~Zen Mountain~

The morning Katrina's big brother came
Twisting trees bowed under gray clouds
as if they wish to run or fly
Aqua bullets shot sideways, machine gun style

A door flew open while another took flight
as a window relieved it's pane
The dog house tumbled across a dark, drenched lawn
while the pup whimpered in the living room
wishing for a dead calm eye

The wind screamed a warriors song
Powerless, candles flickered
as natures unbridled fury pounded,
yard after yard, inch by inch, for miles and miles.

Rivers form, as leaves turned into boats,
sailing away with water bottle buoys
and debris submerged into submarines
thrashing in the air, tree limbs became kites

The proud sought shelter while the timid cried
it was every man for himself
when the landscape became one big brawl
as every tree in the forest began to fight
In the wake of hurricane Ike.

I'm glad you and yours are ok, Art. I can't even imagine what it must have been like. The poem is really good. Maybe a few tweaks here and there, but you should submit it for publication somewhere.

I'm glad you and yours are ok, Art. I can't even imagine what it must have been like. The poem is really good. Maybe a few tweaks here and there, but you should submit it for publication somewhere.


bows humble (~_~)

thank you, grasshopper
I felt compelled to write what we went through in the hours of Ike's passing.
just visiting

sitting on a river bank
bobber in the water
perhaps i'll catch
a bucket of words
that I can cook up
a southern fried poem

(or, I'd settle for a catfish!)
Art your writing has improved so much! Great seeing you grow here and happy that Ike did not reel you into the sea...
Art your writing has improved so much! Great seeing you grow here and happy that Ike did not reel you into the sea...

Hey Du,

been a long time, how are you weathering this cold snap?
chilly huh? the perfect weather for staying indoors and writing a poem or two.
in retro

I just had to share this one also....

The Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was a national hero for his success as both a statesman and military leader. But despite his fame, power, and wealth, he considered himself a humble and devout Buddhist. Often he visited his favorite Zen master to study under him, and they seemed to get along very well. The fact that he was prime minister apparently had no effect on their relationship, which seemed to be simply one of a revered master and respectful student.

One day, during his usual visit, the Prime Minister asked the master, "Your Reverence, what is egotism according to Buddhism?" The master's face turned red, and in a very condescending and insulting tone of voice, he shot back, "What kind of stupid question is that!?"

This unexpected response so shocked the Prime Minister that he became sullen and angry. The Zen master then smiled and said, "THIS, Your Excellency, is egotism."

Du~ :catroar:

grand reflections
in retro

In the Zen garden at Three Wheels, London.

............is a hanging inscription on the viewing platform wall:


Here in the garden

do not ask who made it,

or why, or when.

The garden is

and you are


Things are

what they seem

and are not

what they seem

and neither is true

or untrue.

There are islands

and forests

and mountains

and vast

grey seas,

if you see it so.

There are peaks

above rolling blankets

or grey cloud,

Mount Sumeru

and Mount Hiei,

if you see it so.

And there is yourself.

If you see it so,

there are twelve small rocks

of no consequence

from Cumbria

and Aberdeenshire,

from screeds

and spoil heaps

and river beds.

You can make of the garden

what you will.

But it may, perhaps,

make something of you

which you were not,

if you wait

and are still:

if you become one

with the garden

and move beyond thought

or imagination.

and are,

as the garden


be as a garden
work in progress

zen river

dissipating morning mist mirrors time's evaporation
heaven's shroud, slowly unveils, here and now.

pines and oaks rise along the distant shoreline,
titan sentries, guard the beyond, the unknown.
their exterior bark, scarred armor, evidence of their
battle with the elements.
Thick trunked bodies bury their rooted emotions.

blades of grass underfoot, a green carpet,
collection of many silken, singular arms,
harmoniously embraced and bedding
with thorn skin black berries,
covered in babies breath
over a mattress of grit and sand.

