zodiac significance

hurtme said:
yes enigma, you are a scorpio...and I agree, it is the greatest sign of all time...i would love being stuck in a room with a bunch of us...madness and chaos would ensue, and gods know I love madness and chaos...oh, and probably lots of sex...:p
scorpio's scare me a little, needy, lustful, demanding lovers.But excitingly,nothing is static with a scorpio, I never know what they are going to do or want next.What another sign would want, a scorpio "must have".
Re: summary update

landcruisergal said:
tops 6 fire,5 earth,7 air,3 water=21
bottoms 10 fire,6 earth,5 air,9 water=30

tops 5 cardinal, 7 mutable, 9 fixed=21
bottom 11 cardinal,14 mutable,5 fixed=30

and the 3 special switch scorpios fixed water

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*evil grin* from everything I know about scorpios (you know, being one and all) I am a little scared of us myself sometimes...the thriving on chaotic energy can be a little trying at times, especially for my friends, since most scorps I have met (myself included) seem to subconciously cause chaos cause we feed on it. Not to mention, the damn sex thing, man...let me tell you, you have no idea how many times I have fucked myself over or done somethign stupid cause of my damn pussy...
Poor D.. (As in D's mariposa's D..) mari and I were online the other night IM ing and plotting and drinking special hot cocoa and haveing fun... He said next time I go over there he may need to call in reinforcements.. I told him we cannot help it because we are both scorpios and we thrive on chaos.. He was not convinced.
Don't know much about astrology, but here it goes ...

Domme: Leo
me: Pisces

From what little I know about astrology, we seem to fit our signs well (eg. She's extraverted, leader etc, I'm more introverted, quiet etc). I don't know anything about the whole air/fire/earth/water bit, though I imagine that Leo is fire and Pisces water.

Oh and I'm bi ... somebody earlier said that makes sense with Pisces, I'll take their word on it :D
hurtme said:
hmmm, a leo as a sub, bet he was fun to tame...

Quite so. He has his moments of rebellion that take extra effort to quell, but overall he's very well-behaved. He was a Dom for many years. I theorize that years as a Dom has given him an appreciation of my expectations. Since he remembers what he expected of his subs, he can take both sides into account and act accordingly. He's a beautiful, obedient boy. I'm so proud of him.

He lurks on the boards at different times. I notice he posted in the "how old are you" and "new faces" threads. He may post as he wishes, so perhaps he'll join in a little more.

Hello Baby! :kiss: :heart: :kiss:
TulaneCowboy said:
Quite so. He has his moments of rebellion that take extra effort to quell, but overall he's very well-behaved. He was a Dom for many years. I theorize that years as a Dom has given him an appreciation of my expectations. Since he remembers what he expected of his subs, he can take both sides into account and act accordingly. He's a beautiful, obedient boy. I'm so proud of him.

He lurks on the boards at different times. I notice he posted in the "how old are you" and "new faces" threads. He may post as he wishes, so perhaps he'll join in a little more.

Hello Baby! :kiss: :heart: :kiss:

hey Daddy :kiss: :kiss: love you so much Daddy. :heart: :heart:
Me, I'm a Leo. I don't know if that has anything to do with me being a Top or my bossy, stubborn and cattish nature. May be a coincidence, may not be.
I have a long drawn out history with leos, I am throughly attracted to their arrogant natures...and their haughty attitudes...I know this will sound egotistical, and I hope you all own't think being arrogant, but often it seems that they are the only type of people with strong enough will to give me any type of challange...i of course, I am generalizing, as not all leos fit the stereotype of a leo, but as I fit the stereotype of a scorpio almost to a t, I do tend to assume others do as well...although on a strange note, the first person to dominate me (instead of me dominating them) wasn't a leo......anyway, I have looked at my history with men, and out of every relationship I have had, casual or otherwise, 90% of them are leos, it is really strange, cause its not like I go to conventions or anything, I am just drawn to them...shutting up now, my thoughts aren't coherent, I just woke up...
I think I mostly fit into the stereotype. I'm lazy, despotic, arrogant, selfish, hot-tempered, stubborn, and yet, they say, truly loveable. People tend to be a bit tense at first with me, as I am very open. I sometimes let my barriers down right away with people that I feel are nice, but sometimes they are completely unprepared and bit scared.

