~Zen Mountain~

the world is beautiful
sun shining brightly
upon my glowing face

in the seat next to me
is my one and only love
who is always there

time to begin a new adventure
and get on with our lives
one day at a time
I am only one, but still i am one. I cannot do evything, but still i can do something; and because i cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that i can do.

-Edmund Everett Hale
The world is round
where everything
beings it ends
and begins again
it never ended
in the first place :rose:
Got two boys-
wanting to see daddy
but with the distance it takes
It's time for a new addy

Boys need a father to teach each
right from wrong and all those
daddy things
that daddy's suppose to teach

Time to close the distance
the miles that's in between
time for full time daddy
for soon I'll be a teen

A child needs
a mom and a dad
setting examples
just like we had :rose:
Unbridled_Passion said:
surround yourself with people who charge your batteries, not those who drain them...

I have a battery charger if you ever need to use it
nin- :rose:
I am your yin
you are my yang
put us together
and we make
a darn good thing

my ZEN master
needs to do things
a little more faster
so we know where
we need to go
to help our families
continue to grow :rose:
lovely images fill my mind
of a future filled with love
and laughter; together
with our children and each other,
Only God knows
what he holds in store
for me, you and all else
sometimes it's not like you thought
and surprises brings you to a hault
L is for the little things you do to make me so happy

O is the overwhelming support you have given me in times of need

V is the very special person you are

E is for everything you are and everything you can be

love, my favorite word to describe you
Unbridled_Passion said:
L is for the little things you do to make me so happy

O is the overwhelming support you have given me in times of need

V is the very special person you are

E is for everything you are and everything you can be

love, my favorite word to describe you

loved this, was too cool
I know exactly how you feel
funny thing is
the man we love
is the same
you done great with this one :heart: :D
L ove you, just as you are
O pen to you always
V ows that we took
E ach of us should keep

love will always be here :heart:
unfortunate circumstances
brought us closer together;
I wonder how close we will become
when our lives are calm again?
unfortunate circumstances took him from me
but love in my heart for him, always will be
I can't help it can't you see
I to feel he is my soul mate to be
after 18 years of being with he
i'm still in love as I should be
and i know for sure-he loves me

and he loves you and have made promises to
so a man of honor he will remain whatever he has to do
and I respect the fact that he chose you
but as he always says,"never know what the future has in store"
one day it may be you :rose:
The stars twinkled, as to wink at me
I took it as a sign
That the wink was from you, I did see

The moon smiled down
and lit me up
saying smile, don't frown

The clouds formed a heart
looked me in the eye and said
"we are not apart" :heart:
The sun arose and warmed me up
like your arms wrapped around me
saying "I LOVE YOU
can't you see

I'm warming you
with my love,
a love
that's past due

every "grass hopper"
that you see
think of me :heart:
this is a union
that's meant to be
a solid foundation
that has already
been made
with you & me

been established
for many years
with good fortune
and good will
from love we feel
thru all our fears

I am a woman of power
mental and physical
and will never
give up
on whom I love
I'll pray for a miracle :heart:
animals are playing everywhere
since the air is cooler and drier
frolicking through the fields and plains
without a care in the world
if only people could be that carefree
and loving, the world would be a
better place
most people are good
it's just the few that aren't
makes it look like so bad
and some you think isn't good
really is at heart
but they can't see
the forest from the trees

I think most people are good
even if you don't see
eye to eye
and are
in love with the same guy

life is good and
will remain that way
even if we
want the same guy

for 18 years
me and him were one
please understand
we still are

joined in a special way
even though
he loves you today
and loves me
in a different way

if he say's I love you
or babe, don't take it
the wrong way
for it is you with him today

but I still feel
we are meant to be
but think that you
are pretty cool to me

but i have a heart
full of love for him
18 years of my life
and I am his wife

so mean no harm to you
in any way at all
think that you are nice
and it is me paying the price :heart: