🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 9: A song that mentions stars

This was one of the songs I found 20 years ago when I was using one of those limewire adjacent programs (I can’t remember exactly… I think I was using Ares?). I don’t even remember the details of how I would find these songs. Maybe I’d be searching something I liked and would come across other files? Anyway, I know there’s a handful of artists I found that way and this was one of them.
Simple. Sweet. Sad.

If you’ll be my star, I’ll be your sky

Gregory and The Hawk - Boats & Birds

Day 9: A song that mentions stars

Brilliant prompt.

This song...
This song and I met during a really hard time in my life. I learnt that dancing was a very effective way for me to manage stress. This song always got me to move. Moving my body helped me find glimmers of joy in the day to day. To this day, music and dance are a huge part of my life. I ALWAYS feel better after a dance party to some fun music.

I'm so grateful for this prompt because I hadn't heard this song in quite some time. I look forward to dancing to it again 🤩

Starlight - The Supermen Lovers
Day 9: A song that mentions stars

This was one of the songs I found 20 years ago when I was using one of those limewire adjacent programs (I can’t remember exactly… I think I was using Ares?). I don’t even remember the details of how I would find these songs. Maybe I’d be searching something I liked and would come across other files? Anyway, I know there’s a handful of artists I found that way and this was one of them.
Simple. Sweet. Sad.

If you’ll be my star, I’ll be your sky

Gregory and The Hawk - Boats & Birds

This is so good
I threw it into Spotify and the playlist that came from this is very Indie Love Songs and I'm kind of smitten.
Thank you for sharing 🥰
Day 10: A song that's tied to a time and place

the time - the mid to late 80's and the place was very dark.
Originally released as a single and ignored, but it was THE song for the fans who stuck with the band during the tough times of no record contract. They played live and supported themselves with merch sales... and they played this song. The crowd would often invade the stage and sit down. The band persevered and a new record label came along... there was some success and the corner was turned.
The end of the year and a tour, big venues, sold out and new fans, but the old ones remained. Brixton Academy and the crowd bayed for more. a friend turned to me, his first time seeing them live...
"what's left to play?"
I smiled and the crowd roared as the band came back...
This started and everyone sang it... then, in the middle, something happened... the crowd started sitting and soon the whole venue, which was rammed full, was down and the band looked out... stunned... and they stopped playing. The crowd carried on singing and the band stood and watched us.
The next gig was their big homecoming at Manchester and it happened again.
It was out way of sharing with the band, THAT song was OUR song. It unified us in those darkest hours, theirs and ours. That time was over, we had weathered the storm
"If i hadn't seen such riches I could live with being poor"

James - Sit Down
Day 10: A song that’s tied to a time and place

I've always loved this song but the first time I saw the video is what sticks with me 🤩 A friend and I were hanging out at her place when she shared this performance with me. I've been low-key obsessed ever since. Eartha Kitt is and always will be an icon.

I Want to Be Evil - Eartha Kitt