~Zen Mountain~

My Erotic Trail said:
<grinin' ... I liked the movie...'Instinct'


seperately together
filled with your emptiness
divided by those that govern the whole

seriously mistaken
challenging honor, raking the coals
forward progress silent as an empty night

embracing moments
like plucking flowers for later
pressed between pages in our book of memories

glad you enjoyed yourselfs at the movies
can't wait to see my babies tomorrow
know you will go crazy without them but
i will be glad to have them back with me again (big grin)

one thing that can never be taken from you
is..............your memories
well unless you get that disease that makes
you forget things (big grin)
what was that called..........
oh well
I FORGET.................... :devil: :D
seperately together
filled with your emptiness
divided by those that govern the whole

seriously mistaken
challenging honor, raking the coals
forward progress silent as an empty night

embracing moments
like plucking flowers for later
pressed between pages in our book of memories[/QUOTE]

my heart is with you
even when I am not
little reminders fill our home
reminding you that soon
we will be together, forever
Unbridled_Passion said:
seperately together
filled with your emptiness
divided by those that govern the whole

seriously mistaken
challenging honor, raking the coals
forward progress silent as an empty night

embracing moments
like plucking flowers for later
pressed between pages in our book of memories

my heart is with you
even when I am not
little reminders fill our home
reminding you that soon
we will be together, forever[/QUOTE]

hang in there hun......all will be back right soon
and this will just make the love between you both that much stronger
it's the trials that we overcome that builds the bonds so strong as well
as the happy times. and then look at how much stronger that bond will be
i know me..i already respect you more now for all of this and for it being ME saying that........that's saying a lot. well and how wonderful you are with my babies doesn't hurt...........lol
just keep your head up and spirits up and all will be wonderful again real soon.
nin- :heart: :rose:
My Erotic Trail said:
patience my....
I want to...

...meditate on it a little longer <grin

remember what i told you.............
1,2,3,4 (big grin)
start counting and don't stop till you are ok again...................lol
and remember................very soon....................very soon :heart:
Unbridled_Passion said:
unconditional devotion
good times and bad
bringing two hearts
together as one

unconditional love and devotion is what it takes
to make 2 hearts one and keep
2 as one
and it will be done :heart:
there is not a thinker and thought
but rather matter's vision
of probabilities, calculated
from experiences remembered

do not mind the soul
rather listen to the hearts beat
My Erotic Trail said:
there is not a thinker and thought
but rather matter's vision
of probabilities, calculated
from experiences remembered

do not mind the soul
rather listen to the hearts beat

NIN- :p
templeminded said:
NIN- :p

...a mind with-out thought? ... harmony? (~_~) or... tranquility?
My Erotic Trail said:
...a mind with-out thought? ... harmony? (~_~) or... tranquility?

sometimes i wonder if we all even use the part of our brains
that doctors say we do. a mind not worked turns to jello :D
and no, that's not what happened to mine before you even say it :p
nin- :rose: :kiss:
love is an adventure:
every day is filled with things,
good and bad,
that make you think and feel
in the end, it is the ones you remember
that fulfill you
Unbridled_Passion said:
love is an adventure:
every day is filled with things,
good and bad,
that make you think and feel
in the end, it is the ones you remember
that fulfill you

and the one's that remember you :heart:
Potatoe salad news and a rib
in the local circulatory bowl today.
Selling black and white food for thought
on pages of large 'square minded' paper.

With a plastic spork I tried to swallow
a 'heaping helping' of the 'fine line' words
thin as the layer of charred meat
wrapped around the bone of a rib

Too many onions, not enough pickles,
same as yesterday, yard sales Saturday,
free meals for the mind only fifty cents
everyday except Sunday's literary buffet
... and coupons!
I stand near an hour-
glass, contemplating
life's, timely plan
watching the falling sand

a spec of my life
engrossed in the granuals
elements, shoulder
to shoulder with one another
in this time, slipping forward

life began so slowly
un aware of those falling
till it was obvious
generations lay piled
where I will go...

hoping to be turned again.
there in morrow's morn I stare
placeing words on the tongue
like trying on wardrobe
changing my mind
a million times,

to spill the truth
just won't do...
unable to be absorbed
by their zip-locked mind...

unless the sword of truth
can carve an opening, just
I must!
Daybreak glitters as
the aquarian approaches,
toes gripping grey cement
as he examines the still surface.

Bowing in uttanasana,
the stretch ripples
through each calf;
fingers tickle and rest
on thirsty pavement.

Ascending, he
raises to point,
praising the early sun
as gravity shifts,
a crouching hunter
set to spring.

The sharp intake
of breath, expanding bellows
as he leaps, graceful
resistance bounding
him to flight.

A crescent moon of motion,
he slices into eager waters
that rise to receive,
licking his legs in joyful anticipation
as firework droplets
burst into light.

He slides beneath the surface
with partnered shadow
as the sun splashes in applause,
palms cupped, body twisting
gracefully as he rises
to the prayer dance.
My Erotic Trail said:
there in morrow's morn I stare
placeing words on the tongue
like trying on wardrobe
changing my mind
a million times,

to spill the truth
just won't do...
unable to be absorbed
by their zip-locked mind...

unless the sword of truth
can carve an opening, just
I must!

remember..........the sword of truth and
the shield of honesty
will always set you free

all will be fine my love
head held high
yall's spirits
will once again fly
and the one that will pay
will be................
he who tells a lie :rose:
My Erotic Trail said:
there in morrow's morn I stare
placeing words on the tongue
like trying on wardrobe
changing my mind
a million times,

to spill the truth
just won't do...
unable to be absorbed
by their zip-locked mind...

unless the sword of truth
can carve an opening, just
I must!

sometimes waiting can be difficult,
but if you contemplate long enough
the answer will reveal itself to you
Unbridled_Passion said:
sometimes waiting can be difficult,
but if you contemplate long enough
the answer will reveal itself to you

tell him hunny
hang in there
keep spirits high
all will be fine (better than) :heart: :D
when two hearts beat as one,
there is nothing that can't be overcome

life throws at you what it can,
but in the end the real man

is in it for the long haul
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thanks for letting your "old" man know to call the boys.
they were telling my niece that he hasn't called in a long time
which we both know isn't true but to them it had been....lol
hope that you are doing well and happy
you all our in our thoughts, hearts and prayers :heart:
Unbridled_Passion said:
when two hearts beat as one,
there is nothing that can be overcome

Shouldn't 'can' be 'can't' here. Just wondering — otherwise this will be a very depressing, but possibly true, sentiment.
Eluard said:
Shouldn't 'can' be 'can't' here. Just wondering — otherwise this will be a very depressing, but possibly true, sentiment.

I know that she meant "can't"
and yes, it is very true
but love can overcome anything
and she has a "long hauler" :D