🏡PLP's Bazaar of the Bizarre: A Study Hall for the Deviant and Delightful

Now speaking of school, I think everyone loved school supply shopping when they were younger.

What was your favorite thing to shop for?
My newest Lisa Frank trapper keeper of course!

I'm so happy to see you back PLP. I was sad when I realized you left. 🥰
Oh I just remembered when I was in my calligraphy phase and insisted on using a fountain pen to do all my work. The ink cartridges leaked constantly but I needed to suffer for my art 🤦🏻‍♀️
Pilot G2 1.0 are the elite pen. It's just a fact. 🤷‍♀️

But Trapper Keepers!!

And those 3ring binders that have the clear front cover. I would always use my middle school graphic design skills to customize my notebooks.
Ok what are Trapper Keepers?
they were stylish, fancy, relatively expensive notebooks to hold your folders and loose leaf paper back in the 80s and 90s. all the cool kids had them. i had a single mom, so we couldn't afford one every year, but i loved going to the school supply section when she took us to walmart or target or kmart and trying to find the perfect trapper keeper.
they were stylish, fancy, relatively expensive notebooks to hold your folders and loose leaf paper back in the 80s and 90s. all the cool kids had them. i had a single mom, so we couldn't afford one every year, but i loved going to the school supply section when she took us to walmart or target or kmart and trying to find the perfect trapper keeper.
I can tell just by the graphics on the covers that I would definitely have wanted one
Pilot G2 1.0 are the elite pen. It's just a fact. 🤷‍♀️

But Trapper Keepers!!

And those 3ring binders that have the clear front cover. I would always use my middle school graphic design skills to customize my notebooks.
Did you ever use brown or white paper to cover school books? We did that and drew all over them.
My dad always took on brown grocery bag covering of text books like he was using them as an application to architecture college. They were precision cut with exacto knives and precisely taped.
<yawn> Morning darling perverts!

Where are my dream interpreters? I've got a doozy for you!

Briefly - I showed up to work in my pajamas (pj shirts, tank top, no bra) pushing a brand new file cabinet into my office. I realized I wasn't dressed for work and opened my fine cabinet only to find extremely formal clothes which I ended up wearing the rest of the day.

<yawn> Morning darling perverts!

Where are my dream interpreters? I've got a doozy for you!

Briefly - I showed up to work in my pajamas (pj shirts, tank top, no bra) pushing a brand new file cabinet into my office. I realized I wasn't dressed for work and opened my fine cabinet only to find extremely formal clothes which I ended up wearing the rest of the day.

There is change in your future... maybe? 🤷‍♂️
<yawn> Morning darling perverts!

Where are my dream interpreters? I've got a doozy for you!

Briefly - I showed up to work in my pajamas (pj shirts, tank top, no bra) pushing a brand new file cabinet into my office. I realized I wasn't dressed for work and opened my fine cabinet only to find extremely formal clothes which I ended up wearing the rest of the day.

What was supposed to be a simple and casual day at work is going to turn into something grand and elegant after the heavy lifting work has been completed. You’ll celebrate with dancing!
<yawn> Morning darling perverts!

Where are my dream interpreters? I've got a doozy for you!

Briefly - I showed up to work in my pajamas (pj shirts, tank top, no bra) pushing a brand new file cabinet into my office. I realized I wasn't dressed for work and opened my fine cabinet only to find extremely formal clothes which I ended up wearing the rest of the day.

Sounds like you’re feeling vulnerable about a new job, but all you have to do is unpack all the tools you have waiting for you.
<yawn> Morning darling perverts!

Where are my dream interpreters? I've got a doozy for you!

Briefly - I showed up to work in my pajamas (pj shirts, tank top, no bra) pushing a brand new file cabinet into my office. I realized I wasn't dressed for work and opened my fine cabinet only to find extremely formal clothes which I ended up wearing the rest of the day.

Sounds like your current job, which requires actual clothes, is dull drudgery and you're desiring something with a little more glitz and glamor. Something that doesn't involve moving file cabinets around. And being under-dressed suggests you might be feeling anxious or unprepared for something. And maybe the formal clothes suggest your solution to being under-prepared is to over-prepare?