📚 The Pretty Words and Poetry Dump 📚

I am so happy in your happiness. To you happiness is a form of freedom, and of all the people I know, you should be the freest. Surely you have earned this happiness and this freedom. Life cannot be but kind and sweet to you. You have been so sweet and kind to life.
—Kahlil Gibran to Mary Haskell
People are always longing for someone to help them realize their best selves, to understand their hidden self, to believe in them and demand their best. When we can do this for people, we ought not to withhold it. We ought not to be just an ear to them.
—Mary Haskell’s Journal
When I am a stranger in a large city, I like to sleep in different rooms, eat in different places, walk through unknown streets, and watch the unknown people who pass. I love to be the solitary traveller!
——Khalil Gibran.