Is it ok to.....


The next big thing!
Oct 9, 2024
It's the bright and shiny new thread which poses the question; IS IT OK TO.....??

Feel free to chime in with your own questions and provide feedback on your peers, as part of the IS IT OK TO? Jury...
Is it OK to... go on a twenty minute drive and see twenty or more women on the footpath during that time, and find yourself wanting each and every one 😉
Is that a yes or a no?
Context is required . If there was zero interaction and you followed them home o my to identify there they lived then that a bell to the naw . lol but if you were asked by her to follow her home because some weirdo at the gym was following her around and giving her the skeevies . Then yes is the correct answer
Is it OK to try to make friends here?
I agree absolutely! I’ve made some wonderful friends on here. I keep lit and my real life separate but that still doesn’t mean you can’t have great relationships on here. If you need or want some introductions to people please let me know.