🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

You Will Be Found - Dear Evan Hansen (West End cast)

This is a contemporary musical that is a favorite of mine (not the movie. We don't talk about the movie) because they don't just touch on mental health, it's the sole focus of the show. Social anxiety, depression, projecting, repression, masking, etc. So many songs from this show hit home in a lot of ways.

But, for @morelikeasong this number was chosen for the uplifting message of reminding us all that matter what is going on in our lives, how hard it is, how badly it hurts, how much it sucks... we don't stay in all of that darkness forever. I don't know why you needed positive mental health songs today, but I hope you find some in the ones people have posted that speak to you and what you need today 🫂❤️

Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

Christ, even this song is over a decade old. To me, this song has always been about putting one foot in front of the other and doing what you can to forge ahead. My own experience with trauma and grief has been that the only way is *through* it. And I think this song conveys that well. To me, it's always resonated in a 'your experience is more common than you think' way, and that's uplifting in its own way.

Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

I lost someone really dear to me to heroin, 7 years ago today. I typed up a whole thing about it and I keep going back and forth about sharing it. It was a little cathartic to type it. It might be even more cathartic to toss it out into the void, so I’m going to link the 3 screenshots of it at the bottom of this post for anyone in the mood to read a sad story. But please just skip it if you aren’t. I just want to feel like I said it, that’s all.

This is what’s important:

You’re not alone.

Saosin - You’re Not Alone

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Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

I lost someone really dear to me to heroin, 7 years ago today. I typed up a whole thing about it and I keep going back and forth about sharing it. It was a little cathartic to type it. It might be even more cathartic to toss it out into the void, so I’m going to link the 3 screenshots of it at the bottom of this post for anyone in the mood to read a sad story. But please just skip it if you aren’t. I just want to feel like I said it, that’s all.

This is what’s important:

You’re not alone.

Saosin - You’re Not Alone

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Grief is a motherfucker. Anniversaries are a bitch. Missing your friends is the hardest.
Thinking of your friend today. Thank you for sharing about her. 🖤🖤
Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

I lost someone really dear to me to heroin, 7 years ago today. I typed up a whole thing about it and I keep going back and forth about sharing it. It was a little cathartic to type it. It might be even more cathartic to toss it out into the void, so I’m going to link the 3 screenshots of it at the bottom of this post for anyone in the mood to read a sad story. But please just skip it if you aren’t. I just want to feel like I said it, that’s all.

This is what’s important:

You’re not alone.

Saosin - You’re Not Alone

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Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

I lost someone really dear to me to heroin, 7 years ago today. I typed up a whole thing about it and I keep going back and forth about sharing it. It was a little cathartic to type it. It might be even more cathartic to toss it out into the void, so I’m going to link the 3 screenshots of it at the bottom of this post for anyone in the mood to read a sad story. But please just skip it if you aren’t. I just want to feel like I said it, that’s all.

This is what’s important:

You’re not alone.

Saosin - You’re Not Alone

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I'm sorry. Sending you some extra love and light today 🫂
Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

I've been struggling more than usual lately so I'm fresh out of positive messages about mental health, even in musical form. The lyrics could be a total vibe, I wouldn't know because I've never put them through Google translate and I don't speak more than 5 words of Portuguese. But it's a mood booster and that's what I'm looking for today and every day.

Trompa - Sofi Tukker x Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano
Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

Too much time on my hands, I got you on my mind
Can't ease this pain so easily
When you can't find the words to say, hard to make it through another day
And it makes me wanna cry, throw my hands up to the sky

So understand
Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years
Face up, make your stand
Realize you're living in the golden years

Iron Maiden - Wasted Years

Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

I don't mean for this to be a flippant addition to the library on mental health or depression, as I know there are many here who suffer greatly. I have been lucky enough to have never suffered from clinical depression. I don't know if that's a good thing, or a lack of self-awareness but it is what it is, and I'll take it. The only thing I know is this song is a cheerful little ditty that always seems to put a smile on my face.

Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

Andy Burrows and Matt Haig - Handle with Care

Matt Haig had written extensively about his breakdown that he had when he was 24. He teamed up with Andy Burrows for this album, and this is a lovely song.

when you feel lost, I will find you there
you can be sure I will handle with care
Day 18: A Song With An Uplifting Effect On Or a Positive Message About Mental Health

Stronger Than That - Bahamas

And I know, you're afraid of falling flat
And I know, those walls are up against your back
And I know, there are those who'd see ya crack
But I know that you're stronger than that

If you're feelin bad, wave your hand at a cab
And hitch a ride to the other side of the town
I'd be standin there to pay the taxi's fare
And lend an ear, dry the tear of a friend who's down

Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

Hmmmm. This is a tough one. Been in a bad place most of the winter.

@morelikeasong I am sorry for your loss. But you are honoring your late friend by always remembering them with yourself and with us. 🫂

Johnny Thunder - I’m Alive

This is a poem I wrote a few weeks ago.

Suicide Road

I drove home
On suicide road

I shoulda known better

Over time
I proved I could do it
Over and over

The night was approaching
A broken February orange sunset
Off to my left
Striated clouds
Slate gray
Between orange and the blue of night

Intersecting with the dying color
Of farm field after farm field

An Ocean Between Us by
The War on Drugs was playing
Gentle on my ears
And tranquil on my soul

A perfect soundtrack
To live by

I’d beaten it again
Day 18: A song with an uplifting effect on or a positive message about mental health

I lost someone really dear to me to heroin, 7 years ago today. I typed up a whole thing about it and I keep going back and forth about sharing it. It was a little cathartic to type it. It might be even more cathartic to toss it out into the void, so I’m going to link the 3 screenshots of it at the bottom of this post for anyone in the mood to read a sad story. But please just skip it if you aren’t. I just want to feel like I said it, that’s all.

This is what’s important:

You’re not alone.

Saosin - You’re Not Alone

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Maybe the greatest song ever written.