🎃 Halloween Candy Battle 🍬🍬 —- closed until 2025

Snickers ! After years of passing our candy before and after Halloween to HS math classes, hands down SNICKERS

Though.. with the peanuts ? The snickers probably shouldn’t have been in the room
Did peanut allergies exist 50 years ago?
Snickers ! After years of passing our candy before and after Halloween to HS math classes, hands down SNICKERS

Though.. with the peanuts ? The snickers probably shouldn’t have been in the room
Did peanut allergies exist 50 years ago?
No, i do not believe they did
Yeah … and it’s a PICK ONE ..

Cuz I apparently suck at counting dates and designing brackets cuz I’m not a sporty sports person and so just fucking deal with it and god damn pick ONE

Because you’re cool I will make an exception to the rules of brackets and pick Reese’s.

However the traditional purist in me would insist you finish the game properly and have the finals tomorrow. It’s the correct order of things. You shouldn’t fuck with that. Halloween is a season after all.