zodiac significance

me: Scorpio-water (with some fire tendencies)- switch

most of my playmates fall into 2 categories: Water or Fire

and johnny ...not true!! tis not ALL poo!!!

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so far I think I'm the only one....

Scorpio... which is a fixed water sign...and I am a switch...I tend to have an issue though, i usually can only be dominated by Leos, in fact, I tend to gravitate towards Leos in general, but as far as being submissive, they are really the only ones who can control me, although I did find my greatest experience with a libra (shudder, those guys are nuts, balence my ass). As far as when I am topping, I like Sags...they are fun to play with...although aries have their good qualities as well.
Re: so far I think I'm the only one....

hurtme said:
Scorpio... which is a fixed water sign...and I am a switch...I tend to have an issue though, i usually can only be dominated by Leos, in fact, I tend to gravitate towards Leos in general, but as far as being submissive, they are really the only ones who can control me, although I did find my greatest experience with a libra (shudder, those guys are nuts, balence my ass). As far as when I am topping, I like Sags...they are fun to play with...although aries have their good qualities as well.

Hey, I am only a little nuts. :p
i don't know very much about zodiac signs and don't think they have influenced me one way or the other. Maybe i should pay more attention.

my father is a Libra as well, and I know a few others, and they are all crazy...but gods, they can be fun...although, like I said, they will go to some crazy lengths to keep what they think is a blanece (even if it is only balenced in their own minds)

summary update

tops: 5 fire, 4 earth,5 air,0 water
bottoms :8 fire ,2 earth ,5 air , 5 water

tops: 4 cardinal,5 mutable,5 fixed
bottoms: 8 cardinal,9 mutable,3 fixed

and 2 scorpio switches....2 fixed water
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Her: Sun-Leo (and mercury), Asc. - Aries, Moon-Libra
me: Sun-Leo (and mercury, venus, mars), Asc. - Leo as well, Moon-Capricorn
two leos, one dominating the other, now that is something I would have to see to believe;)
lol well, who better to do the job? (dirty though it may be :catroar: ) Leos get a bad rap!

But seriously, I have alot of Leos in my immediate circle. Some of the people I adore most in this world are, and in thinking about it, those particular relationships are pretty peaceful and devoid of power struggle... so if there is anything to astrology... perhaps it's a case of takes one to know one... or even "tame" one, as difficult as that may be to imagine.
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LS:That's the kinda thing that would make interesting writing:

Leo on Top vs

Leo on Bottom
My previous Master was a Capricorn, and my current Master is a Scorpio.

I am a Capricorn, scorpio rising. Am I the only capricorn slave on the thread?
These are the things that I remember from doing my chart a few years back:
1. Piscies, Water ... most of my chart is water with only a 1/8 of it other. Which does alot of things...
2. In my 5th house, I have a scorpio stellium...

the woman helping me do my chart said it was a very very VERY good thing for relationships and in the bedroom, but I haven't really found out what it means.

as I have said, I have issues with leos...we have a love hate thing going on...what with all that passion being that i am a scorpio...my relationships with leos are always very passionate...like I said love/hate....
summary update

tops 5 fire,4 earth,5 air,2 water=16
bottoms 8 fire,4 earth,5 air,7 water=24

tops 5 cardinal, 5 mutable, 6 fixed=16
bottom 10 cardinal,10 mutable,4 fixed=24

and the 2 special switch scorpios fixed water

nice to see some capricorn subs, now I will have to go back and see if there is a trend between the qualities, elements and the D/s couples.What attracts what so to speak. Thanks for the input.