What Made You Smile Today, v6

A house full of family. Sundays have become common visiting days now, but today there was 11 crammed in here. 😍 I will never not want family and friends here

Wonky came downstairs and told me he had gotten yet another look at what having a loving family was like.

I laughed and told him that at one point everyone in the room had lived here for different amounts of time except 1.
I just discovered my nephew had saved the life of a two year old child and told nobody, until he was nominated for an award when he had to. Nice to have a hero in the family.
All of them … and Shredder, too. I think i could probably still sketch how I did it but it was epic.
He loved it.
Look at you, secret artist!!! That's so fun! You should toot your own horn at big accomplishments like that!

This is psyching my up for more painting, which is making me smile! Empty sketchbooks, blank canvases, and a cleaned off arm and leg ready for action!