swells, lapping the beach

some-days, deblume blooms, but today,
nothing more than a quarter's worth of a sand dollar

White sand, a sign of her kind and gentle side
Mother Nature kissing Padre Island's shore
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My Erotic Trail said:
We are not human beings on a Spiritual journey.
We are Spiritual Beings on a human journey


I was laying there
wearing only a smile
One of those that,
went on for a mile
that lasted for a while

Wind blowing
long red hair flowing
still glowing
Mind all knowing

With the soul being
seen thru the eyes
An arousal of love
I tell you no lies
Losing freedom of control
as she sighs

Reserved yet interactive
she lets it all go
And lets,
her love flow
It shows through
her smile
and her glow

People on the whole are good,
but there are some who only let
the bad side show.
The ones you should worry about
the most
are the ones who have two faces.
Unbridled_Passion said:
People on the whole are good,
but there are some who only let
the bad side show.
The ones you should worry about
the most
are the ones who have two faces.

no them are the kind of people
you just stay away from and say
live and let live

and just move on
you know you have a good life
and a good man
and the rest doesn't matter

oh yeah, and 4 very loving children
who love you very much :rose:
all will be ok in the end
nin- :heart:
I stand near an hour-
glass, contemplating
life's, timely plan
watching the falling sand

a spec of my life
engrossed in the granuals
elements, shoulder
to shoulder with one another
in this time, slipping forward

life began so slowly
un aware of those falling
till it was obvious
generations lay piled
where I will go...
My Erotic Trail said:
take away man's illusion
he is nothing more, than...
an intelligent animal!

man is nothing more than
an intelligent anmial
and sometimes not even intelligent at all
an animal

to think any different
an illusion in itself

templeminded said:
man is nothing more than
an intelligent anmial
and sometimes not even intelligent at all
an animal

to think any different
an illusion in itself


<grinin' ... I liked the movie...'Instinct'


seperately together
filled with your emptiness
divided by those that govern the whole

seriously mistaken
challenging honor, raking the coals
forward progress silent as an empty night

embracing moments
like plucking flowers for later
pressed between pages in our book of memories