a grey heron perched ankle deep on a fallen pine
meditates, exercising patience,
gazing into murky waters,
where visibility and clarity are void.
a rippled splash, a reminder of the harsh reality
the stomach, rules the body
the mind merely a slave with a chain linked throat.

water, life's most precious element
drifts from a bend, flowing from where it's been,
toward the unseen tomorrows
birthed from a trickle of rain,
dropped from heaven
growing into a current body
the river, only exists, to reach
it's end

2/9/11 Art~
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I llike this Art.. we live in Washington State now in the Tri Cities area. Three Rivers come together to make one into the Mighty Columbia. I walk the river on a regular basis. I see what the river in your poem.. in my river it is ducks, candian geese and river otters... nothing like it. I am so happy to be here now. We are blessed to live here.. hope you are happy;...:)

zen river

dissipating morning mist mirrors time's evaporation
heaven's shroud, slowly unveils, here and now.

pines and oaks rise along the distant shoreline,
titan sentries, guard the beyond, the unknown.
their exterior bark, scared armor, evidence of their
battle with the elements.
Thick trunked bodies bury their rooted emotions.

blades of grass underfoot, a green carpet,
collection of many silken, singular arms,
harmoniously embraced and bedding
with thorn skin black berries,
covered in babies breath
over a mattress of grit and sand.

a grey heron perched ankle deep on a fallen pine
meditates, excersing patience,
gazing into murky waters,
where visibility and clarity are void.
a rippled splash, a reminder of the harsh reality
the stomach, rules the body
the mind merely a slave with a chain linked throat.

water, life's most precious element
drifts from a bend, flowing from where it's been,
toward the unseen tomorrows
birthed from a trickle of rain,
dropped from heaven
growing into a current body
the river, only exists, to reach
it's end

2/9/11 Art~

I llike this Art.. we live in Washington State now in the Tri Cities area. Three Rivers come together to make one into the Mighty Columbia. I walk the river on a regular basis. I see what the river in your poem.. in my river it is ducks, candian geese and river otters... nothing like it. I am so happy to be here now. We are blessed to live here.. hope you are happy;...:)

the river on our back steps is called, Trinity, due to three major waterways joining. We keep ploes in the water most of the time and unbriddled passion catches most of the fish, we are happy and have a freezer full of fish (grin) I am so glad your doing well, that lifts the heart. Hope to read some of your literary art as soon as I can.

hang man

ever given a man back his life?
when they tried so hard to take it,
life hanging by a thread or a sock
hung in the balance of what to do
gasping for breath, screaming for advice
kicking like a chicken without it's head
turning sky blue on pinkish flesh
frantic fingers wrench the fabric
in the world of steel and stone
warehousing flesh and bone
this day my star shines far

ah, the blend of flavors
things that join in union and rise in pleasures
like cherry pie and whipped cream
ice cream and chocolate syrup
marshmellows over a fire
toast with butter
and morning coffee reading new poems

The wife and I went fishing
I caught three
she catches one...

I am man, the provider

I go to the store
she stays to fish
and when I return, I ask
she only caught one more

I caught three, she caught two
I am man, the provider

she tells me to clean the fish
and she'll cook them
they are in the kitchen
in the ice chest

I am man, the provider
but, I catch her grin
and slight laughter

I open the ice chest
and see her latest addition
a ten pound river monster

she is woman,
you should of heard her roar

been trying to go fishin'
but things aren't goin'
so good

catfish are abundant
bass-not so much
however, they will

if not,
i know the crappie
will make up
the difference

i love my back yard
no matter what-
i will have fun
mr wobbles

from a world of steel and stone
little kitten now has a new home

from eating slop in the freezing rain
to house hold comfort and gravy train

it came here in a very small box
and there it sleeps quite alot

it's handicap, it wobbles when it walks
feeling sorry for itself? I think not.
the house is quiet

it's the dogs barking
the cat playing
the oven vent sucking
television blaring
wind outside, howling
vehicles driving by
the sink dripping
the turtle in the aquarium
rearranging it's rocks

but whats loudest
thinking of you..

(wrestling with those one arm bandits)