Scratch me behind the ear, give me chocolate and pet me the right way, and you have a purring ally that will never leave you. Ignore my feelings, dare to thing you have the right to insult me or steal my spotlight and my delight and I'll claw your entrails out while humming "Bob the Builder"...
i'm a leo but only by a couple of days. we ain't so bad. ;) except for the driven to succeed, generous and faithful parts i never saw myself as a leo. i've always identified myself as a virgo. quiet, adaptable, service-minded, modest, shy, meticulous, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent, analytical, fussy, a worrier, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative. that's about me to a T. Daddy is an aquarius and boy this about sums Him up..... --He's the second type i italiczied

Aquarians basically possess strong and attractive personalities. They fall into two principle types: one shy, sensitive, gentle and patient; the other exuberant, lively and exhibitionist, sometimes hiding the considerable depths of their character under a cloak of frivolity. Both types are strong willed and forceful in their different ways and have strong convictions, though as they seek truth above all things, they are usually honest enough to change their opinions, however firmly held, if evidence comes to light which persuades them that they have been mistaken. They have a breadth of vision that brings diverse factors into a whole, and can see both sides of an argument without shilly-shallying as to which side to take. Consequently they are unprejudiced and tolerant of other points of view. This is because they can see the validity of the argument, even if they do not accept it themselves. They obey the Quaker exhortation to "Be open to truth, from whatever source it comes," and are prepared to learn from everyone.

Both types are humane, frank, serious minded, genial, refined, sometimes ethereal, and idealistic, though this last quality is tempered with a sensible practicality. They are quick, active and persevering without being self-assertive, and express themselves with reason, moderation and sometimes, a dry humor.

They are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical. Many are strongly imaginative and psychically intuitive, so that the Age of Aquarius, which is about to begin, is much anticipated by psychic circles as an age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening. The Aquarian philosophical and spiritual bent may be dangerous in that it can drive the subjects into an ivory-tower existence where they meditate on abstractions that bear little relevance to life. On the other hand it can help the many who have scientific leanings to combine these with the Aquarian yearning for the universal recognition of the brotherhood of man, and to embark on scientific research to fulfill their philanthropic ideals of benefiting mankind. When some cause or work of this nature inspires them, they are capable of such devotion to it that they may drive themselves to the point of exhaustion and even risk injuring their health.

Both types need to retire from the world at times and to become temporary loners. They appreciate opportunities for meditation or, if they are religious, of retreats. Even in company they are fiercely independent, refusing to follow the crowd. They dislike interference by others, however helpfully intended, and will accept it only on their own terms. Normally they have good taste in drama, music and art, and are also gifted in the arts, especially drama.

In spite of the often intensely magnetic, forthcoming and open personality of the more extrovert kind of Aquarian, and of their desire to help humanity, neither type makes friends easily. They sometimes appear to condescend to others and take too little trouble to cultivate the acquaintance of people who do not particularly appeal to them. They do not give themselves easily - perhaps their judgment of human nature is too good for that - and are sometimes accounted cold. But once they decide that someone is worthy of their friendship or love, they can exert an almost hypnotic and irresistible mental attraction on them and will themselves become tenacious friends or lovers, ready to sacrifice everything for their partners and be faithful to them for life. However, they are sometimes disappointed emotionally because their own high personal ideals cause them to demand more of others than is reasonable. And if they are deceived their anger is terrible. If disillusioned, they do not forgive.

