🎃 Halloween Candy Battle 🍬🍬 —- closed until 2025

TWIX? WTF is a Twix?

Settle down, Sparky!
I made cranberry sauce from scratch with fresh cranberries. My brother-in-law still insists on the canned. As in, it has to be can shaped, with the can lines on it.

I like the whole berry with crushed pineapple added... I know, I know.

I am not a huge fan of cranberry sauce in general. I did okay with mine, which was the whole berry version. I like pineapple, but I am not sure that I would put them together. But if you are serving it, Purple, I could be persuaded to try it.
There is a very big difference between jellied cranberry sauce (the kind that usually comes in a can), whole berry cranberry sauce (which can also come in a can, or be easily homemade by boiling whole cranberries and sugar), and cranberry chutney (which is usually made from whole cranberries boiled with other fruits and spices, sometimes alcohol). I like generally them all. A well-balanced cranberry chutney is a thing of beauty. That being said, it’s easy to ruin it by getting TOO creative with the ingredients. Orange zest and cinnamon? Fuck yes! Garlic and raisins? Straight to jail with you!
There is a very big difference between jellied cranberry sauce (the kind that usually comes in a can), whole berry cranberry sauce (which can also come in a can, or be easily homemade by boiling whole cranberries and sugar), and cranberry chutney (which is usually made from whole cranberries boiled with other fruits and spices, sometimes alcohol). I like generally them all. A well-balanced cranberry chutney is a thing of beauty. That being said, it’s easy to ruin it by getting TOO creative with the ingredients. Orange zest and cinnamon? Fuck yes! Garlic and raisins? Straight to jail with you!
My mom makes one that has my son begging for “red sauce” every year! A bag of cranberries, an orange and a cup of sugar. Simple but his favorite thing at Thanksgiving