🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 17: A song that feels like spring

I'm thinking this a distinctly Canadian song that you need to be of a certain vintage to know, but if you can believe it this video was actually nominated for video is the year by Canada's equivalent to MTV. They had like two more low key singles and faded further into obscurity, but this guy still gets airplay up here... especially this time of year.

Holy crap. I forgot they existed. Thanks for the 30 year time warp!
Day 19: A song for driving with the windows down

I'm not a huge Springsteen fan, but if ever there was a song to blast with the windows down this is it!

Wendy let me, in I want to be your friend I want to guard your dreams and visions.
Just wrap your legs round these velvet rims and strap your hands cross my engines...

Day 19: A song for driving with the windows down

A reporter accused David Lee Roth of only writing songs about "women, partying, and fast cars". That made him think deeply about the issue, and David came to an epiphany:

He had never written a song about a fast car.

"Panama" changed that.

"Panama," Van Halen.

Day 19: A song for driving with the windows down

Today was one of those days. Everything seemed possible. It was warm. Everyone was outside.

I remember years ago having to drive across the Midwest and this song came on. It was a hot summer night. Windows were down and the volume was HIGH and the music was hella good.

Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

Hmmmm. This is a tough one. Been in a bad place most of the winter.

@morelikeasong I am sorry for your loss. But you are honoring your late friend by always remembering them with yourself and with us. 🫂

Johnny Thunder - I’m Alive

This is a poem I wrote a few weeks ago.

Suicide Road

I drove home
On suicide road

I shoulda known better

Over time
I proved I could do it
Over and over

The night was approaching
A broken February orange sunset
Off to my left
Striated clouds
Slate gray
Between orange and the blue of night

Intersecting with the dying color
Of farm field after farm field

An Ocean Between Us by
The War on Drugs was playing
Gentle on my ears
And tranquil on my soul

A perfect soundtrack
To live by

I’d beaten it again
Thank you for sharing that, and for showing up every day 💛 glad you’re here.
Day 19: A song for driving with the windows down

Thank you every who reached out to me from my post yesterday, here and in PM. It felt like a big hug. Thanks for letting me be vulnerable for a minute.

She and I used to drive around aimlessly, listening to music allll the time. Sometimes our mixes, a lot of time just the radio. We both loved to blast this song. And I still know all the words to it. Maybe for the next drunken karaoke.

T.I. - Live Your Life (Ft Rhianna)

Day 20: A song from a movie you liked as a child

Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root (from Matilda)

We were a BIG musicals and Disney family, so I was trying to challenge myself to think outside of those movies. First one that came to mind? Matilda. Such a good movie with such great music.

This song is still a feel good song for me, probably because of the use of it for this scene in this movie. It's not the full song, but it's enough to give you those good feels.

(Song starts at 2:16 mark)

(Ok ok, for those that just want the song, here it is)
Day 20: A song from a movie you liked as a child

Cheating a little bit cos it's not midnight here yet, sorry 😬 I can't risk losing the one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies to this day. I was completely obsessed with Anastasia, like to an arguably unhealthy extent. Also I think it's worth mentioning that the voice actor singing this also voices Winnie the Pooh. And that's what you call range 😂

In The Dark Of The Night - Jim Cummings