🍒🍓The Fucking Fruit Stand🍎🍑

I don't think so though. I am kind of a wuss. No tattoos, can't brave a bikini wax, epilator fucking hurts, ear piercing fucking hurt, Horse flies really fucking hurt, fire ants really fucking hurt. I am not into pain and wouldn't think I have a very high tolerance.
Oh well then maybe you're right and the Ginger there just isn't strong. That could be.
I don't think so though. I am kind of a wuss. No tattoos, can't brave a bikini wax, epilator fucking hurts, ear piercing fucking hurt, Horse flies really fucking hurt, fire ants really fucking hurt. I am not into pain and wouldn't think I have a very high tolerance.
Everyone is different in their tolerances. No tattoos here yet. Waxing ummm yeah. Fuck YEAH. Years ago I had a happy ending from getting my back wax. Got my tongue pierced years ago. Didn’t bother me at all. Either time.
Good Morning!
Cookies were mentioned?
Currently my go to cookie to make is a Brown Butter Chocolate Chip (Shards) Toffee Cookie 🍪

I was gonna say we need Wonka Vision so I can get that in my face but you might be too young to get the reference 🤭😂
Hahaha that I'm to young to have seen Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka and little Mike Tv getting shrunk and consequently stretched for trying to use Wonka Vision for teleportation. I also happen to have read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as a child.

There's other ways to get the cookie ;)