Aquarians work best in group projects, provided that they are recognized as having a leading part in them. They have a feeling of unity with nature and a desire for knowledge and truth that makes them admirable scientists, especially astronomers and natural historians. They may excel in photography, radiography, electronics - anything connected with the electrical and radio industries - aviation and everything technical. On the arts and humanities side their progressive tendencies can be expressed in writing, especially poetry, and broadcasting, or as welfare workers and teachers. Some have gifts as entertainers and make good character actors (having an ability to mimic) and musicians. The more psychic among them possess healing gifts, especially in curing the mentally sick.

that's so damn close it coulda been written just for Him! yep thats my Daddy. :heart: :heart: :heart:
enigma nocturne said:
Poor D.. (As in D's mariposa's D..) mari and I were online the other night IM ing and plotting and drinking special hot cocoa and haveing fun... He said next time I go over there he may need to call in reinforcements.. I told him we cannot help it because we are both scorpios and we thrive on chaos.. He was not convinced.

He threatened to cut off the special cocoa supplies too. And we need a better cover story for the disappearing punkin pie. The aliens in the fridge thing didn't fly...
see, I think thats why i like leos so much...they walk into a room, and they are *there* they take up the whole space, they have the ability to posess everyone in the room, and they are so open...I am a very open person, and it freaks most people out, but not a leo. Even thoguh scorpios need attention too the reason I can get along with a leo is because I don't mind not having the spotlight, actually that is probably a good thing, cause I like to be a bit mysterious...but normally everyone knows that the leo might have the spotlight, but that is only because I haven't challanged him for it...:devil:
Likely no surprise to those that know me...I'm a Leo, and I fit the description puuuuuuurrrrrrrfectly.

In a book I have it says "The leo personality: 'Worship me'"
"Affectionate and generous, leos spread sunshine wherever they go. The Lion's flamboyant, dramatic zest for life is infectious. Leos ooze creativity and have much to teach about art, literature, film, fine cuisine (and on and on). they need to be recognized and admired. Lions get what they want. A few Leos take on the pussycat role. Don't be fooled. The fierce Lion lurks within every Leo. Go ahead and cross one. His roar is loud and frightening, his temper explosive. Fortunately for is subjects, the regal Lion rarely holds a grudge." (not the nicest wording but quite accurate)

From reading the many posts on Leos I agree with many other definitions. I tend to love the spotlight, be easygoing untill a line is cross then my eyes tend to ignite and smolder, especially when someone gets hurt. I do agree that Leos have a presence, you know when we are in a room, you can feel us. When we are sick or sad there is almost an absense of personality and of presence. Great Hostess/Host is another description I fit, come over and you will leave well fed, well served, happy and wanting to stay. Generosity although not limited to Leos defintely describe those that I know including myself (although a certain pisces I know can be very generous with his time... love you :kiss:)

Although there is atleast one Leo sub, I have a feeling that many more are Dom/mes. Has this been most people's experience?
I realize that there is one on this bored, but in r/l... I have never met a submissive leo in any context of the word...
the true sign

the one and only sign to be born under is the sign of Scorpio, we are with out a doubt the pinnacle of the zodiac chart, we rule with complete power, Scorpio's are forever
shhh....twista, we don't want anyone to think that, until its too late...:p
Wow, unless I've missed something I do believe I'm the only Taurus signing in with sub tendencies. But maybe that stubborn streak is the reason why I find TPE and immersion in the lifestyle not to my liking? Hmmmm....just...hmmmmm....
Okay I am new to Literotica.com, but I've always been kinda sexual also due to the fact I am into astrology this topic intrigued me so I decided to answer from my perspective. I am a cancer, my personality is a lot like my sign but I was wondering...how most people see Cancer's in bed? Is there a specific way to see them more as submissive or dominting? Can astrology tell any of this? I am just curious

While asking about astrology signs, what about the Chinese Zodiac? I'm a boar.

As far as western, I'm malignant. (Cancer) and Dom

Sub is Aquarius